Part Three- Chapter 25

"I am an invisible monster, and I am incapable of loving anybody. You don't know which is worse."

― Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters


Quinn, few of Quillon's friends, Maxwell and former third-in-command- Larry, Bee, Leah and two of her friends were already waiting for us in the living room of Grace's house. I sat in between Quillon and Grace.

"Everyone is here, let's start" Scott told us.

"Not yet Uncle" Leah spoke and every single head turned to look at her, standing near a window. "Darya does not belong to our pack. Why is she attending this meeting?"

Except for Scott, Maxwell and Leah's friends, everyone else growled after hearing her words. I tensed as I heard it because what she said was true.

"Q has marked her and very soon she is going to be the future Luna of the pack. So I think she has every right to be here" Grace said curtly, glaring at Leah. "If you have a problem with her being here, then feel free to leave" she added.

Leah compressed her lips and looked away.

My eyes unwarily drifted towards Bee, who was already looking at me and trying her best to hide her amusement. Seeing her, a corner of my lips twitched and to hide my grin, I lowered my head and played with the bracelet in my hand.

"Alright. Start" Grace commanded, when Leah did not leave the room as others expected.

"Why did you let him go?" Scott was the first one to ask.

"For the sake of Pack. If I had challenged him for a fight, he would have targeted the pack wolves" Quillon said and I totally agreed with him. "Plus I do not know the rest of his gifts" Quillon added smoothly.

True! Only a stupid would blindly attack Konrad. Attacking him must be done with proper planning and not when our mind is ruled by anger or pride!

"What did you do to the bodies?" Quillon asked.

"Wolves are getting rid of it. It was gruesome" Scott frowned at Quillon.

"Konrad hired them to take Darya away from me" Quillon stated flatly.

"How many did he bring?"

"Almost forty. Cable was with him"

"That rogue was also here" Scott growled.

"That's just not it dad. Konrad tried to hypnotize us" Quinn said and beside me Grace gasped.

"Did he try to hypnotize you Q?" Grace questioned shocked.

Quillon smirked and looked at me, "Darya pushed me away before he could" he said and I turned beet red.

There was complete silence for few seconds before Grace sighed and said, "I am glad she did." I sent her a soft smile.

"But no one could save the two guards" Larry said sadly and beside me Quillon tensed.

"Yes, their funeral will be held tomorrow" Scott said quietly and I closed my eyes. Two guards were killed? It's the same, always. Guards are Konrad's first victims because to enter into a territory, he often makes them kill themselves.

"We should tighten up the security. He might come again" Maxwell stated quietly.

"Nothing you do is going to help because Konrad can become invisible" Quinn added.

"He has powers no creature should have" Scott muttered in frustration. "On top of that he has drunk the blood of those children who could control all the elements." I tensed and looked at my bracelet that had a charm representing each element. "Who knows whether he is capable of controlling all the elements?"

"He cannot" I said touching the charm of leaf that represented earth.

"Sorry?" Scott broke in.

"Konrad cannot control all the elements. To do so he needs to drink the blood of the fifth one who is still alive"

"The fifth one is alive?" Grace asked from beside me and I nodded. I dropped the charm I was holding and touched the next one that was a drop, symbolizing the element water.

"Who is it?" Scott demanded but I did not look up and answer him. There was complete silence for few minutes before Scott said, "Never mind about who is it. But he has killed and drunk the blood of other four. Maybe he can control those elements?"

"He cannot" I answered picking up the next charm that was flame which represented fire. "He needs all five." By saying so I meant that he needed my blood because I could control all five elements.

"I often wonder why those rogues created him" Scott muttered annoyed.

"Because they thought the five gifted children are going to kill them" I said letting go of the charm and twirling my bracelet around my wrist. "It all started with the Elegance Pack" I said looking at the next charm- a spiral, which represented air.

"Elegance Pack?"

"The rogues attacked at night and killed hundreds of innocents. Paulo, the soothsayer told them that, "Alpha Bloods shielding, masters of elements will surround you from all directions and slay you just like you slayed an innocent"' I chuckled humorlessly after I quoted it.

"The rogues thought the masters of elements- the gifted children will kill them. So they killed those children first. Remy, Tito, Orion and Austin, all alpha bloods, butchered like lambs" I added through gritted teeth dropping the spiral and then touching the next charm- a bolt, which represented the element Sky. "But it turns out that the gifted children were not the one who would have killed them. It was the other five Alpha bloods- Sel, Duncan, Cortez, Granel and Tyson. They attacked together and they killed those rogues, swiped clean the Elegance Territory and made it home again. However, they too did not know that the rogues had created another monster- Konrad, until it was too late. He killed Alpha Peter" I whispered and dropped the last charm.

"Konrad was created so that he could be the most powerful wolf, yet the puppet of those rogues. It all came to power at the end. But it started because one-" Growling, I looked up but stopped talking when I noticed that every pair of eye in the room was focused on me. Everyone was staring at me curiously. Quillon too was watching me with astute eyes.

My eyes rounded when I apprehended that I kept blurting out the whole story without even realizing what I was doing.

"Because one...?" Grace probed in a barely audible voice and I found her staring at me with unshed tears in her eyes.

Because one vile woman couldn't handle rejection well- that was what I wanted to say. It was all Isadora's fault.

"Because one group of rogues thought killing innocents was okay" I said instead as it was true too. The rogues for a single second did not think what they did was wrong. They were not ashamed of it!

Grace gulped and nodded. I did not tell Isadora's name because saying so means telling everything... including who O is.

"How do you know all this?" Maxwell asked me.

"My brother is one of the five Alphas' who killed those rogues"

"But wasn't O the one who killed Serge, one of the main rogues involved in destruction of Elegance?" Larry asked.

"Yes. I think they pissed O off too" I said with a shrug. Serge was killed right in front of me by Sel. His blood had spattered on my face. I still remember that day because it was the day Duncan had come to know Sel was O.

"He was something else. O... he had killed Alphas' instead of rogues" Scott told Larry and I smirked as I heard it because even now people consider O to be a guy.

"The guy was mad. He killed those Alphas' for no reason" Maxwell said shaking his head and nothing could stop the loud feral growl that escaped from my chest. I surprised everyone by that growl because once again all eyes were on me. However, my eyes were focused on Maxwell whose lips parted and I knew my eyes had changed to red.

"Don't" I warned, shaking my head.

"O killed your father" Quillon reminded, shooting me a confused look.

"My father was Marvin Kenrick and he got killed by the rogues" I said looking him in the eye and after staring at me for a long time, Quillon nodded.

"You sound like you know who O was" Scott blurted out and I smirked.

"I wish I did. I honestly wish I did" I said in a completely calm voice just to confuse them. They stared at me, but I lowered my head.

"Anyway, back to the topic of Konrad" Scott said after few minutes. "Maybe he cannot control the elements but he can still hypnotize wolves. He will hypnotize other wolves to fight for him and that's just not it, he has four accomplices too."

"It's three" Quillon said.

"Actually it's two" I said and he raised his brows. "Ekon left to live with Meryl."

"Okay... so two. Cable and that girl who throws the kerambits.... What's her name?" Scott demanded.

"Lefty... sorry Sanity" Quinn chuckled. "I kept that name for her after she lost her left ear."

"She did not lose her left ear. It just got cut into half after I missed her head by few inches" I grumbled the last part a little annoyed. That was the one chance I had to kill Sanity and I had missed it too. I had not seen her after that.

There was an audible gasp as I finished talking and I looked at Bee who was staring at me with her mouth wide open.

"You... were the one who cut Sanity's left ear?" Harvey asked and I flushed because for the third time in that meeting, I had everyone's attention.

"Oh dear" Grace sighed from beside me and I pursed my lips.

"Yes. Alright. The meeting is over" Quillon said standing up. "Leave" he directed in his Alpha tone when they were still staring at me. Everyone scrambled out of the door and the only ones left was me along with the Sanders family.

"You are amazing you know that right?" Quinn said staring at me and I blushed before chuckling. "No wonder you are Q's mate. Both of you are the same" he mused shaking his head.


"God No!"

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