Part Three - Chapter 11

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation."

― Plato


The rest of the dinner went smoothly only because Scott kept his mouth shut. After dinner, Grace told Quillon to show me around the territory tomorrow and he hesitantly agreed.

I suppose he will just ask others to show me around.

It was ten minutes to ten when we returned home. I was already feeling dizzy and I couldn't wait to fall into my bed.

Quinn's room was first one on the left side while Quillon's... I didn't know where it was. I think it's on the right wing though! Thanks to Mrs. Owen, I came to know that the house had fifteen rooms.

Quillon was downstairs, switching off the lights, while I went upstairs with Quinn. "Goodnight" Quinn muttered closing his room door shut.

I stopped on my tracks because for a second I forgot where my room was. Was it fourth or fifth? Why are all these doors similar to look? I must get something to stick on my room door.

"Fourth" I heard Quillon saying and I turned to face him. He was on the passage of the right wing of the house and holding the banister and watching me.

"I knew that" I said with a scoff and he shot me 'really' kind of look. I pulled a face at him before walking inside my room and closing and locking the door.

I only removed my shoes and barrettes before switching of the light and jumping into the bed. As I stared at the ceiling, I felt lonely. My wolf was unhappy that I was sleeping alone even when I was in his house, but I shook that thought from my head. This is better. That would make me uncomfortable.

I woke up at seven in the morning by my alarm. With a groan, I went to the bathroom.

I had just come out of the bathroom, wrapped only in my towel, when someone knocked the room door. Crap!

"Darya" Quillon called me from the other side. Since he didn't know I was awake, I decided to stay quiet. So, I slowly tiptoed to the closet and pulled out my jeans and a pullover.

"I know you are awake" Quillon said from the other side and I scowled at the door. How does he know? "I heard your alarm doll face" he gave an answer to my unasked question. "Breakfast is ready. Come down" he said and I heard his footsteps walking away.

Sighing, I put on my clothes and neatly braided my hair into a fishtail.

Both the brothers were already having breakfast when I joined them. "Good morning" Quinn said with a smile as I sat facing him.

"Good morning. What time does your school start?" I queried when I saw his bag on the chair beside him.

"Eight fifteen" he answered.

"That's better. My school used to start at seven in the morning" I said sadly. God! I still remember what a torture it was waking up at four-thirty in the morning.

"Which school?" he asked curiously.

"Hampton's boarding school" I replied taking a bite of my toast. There was a typical English breakfast served for me. I believe Mrs. Owen prepared it.

"Boarding School?" Quinn asked with wide eyes. "Why boarding school? It's far from Emperor Pack right?"

"Total five hours journey, everyday" I said with a shrug and looked at Quillon, who was busy reading something from his tab. "And I choose to go there because the other option was home schooling or join a new school which I didn't want."

"Your parents made that rule?"

"Na. Duncan. I didn't want to join another school because I had already changed two schools before I joined the Hampton's."

"Why?" Quinn inquired.

"I was bullied in school" I murmured in a barely audible voice.

"You were bullied in school?" that was from Quillon, who finally decided to acknowledge my existence.

"Middle school" I answered without looking at him. "It was after my adopted father's death. Thanks to those bullies, because if it weren't for them, I wouldn't have come to know the truth about my birth" I added seriously. I still remembered how they would sneer at me. I was stronger than them but still I felt weak at that time, because their words used to hurt me.

"Exactly how old were you?" Quillon demanded with a frown.

"Eleven" It was just after I got my wolf.

"Regal pack wolves?" he questioned with a growl and I nodded. "And no one stopped them?" his sexy voice was a snarl now.

"Sel kicked all their asses after which they stopped physically, but mental torture went on. By then Sel had to leave to Supreme Pack for her job and she asked me to come with her... for a change of environment and it helped" I said honestly.

"Boarding school was good?" Quinn asked me and I nodded with a smile. I did have fun in my school. However, I don't think others consider what I had as fun.

"Where is your school?" I questioned Quinn after taking a sip of my mango juice. It was so yummy!

"It's just twenty minutes from here."

"Well, my horticulture school is two and half hours from here" I replied with a pout.

"Your school?" Quillon queried incredulously.

"I want to get a doctors degree in horticulture" I replied.

"But you already have a farm right?" Quinn asked in bewilderment.

"It's a gift from Duncan. I work there whenever I am free because I own it" I said happily. "Well, not anymore" the smile vanished from my face as I recalled the Government's notice.

"Why? What happened?" Quillon probed.

"The government wants it" I said sourly. "And I am planning to let them have 51% control over the farm. It reminds me that I should get the papers signed by a judicial officer" I said pursing my lips together. "The government might do some good for the poor."

"So, what time are you leaving for your school?" Quillon asked after some time.

"Oh! I don't have class today. I am not a daily batch student" I replied after emptying my glass. "I have classes only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday."

"That's so cool" Quinn said in awe. "Even I want to become a horticulturist" he said and I raised my brows while Quillon turned to frown at his brother.

"Soil... plants?" Quillon questioned and Quinn scrunched up his face while I turned to glare at Quillon.

"No" Quinn said with a shudder. "MBA is better."

"What is wrong with soil and plants?" I demanded in outrage. "It is better than working in an air-conditioned room and staring at a computer screen" I snapped and Quillon narrowed his eyes. "What you do is waste of electricity, waste of space and waste of... everything."

"Oh yeah?" Quillon asked.

"Oh yeah" I repeated smugly.

"Then why do I get paid more than you doll face?" Quillon asked cocking an eyebrow while Quinn chuckled.

I didn't have any answer to that and so I pinched my lips together and looked away. When I saw the amusement in Quillon's dark eyes, I growled and retorted, "I work in a non-profit organization, okay? It helps poor and hungry people. Your job is all about making money while mine is about protecting nature and it is better than your job, any time of the day" I spat and rising from my seat, I went upstairs to my room.

I closed the door with a loud thud so that Quillon could know that I am furious at him.

Even after fifteen minutes, both the brothers were downstairs while I was sulking in my room. When I couldn't take it anymore, I walked to the balcony and looked around.

There was no house close to this mansion. It was far away, secluded and I actually liked it like this. I looked around and all I could see was greenery. That made me smile. I peeped down at the green grass, which was comfortable to land at if I chose to jump from the balcony.

The place was nice. I liked it. Sitting on the railing, I stared at the garden and frowned when I saw that some plants were almost in the verge of dying. God! Why do you have a garden if you cannot take care of plants?

I reacted like I always do. Without thinking further, I jumped from the balcony and walked to the garden. I pouted as I saw the Gazania plant. "Poor baby" I muttered crouching down in front of the plant. A dead leaf fell on the ground the moment I touched it. Closing my eyes, I inhaled deeply.

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