Part two- Chapter 2

“ I wasn't in love with her. And

she didn't love me. For me the

question of love was

irrelevant. What I sought was

the sense of being tossed about

by some raging, savage force,

in the midst of which lay

something absolutely crucial. I

had no idea what that was.

But I wanted to thrust my

hand right inside her body

and touch it, whatever it was.”

Haruki Murakami, South of the

Border, West of the Sun


“She must be a cousin sister” I said calmly but Mike shook his head.

“The pups didn’t say it like that. They said she was named after her mother, the former Luna.” I shook my head in confusion. I barely know anything about the former Luna of Emperor Pack, however I knew that the current one was the daughter of Alpha Frank Norwood of Regal Pack. It is because of his mate, that Duncan has good ties with Grier and Regal Pack, whose Alpha’s are her cousin’s.

“Duncan has a sister?” Nevin asked in disbelief. “Why aren’t we aware of this?”

“He said he is not sure” I pointed out.

“Duncan’s sister?” Quinn said and then frowned, “Na…. she doesn’t look like Duncan” he said and I gave him a blank look. “I mean, they are not similar to look at all.”

“And when have you met Duncan Rhoades?” I asked cocking an eyebrow and Quinn had the grace to blush.

“I just presumed” he said grinning and I rolled my eyes. “Whatever, did you see Clay? He didn’t pay me yet” with that said Quinn was gone.

“But where did this sister come from all of a sudden?” Nevin asked still startled by that information. “I thought Duncan was an only child.”

“I doubt it’s true. Maybe Alpha Duncan just treats her like a sister” Mike prompted.

“I don’t care if she is his sister or not. I just want her to apologize to Quinn” I stated with a growl. “What she did was wrong.” Someone needs to teach that girl her place. She cannot disrespect an Alpha Blood like that.

And what if she is, like Mike said, an Alpha blood too? My wolf mused but I chose to ignore him.

“Find her and bring her here” I commanded.

“Or even better let’s narrate the incident to Duncan and ask him to make the girl apologize” Harvey said and we all turned to look at him.

“Duncan will never agree to that” Nevin piped in.

“He has to. A girl from his pack disrespected an Alpha blood” I snarled. “I thought the pack was in a silent agreement of minding their own business, but this is no way to treat an Alpha heir. Sending him like a gift…. If they want a fight then fight is what they will get” I said through gritted teeth.

“Then I think, now is a better time” Harvey remarked and I looked at him questioningly. “Duncan and his family are having a picnic near the lake.”

I smirked when I heard that. “His little boy is there?” I asked.

“And his mate” Harvey confirmed. Let’s see how Duncan will react if I threaten to send his son inside a trunk.

Thirty minutes later, I parked my car near the road and headed towards the lake with Nevin and Harvery.

When I reached there, I heard chuckling sounds of a child, who without doubt was the Alpha heir of Emperor Pack. And there they were, father and son, playing ball at the shallow end of the lake. The Luna, was sitting at the bank of the lake and reading a book. They were indeed having a picnic.

“Mama, look” the little boy called his mother, in excitement. “I caught the ball” he said flaying his hands in the air.

“I saw it baby” the Luna said with a grin. However, her grin faded and I knew she caught our scent. She slowly raised her lashes and soon chocolate brown irises collided with my dark ones. Her face gave nothing away and it was surprising to watch it. She was neither shocked nor scared to see me standing on the opposite bank of the lake.

“Ready Lorcan?” Duncan asked his son who nodded enthusiastically. However, Duncan didn’t throw the ball because by then he too sensed my presence. A loud growl, escaped from Duncan’s chest and soon his eyes turned black.

Placing my hands inside my pocket, I took a step forward. “Get dressed. We need to have a talk about respecting other pack members” I said to Duncan Rhoades.

“Lorcan” the Luna called, holding her hand out for her son to take. However Lorcan was staring at me with curious little grey eyes, which were just like his father’s.

Duncan carried his son towards the bank, where the Luna immediately held his hand and covered him from my view, but the curious little boy still peeped from behind his mother’s back. “Keep quiet baby” she whispered softly.

Duncan stood beside his mate and looked at me questioningly, “You better have a good reason to bring out that topic Sanders” Duncan warned me.

“Oh yes, I do. A she-wolf from your pack, sent me a gift yesterday” I said with a growl and Duncan merely cocked an eyebrow. He didn’t know. He didn’t know what his pack members had done. Now I would feel bad if I threaten to send his son like that.

“Well, if she foolish enough to do that by having a girly crush on you then I think I should tell her that there are better choices around” he said with a smirk. He was baiting me but I would never, ever take such silly bait.

I had learnt even before I was a teenager that woman found my looks appealing. I had had women going through extraordinary lengths to draw my attention. I was not insecure and I didn’t lack in self-esteem.

“The gift was from your sister, Rhoades” I said with a smirk and Duncan growled savagely. He didn’t deny that he had a sister, instead his expression turned into one of anger when I said that. So Darya is indeed his sister.

“What was her name?” I asked pretending to have forgotten it.

“Darya” Nevin supplied with a grin.

At the mention of that name, there was a change in Luna’s expression. Until now, she seemed uninterested in our little chat and was soothing her son, but once Nevin said the name, she looked at me and her brown eyes turned gold.

“Exactly, what gift did she send you?” the Luna demanded, raising one perfect brow. “I am sure if it had been roses, you wouldn’t have bothered so much” she said and the smirk from my face got wiped off.

She was smart! She was bloody fucking smart! I admitted grudgingly.

When there was no reply from me, she sighed dramatically, “Let me guess, she hit someone from your pack?”

“My brother” I said through gritted teeth and the Luna raised her brows.

“Quinton?” Duncan asked amused and I narrowed my eyes. “So he was the boy Darya was talking about last night” Duncan said to his mate in a barely audible voice.

“Q” I heard Quinn calling and I saw him rushing towards me. “What are you doing? There’s no need for all this” he said shaking his head.

“There is. I will not tolerate that kind of disrespect of my pack members, from the Emperor’s or any other wolves for that matter” I ground out furiously. “Call Darya and ask her to come here immediately” I snarled glaring at Duncan.

As soon as I finished talking, a she-wolf came out from beneath the surface of the water. Slowly, seductively and sexily, she rose up.

Everyone from my pack looked at the she-wolf who was almost close to the middle of the lake. I have been standing here for nearly ten minutes and she had been under the surface for that long?

The she-wolf, who was clad only in a pink bikini, had her back to me. Her elbow length golden hair was wet. The water dripping from the ends of hair, gently rolled down on the sleek, creamy skin of her fabulous body.

I wanted to trail my tongue there and… I immediately stiffened.

Lust! That was lust and it was coming from me.

I shouldn’t be lusting after an enemy. Without doubt, this she-wolf belonged to Emperor Pack.

However my wolf argued and I frowned. It was the first time, he was behaving like this. What’s gotten into him?

I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I watched as she slowly made her way towards the other side of the lake. I watched how her fingers were mildly running over the surface of the water. Her hips swayed slightly when she walked. She had an astonishing figure and I had this urge to see her face. Her body below her hips was concealed under the surface of water, but I knew she had fine legs.

This she-wolf was hot! Really hot! That is why my wolf was behaving like this.

“Daroo” Lorcan, said happily, but before the little boy could run towards the she-wolf, the Luna held his arms and stopped him. Daroo? It has to be a nickname.

I watched as the she-wolf stopped mid-way and extending her arms, caught the neon pink towel that the Luna threw for her. Spreading the towel, she threw it over her shoulder and loosely draped it around her, like a wrap. My wolf purred when he saw the drops of water on her shoulders and I wanted to place my mouth and suck it.


My wolf closed his eyes, on his own accord and inhaled deeply. I did the same and soon exquisite flowery scents hit me that had my wolf howling happily.


Yes. My wolf argued. I want her.

No fucking way. He cannot lust after an enemy.

“Take your eyes off her Sanders” Duncan roared bringing me out of my thoughts. With great difficulty, I tore my gaze away from the she-wolf and focused it on Duncan. “Or you will be picking them from the ground” he added glaring at me.

It was then I noticed the fighters of Emperor Pack standing behind Duncan and his mate.

Our number increased too when Ram, Clay and Isaac joined us. They were all standing behind me.

The thought of those fighters watching the she-wolf, when she was only wearing her bikini, made my wolf furious, however I pushed him back with all my might. I didn’t want his tantrums now. Besides, she had herself covered with the fluffy towel, I reasoned.

“I am not interested in her” Lie. A big fat lie. “I want the girl who hit my brother to come here and apologize to him.”

“Q, it doesn’t real-” Quinn stopped talking when he saw my glare.

Quinn could have died through suffocation in there and that thought made my wolf furious. “I want you to call your foolish sister who had the nerve to send my brother to me in a trunk” I snarled at Duncan.

When I was finished, there was a loud growl and I was shocked to see it coming from the she-wolf.

She was clutching the towel, near her chest, with one hand and had formed a fist with the other hand. However after the growl, she unfolded her fingers, and soon her sharp claws were out.

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