Part Three- Chapter 7

“I understand what you're saying, and your comments are valuable, but I'm gonna ignore your advice.”

― Roald Dahl, Fantastic Mr. Fox


How do I tell Sel and Duncan? What should I tell to Sel and Duncan? That the asshole somehow managed to convince me into doing what he wanted and that my wolf wasn’t much helpful either?

My wolf just sighed refusing to argue with my thoughts. That clever female played me like a violin. She kept repeating that it would be my fault if I ended up miserable and grouchy.

Plus Quillon’s generous words didn’t help me either. In fact, those very words were exactly what sealed the deal.

Nevertheless, I didn’t let it completely control me. I would never let my wolf control me. She is a disaster because she is an animal and thinks like one. My wolf is downright selfish and I will be the first one to admit that.

So, I placed my own deal- I don’t join his pack. He had to agree. If he plays me like a violin, I decided to return the favor. It was win-win for both of us. My wolf wasn’t that happy, but unexpectedly, she kept her mouth shut.

Right now, I was standing in front of Duncan’s house wondering what I should do. I have to tell them. That’s the only option I have.

Taking a deep breath, I raised my hand and was about to knock the door, when it opened all of a sudden.

“Oh” I said startled, when my gaze collided with Sel’s chocolate brown eyes.

“Were you even planning on coming inside?” Sel questioned amused, cocking an eyebrow.

“I was after I gathered enough courage” I mumbled lowly following her to the dining room, where Duncan and Lorcan were having breakfast.

“Good morning Daroo” Lorcan grinned at me and I kissed his cheek which he wiped quickly. “Yucky” he grumbled and I poked my tongue out.

“So… what’s the shocking news you were contemplating breaking to us?” Sel asked setting a plate for me.

‘Who cooked?’ I asked Duncan through the link because if Sel cooked breakfast then I would prefer eating in a café.

‘Betsy’ Duncan answered with a wink and I stifled a smile. Betsy, their part-time maid, was a great cook.

“Darya?” Sel called.

“Quillon asked me to move in with him and give us being mates sixty days try to which I agreed” I said in one breath. In the end, I was so relieved that I felt Mount Everest was beneath me.

Letting out a breath, I finally looked up. Duncan was staring at me in have-you-lost-your-mind look, while Sel had her poker face on, which I really hated, and Lorcan… he was drinking his mango juice. I doubt he even heard me.

“You agreed?” Duncan said in disbelief and that finally earned Lorcan’s interest because he looked at his father with wide eyes.

“He is my mate” I mumbled as an explanation.

“So?” Duncan shouted which made me flinch along with Lorcan.

“So, it means, they are destined to be together and no force can separate them” Sel adjoined shooting Duncan a critical look.

“But why has she to move in with him?” Duncan demanded.

“Why did you ask meto move in with you?” Sel queried and dark red flared Duncan’s prominent cheekbones. When Duncan was speechless, Sel said, “Exactly the same reason Quillon asked her to move in.”

I flushed to the roots of my hair and lowered my head.

“Are we moving?” Lorcan asked all of a sudden with a pout.

“No, baby, we are not” Sel soothed him.

Duncan sighed and then looked at me, “When are you leaving?” he asked.

“Next week” I mumbled. “I am not joining his pack though” I added.

“You are not?” both asked in a surprised tone.

“No. We are just trying being mates” I explained. “If this doesn’t work out, we part ways” I said with a shrug, however my wolf growled not appreciating that bitter truth.

“And who suggested that ‘part ways’ in this mutual agreement?” Sel demanded. For some reason, I felt Sel didn’t like what I was doing, even though she supported my cause earlier.

“He did, but I agreed to it” I watched Sel who just nodded, but I didn’t miss the way, her eyes turned into a glare after I said it.

“It’s not as simple as it sounds Darya” Duncan said staring at me, “Especially when it concerns you” Duncan concluded and I gulped.

“I am not going to reveal about my gifts to him” I stated firmly. I have decided that last night, even before I agreed to Quillon. “I will reveal it to him only if this works out” I swore.

“You will be able to control yourself?” Sel cross-questioned.

“I can’t promise that but I know I will try my best in not revealing it to him for the next sixty days” I said through determination.

“After that?” Duncan asked.

“I decided to think about it if and only if the ‘after that’ situation arises” I declared with a shrug.

“Fair enough” Duncan muttered with a smile.

I returned that smile and looked at Sel, who had her arms crossed against her chest. “You have that calculative look in your face” I couldn’t help but state. “You are plotting something. What?” I demanded to know.

“Nothing. I am just thinking if this situation will really work out as smoothly as you stated it” she was blunt and her bluntness made a shiver run down my spine.

“They are strangers” Duncan imparted. “Not just those wolves, but the whole pack” he added.

“I know that” I said. I could deal with it.

“They hate us” Sel pointed out and I closed my eyes shut. That was the second biggest con about my moving in. It came after ‘living with Quillon.’

I knew how much my pack hates Serene. If they didn’t then Nick and Fox, would have never put Quinton in that trunk and sent him to Quillon. But I also knew the hatred was twice as much in their pack.

But I wouldn’t let that bother me. I could face anything of that sort.

“So?” Sel questioned.

“Konrad hates me” I stated looking into her eyes. “I am sure the Serene wolves aren’t half as bad as him.” If I can deal with Konrad, the ultimate monster, then I could definitely deal with them.

At my reply, Sel smirked, “Well said” she murmured and then proceeded to hug me.

“I am sure you will be fine, but…” Duncan added and I stiffened, “If a drop of tear comes from your eyes, then I am going to slay Quillon in the streets of his own pack.”

My wolf growled but I pushed her back, “Fair enough” I said with a smile.

“Who is Quillon?” Lorcan asked curiously.

“That guy who was shouting at your papa the other day” I reminded him.

Immediately Lorcan’s face scrunched up as if Quillon was some mean bug, “I don’t like him” he repeated the same words.

Welcome to my club.

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