Part Three - Chapter 12
I was sitting on the bed and recalling Quillon’s words over and over again.
What did he mean by that? How can he be stronger than me? He obviously cannot. Okay, maybe physically he might be but I, with my gifts, am stronger than other wolves except Konrad. Well, he is just as strong as me!
Quillon was teasing me. I am sure of that.
But then again, why did my wolf cower when he ordered me. How can he order me around? I am not even in his pack.
Maybe it’s because of the whole mate thing? Maybe that’s why my wolf listens to him. It has to be. There is no way that Quillon can be stronger than me.
Sighing, I decided to have a shower.
After the shower, I called Sel and spoke with her and Lorcan for about twenty minutes. It was around eight in the evening when I decided to ask Quillon about the dinner. I doubt the brothers go every day to their parents place to have dinner. I think Mrs. Owen cooks it for them.
When I went downstairs, Quinton was in the living room, watching a football match. Quillon was not in the house, I could sense it. “Hi” I said standing in front of Quinn.
He looked up and smiled, “I heard you had quite an adventurous day today” Quinn said in a teasing tone.
“I was having until your brother showed up” I grumbled sitting beside him.
“That’s his favorite bike. He doesn’t let anyone touch it” Quinn imparted with a grin. “So hats off for you.”
“Thank-you” I said sweetly.
“He is still out there, cleaning the bike” Quinn said and I chuckled. “It might take some time. I wonder what time we are going to have the dinner” Quinn said switching off the T.V. “Can you cook?” he asked me.
“I know only basic stuff.”
“Then I have to wait for Q” he sighed.
“Why? Mrs. Owen doesn’t come here to cook?”
“No. She is for cleaning purpose. She is not that great cook” Quinn announced shaking his head.
“Then you go to your parents place for dinner?”
“No. That’s only when they have something to tell us… or more like yell at us” he scoffed.
“Why go to restaurant when we have chef Quillon at home?” Quinn stated and my eyes were as wide as saucers. “Q cooks better than mom” Quinn added totally oblivious of my shocked look.
“Are you serious?” I asked in a whisper.
Quinn looked at me and snickered before saying, “He is a gourmet just like me.”
It was a good thing that my jaws hadn’t hit the floor yet. I was totally spooked. Quillon cooks? I could not visualize Quillon in a kitchen. Gourmet?
I am speechless.
“Wow” was all I was able to say after few minutes.
“Just taste his food once, you will get addicted” Quinn winked while Quillon entered the room, holding an A4 size envelope. For a moment, he stopped near the door and stared at us with a frown in his face.
I sat and stared at Quillon. He cooks? I know men cook but it is just… I never imagined Quillon could cook.
“What were you doing?” Quillon demanded.
“I was just telling Darya about your amazing cooking skills” Quinn replied calmly getting up and stretching his hands. Quillon rolled his eyes and went to his office. I had seen that office earlier but I hadn’t gone there because it was his private place.
While he returned, he went directly to kitchen and I followed him.
“Where did you learn to cook?” I asked sitting on a stool and placing my hands on the counter.
“Home” he replied placing a pasta pot over the heat.
“Your mom?”
“Since when?” I asked watching him brown chicken in oil on the other side.
“Since I was seven” he answered adding garlic. “Quinn and I would sit in the kitchen, waiting for dad, while she cooked. Watching her everyday… was enough for me to learn cooking” he muttered adding cream and broth.
“You want some help?” I offered.
“No. I want to eat what I cook” he said and I growled at his back. He chuckled and that husky sound got my attention.
I watched him while he cooked. Damn! He looked sexy!
It was a treat for my eyes, watching his muscles flex and contract while he moved around in the kitchen. My wolf let out a soft moan while I ran my eyes over him.
“You don’t cook?” Quillon asked abruptly bringing me out of my stupor.
Slapping my forehead slowly, I shook my head and answered him, “I didn’t have a good role model like you. My mom cooked well and she was planning to teach me after I complete my high school but she passed away before that and Sel is terrible at cooking” I answered with a shrug, while he drained pasta and called Quinn.
“I love Penny Gorgonzola with chicken” Quinn said entering the chicken. Oh! So that was what Quillon was cooking.
“Mince the parsleys” Quillon told Quinn while he tossed the pasta with sauce. I scowled at Quillon because he refused my help. I then looked at Quinn, who too seemed to be expert in cooking because he was done mincing within seconds.
When Quinn noticed me watching him in fascination, he did some cool practiced moves with the knife by throwing it up and around. When he was done, he bowed his head and I clapped. “That was awesome” I said with a grin. However, my grin faded when I saw Quillon frowning at me.
What is wrong with him?
Before I could ask him anything he turned and got back to his work.
When Quillon was done tossing the pasta, he served it in three plates, after which, Quinn sprinkled cheese and minced parsley on the top.
“Sprite” Quinn said out loud, opening the refrigerator. “You want one Darya?”
“Yes. We need it whenever we are eating chicken” Quinn replied and I shrugged.
Quillon kept a plate in front of me and I looked at me. For few brief seconds our eyes clashes before it was interrupted by Quinn, who kept the sprite can beside my plate. I smiled at Quinn and muttered a Thank-you to both the brothers.
Picking up a fork, I took a deep breath. My wolf stuck her tongue out when the scent of boiled chicken hit her nose.
Nervously, I glanced at Quillon, who was waiting for me to take a bite. Smiling at him, I took a bite.
It was delectable.
My God! Quillon cooks really well.
“It’s good” I whispered looking at Quillon who smirked and started eating from his plate. “I love it” I said with a grin as I took another bite.
“Told you! You wouldn’t want to go to a restaurant when Quillon is at home” Quinn said smiling brightly and I nodded.