Part two- Chapter 30

The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family.

-Lee Iacocca


I groaned when the harsh rays of the sun light, filtering through the curtains, hit my face. Sitting up on the bed, I tossed back the duvet and stared at Orseline’s sleeping form beside me.

She was lying on her stomach, her dark hair was spread all around the pillow and the duvet was loosely draped on her waist.

I was glad that she was sleeping now, because ever since we returned home, after Isadora’s death, Sel has been crying non-stop. I knew what she had heard about her father bothered her, but looking at her crying every time bothered me.

Nothing I did calmed her which only made my wolf more anxious inside me.

I hated seeing her like this. It is very unlike Sel, to stay silent and not initiate a conversation.

She wanted us to go back to her pack yesterday but I refused. Considering the state of mind, she was in yesterday, I knew she would go and attack her father with the questions. I didn’t want that since I knew it would only hurt her more.

I had asked Tyson to dig Frank’s office and find out something that would help us. So far, he has not called and informed anything.

I just hope this time the goddess actually hears my prayers.

Running a hand through my hair, I got up from the bed and walked towards the window. Holding the ledge of the ceiling, I stared at the closed window of the next house.

I inhaled deeply and frowned when I couldn’t sense Darya’s presence in her room. It was then I realized that Darya stayed with us last night.

I had assigned four guards for Darya yesterday evening. Those guards are to be there with her whenever she goes out of the house, to her school, shopping, anything. They are meant to accompany her. I don’t care if she needs guards or not because she will have to keep them. I don’t want her in any danger.

I am even planning on asking her to complete the rest of her education by being homeschooled. It would be good for her and even will keep her away from the possible danger.

The possible danger, being that pup.

I can never erase the image of that pup bathing in Peter’s blood. That was plain cruel and insane. He looked barely fifteen and is practicing such horrific rituals.

I had not seen his face clearly, considering how he was covered in blood but I knew that pup would grow to become a strong wolf one day. If he is capable of killing an Alpha even before he is fifteen, then it only shows how strong he is.

My cell phone ringing, snapped me out of my thoughts.

When I saw that it was from Tyson, I walked out of the room and answered the call only after closing the room door.

“Did you get anything?” I asked him as soon as I answered. I didn’t bother with the pleasantries.

“No. Nothing. He is clean” Tyson said and I furrowed my brows.

“Then how did she…?” I trailed off. It was confusing me as to why Isadora blamed her dad.

“She might have been trying to play with us, for all I know. But I have checked his office and it is one hundred percent clean” he said.

“What about his room?” I asked him. I wanted Tyson to check his room too since I found my dad’s file in his room.

“Uh… I have never entered their room and only Sel has better access to it” he said and I sighed.

“Fine” I said.

“What do we do next?” he asked me.

“We confront him” I said.

There was a lengthy pause before Tyson spoke again. “You have to be here soon. Uncle and Aunt are going on a long vacation this weekend.” He said.

“We will be there tomorrow morning” I said and cut the call.

“Hey Sel, give me tips on how to irritate your guards” Darya asked Sel who was pretending to watch T.V. The T.V was on but her but thoughts were somewhere else.

I was sitting in the dining table and working on my laptop. I didn’t want to leave Sel alone. She had been crying all morning and even insisted that I take her to meet her pa. When I refused, she went to call her pa. However, I had already hid her cell phone and after yelling at me for a good hour, she was now sitting and pretending to watch a movie.

“Sel” Darya called her again when there was no response from her. Jane was still in the Regal Pack and hence Darya was staying with us, in our home.

Darya looked at me and frowned. ‘It’s not working’ she told me through the link and I sighed.

‘Ask her to teach you to cook’ I told her. I just wanted Sel’s mind to be diverted from her pa’s topic.

‘But she doesn’t kn-‘

‘I know’ I said cutting Darya off. I knew very well that Sel doesn’t know cooking.

‘Okay’ Darya said and then looked at Sel.

“Hey Sel, can you teach me how to cook?” she asked Sel and that finally got a reaction from Sel.

“Tell your brother to return my cell phone and then I will teach you how to cook” she said getting up from the couch and then went upstairs, closing the door behind her. I groaned while Darya sighed.

When I got no reply after knocking my room door, I pushed it open and peeked inside to see Sel sitting on the window ledge. Walking in, I closed the door behind me.

Sel showed no response even after sensing my presence. I walked closer and flinched when I saw the tears in her eyes. Running a hand through my hair, I pulled out her cell phone and extended it to her.

She made no move to take it from me, instead stared at it and then at me.

“Take it” I told her and she slowly took it from my hand. “I am sorry” I told her and she looked away. I leaned near the wall next to the window and then spoke again, “We are going to your pa’s pack tomorrow morning”

That earned me a reaction because Sel looked at me. “Why not today?” she asked me.

“I had asked Tyson to check your dad’s office and so far he has not found a single clue against your dad” I said. “Now, the only solution left with us is to directly confront him, however I called Cortez and Granel who can’t come with us today. So we all are going tomorrow” I said and Sel nodded.

“How is Granel’s pack taking everything?” Sel asked me and I sighed.

“Not good. They know it is O” I said to her and Sel nodded. I hated the fact that only her name came out when we all are involved but guess it is meant to happen that way itself. “They don’t know what Isadora has done with the Elegance Pack and so they think good of her and I asked Granel not to change their image about her either” I said to her and nodded.

It was also the reason why I didn’t tell anyone from my pack that my dad was involved in the attacks of Elegance Pack. No one other than James, know the truth about my dad, in my pack.

“You okay?” I asked her tucking a strand of her hair behind her ears. Sel nodded and then gave me a weak smile. “For all I know, your dad might not be involved in this. By now you should know that Aunt Isa was cunning and manipulative. She might have lied to create a rift between us.” I said to her and hoping with everything in me that it was true.

“Let’s hope he is not involved” she murmured and then hugged me.

“Little bear” her ma said as soon as she saw Sel getting out of the car. “What a surprise” she said and then went to hug her.

Cortez and Granel who were following us too got out from their cars. Granel looked like he had passed through a storm and I felt bad for him. His mom loved him a lot but what she did to Elegance Pack and other kids wasn’t fair.

She couldn’t take no as an answer and that is what caused all this. It was wrong and Granel knew it too. I think what hurt Granel more was that Isadora gave birth to him, just because she wanted to be the Luna.

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