Part two- Chapter 29
“Karma comes after everyone
eventually. You can’t get away
with screwing people over
your whole life, I don’t care
who you are. What goes
around comes around. That’s
how it works. Sooner or later
the universe will serve you
the revenge that you deserve.”
-Jessica Brody
“What?” Granel and Tyson said together, however Granel’s voice was louder.
“You heard me” I said through gritted teeth. Aunt Isadora is the next Alpha and I am sure of it.
“Told you, the girl will die” Leo said gleefully and I glared at the rogue. “She is going to kill the girl”
“Mom” Granel whispered in shock. My gaze fell on Sel, who looked lost in her thoughts. “It can’t be” Granel said shaking his head.
“It is. I did one important mistake when it came to O.” I said with a small smirk.
“And what is it?” he asked me.
“I thought O was a guy and never once considered O to be a girl. I never repeat my mistake, which is why when I was told about the next Alpha, I assumed it to be a woman too” I said shrugging.
“No, it can’t be” Granel said.
“It is. Your mommy is involved” Leo said and let out a small chuckle. Why is he still alive? “In fact, she is the master mind behind all this” he said and five heads turned to face him. There was a murderous growl from Cortez after hearing his words.
“The four plus one?” Tyson asked.
“Ignore the plus one, that Alpha was fooled and so were others. She wanted us to destroy Elegance Pack. She wanted us to kill the gifted kids. She wanted this to happen. She is a manipulative bitch” Leo said with a grin. “She even manipulated O” he said grinning at Sel.
“Sel?” I asked her, my heart hammering in my chest.
“She tried” Sel said calmly and I furrowed my brows. “Granel did you ask your mom to come to my pack?” Sel asked him and Granel shook his head.
“I told her to go to comfort Raven and Brenda” he said and I growled.
“She is in your house?” Tyson asked with a small frown. “Along with Vanessa, that explains Tyler’s pain” he said.
“Tit for tat” Sel said and I looked at her, confused. “That’s what Darya meant when she said, she shouldn’t be so compassionate. It isn’t good for her health.” Sel muttered and I stared at her in bewilderment. “We have to leave now.” Sel said walking towards her car.
“What about this?” Tyson asked pointing at Leo.
“I’ll kill him just like he killed my dad” Cortez snarled and then within seconds he had ripped apart Leo’s body.
“Where is Darya?” I asked her as we were walking towards her car. Cortez and Granel were behind along with Tyson. By the looks of it, Granel still didn’t believe us, because he had a frown in his face.
“Isadora… she actually asked me to go after you. She was talking right next to my ears, playing with my mind. I sat in the car and decided to take Darya with me too because, I couldn’t leave her. When I connected with Darya, she asked me to go because you are being purposely attacked. That is when it clicked to me. You are being attacked so that I could feel the pain. They know I am O and initially I thought they wanted me… but this has never been about O. This has always been about killing the gifted pups and then it didn’t take me long to figure it was Isadora because she was the one, who wanted me to go, so that she could easily attack Darya. And now, Isadora has already taken Darya with her.” she said opening the driver door.
“Where do you think Isadora will be?” Tyson asked Sel, who was driving insanely fast.
“I don’t know. I’ve lost the mind-link with Darya as soon as Isadora attacked her.”
“Then how are we going to know where she is?” I spat.
“All Darya has to do is call me” Sel said calmly. “My guess, Isadora will either be in the place where they killed Orion or in her pack.” she said grinding her teath. I turned to look at Cortez and Granel who were in another car behind us.
My heart was beating faster. I wouldn’t hesitate in killing Aunt Isadora if she harms Darya, even the slightest bit. My wolf was pacing inside me. He was protective of his sister, mainly because he knows how risky her life is.
“How did you know it was Isadora?” Tyson asked me.
“There was only photocopies in my dad’s file and Sel had also said you guys found the same with Herrick and your dad” I said and Tyson nodded. “A few weeks ago Aunt Isadora had shown me a file about Remy. It was an original one” I said. “That was the first clue I got against her. When Sel narrated me the story, she told me that all the Alpha’s used to recognize Granel” I said.
“No wonder” Tyson said. “They were shocked to see her son involved. I still can’t believe she is the mastermind.” He continued.
“I didn’t know she is the master mind” I said honestly. I was surprised to hear Leo say it. “But the main question here is why she wanted Elegance Pack destroyed?”
Sel stopped the car immediately and I frowned at her.
“Why did you stop the car?” I asked her. I needed to get to Darya soon.
“It’s Darya. She is calling me” Sel said and got out of the car. I turned to look at Tyson who too opened the back seat door.
“Trust her in this” he said looking at me. I got out of the car and looked at Sel who had her eyes closed.
She then turned to her left and began running. Granel and Cortez too had got out from their car and were staring at Sel.
“Let’s go” Cortez said following Sel. I followed after Sel who was running incredibly faster than us. Within no time, I was running beside her. I turned to look at Sel, whose eyes had turned gold and I knew her wolf was in bay.
We were running in a barren land. The place had no trees, plants or anything. There were cracks on the ground and it looked like we were in some drought afflicted area.
Sel stopped all of a sudden and so did we when we caught the sight in front of us. Right in front of us was the proof that Isadora Hampton was involved.
Darya’s hands and legs were clamped by a metal cuff. She had caught Darya’s blond hair in a tight grip and was about to stab Darya in the heart.
Growling, I took a step closer which caught Isadora’s attention. She turned to look at all of us. Her gaze on each of us before it settled on Granel.
Darya too looked at us and a faint smile formed in her face even with of the tears in her eyes. I noticed that Darya’s cheeks were reddened and she had blood oozing from the corner of her head and lips. Isadora had hit my sister. I growled nastily as saw that.
“Mom” Granel yelled.
I looked at Isadora who looked nothing like the woman, I used to know. She looked ferocious. Her dark eyes were the same color as her hair. She looked so mean and vile at that moment, that I wondered how she camouflaged it from us all these years.
“Leave Darya now” I snarled.
“Granel” she said her eyes widening with fear.
“Drop that knife now” Granel said taking a step towards her.
“You are with her?” Isadora asked Granel, shock clear in her tone.
“I am” Granel said. “Let Darya go” he said to her.
“My own son” she muttered lowering her lashes. “You…. you were involved in killing the others?” she asked him.
“Yes.” Granel said with a growl. “Drop that knife and let us talk” he said grinding his even teeth. All of us were silent because we knew Isadora will only listen to Granel in this situation.
“No” Isadora said all of a sudden.
“I said let Darya go” Granel snarled.
“I have to kill her or else she will kill me” Isadora said.
“Stop it.” Granel shouted. “Stop all this. Why did you do all this? What did you gain out of this? Why the destruction of Elegance Pack?” he asked her, his voice croaky.
“Revenge. It was my revenge with Victor” she said and Cortez growled.
“What did my dad ever do to you?” Cortez snarled at her. His voice made Isadora flinch, however she didn’t loosen her hold on Darya’s hair, in fact she tightened it making Darya wince. Sel and I growled when we saw that.
“Dad?” Isadora asked in shock. Looking at her holding Darya made me loose the least bit of respect I had for her.
“Your ‘Executioners’ didn’t kill everyone that day” Cortez spat.
“No. Victor’s son…” she said.
“Is alive” Tyson finished.
Isadora looked taken aback and she swallowed loudly after hearing what Tyson said. She looked at Cortez and her eyes turned a shade darker.
“Now, tell me, why you did this? What revenge?” Granel asked her. I felt bad for Granel, real bad. He had been helping Cortez from the first day because he knew what happened with Cortez’s pack was wrong, but never had he imagined his mom to be the brain behind all of this.
“Victor rejected me. Twice” she spat, hate clear in her tone.