Part Three- Chapter 31

"If you reveal your secrets to the wind,

you should not blame the wind for

revealing them to the trees."

—Kahlil Gibran, The Wanderer

At Konrad's warehouse....

"You did what?" Konrad demanded growling murderously.

"I.... I thought..." Cable stuttered and in a blur of movement, Konrad stood right in front of his nose.

"You thought?" Konrad hissed. "Who gave you the permission to think?" Konrad demanded and Cable gulped.

"I...." Cable couldn't even think of anything certain to say in his defense.

"Tell me... what were you planning to achieve by attacking Quillon?" Konrad questioned, clenching his jaws.

"I thought you would be pleased" Cable replied meekly.

At this, Konrad's eyes turned dark and he bared his fangs, "Do I look pleased?" he inquired lethally and Cable shook his head, nervously. "Then?"

"It was... Wesley... he told me—"

"You asked advice from that pathetic human who cannot see anything past his dead mate?" Konrad growled out in rage and Cable paled.

"I didn't think she would come..." Cable defended in a low voice. He had made sure Darya would be away.... But still she came!

"That exactly is the fucking problem. You. Do. Not. Think" Konrad spelled out savagely. "If killing them would have been that easy, then I would have already been done with it. To kill them, you have to first, separate them" Konrad added and then returned to his seat on the couch.

After few minutes, Konrad closed his eyes, leaned back and said, "Tell me, what happened today."

Cable heaved a sigh, pleased that Konrad was calm. "I had asked two of our men to kidnap the Sanders's company accountant's daughters. They did and we blackmailed him to call Quillon to his house. After he called, Quillon was on his way. Until, out of blue, he stopped and reversed the car."

"His pack must have informed him" Sanity, who was quiet until now, said with a frown.

"Not possible. I have kept moonflower in the area. I am sure he got a phone call asking him to return" Cable replied.

"Possible. Darya might have informed one of the pack members" Sanity mused.

"That's the unexpected thing" Cable growled in frustration. "How did Darya get to know? Wesley and I had made sure she was away and busy."

"How so?" Konrad asked and Cable told him about his plan of John (Wesley's father), who had called and informed Darya to come to the farm and stay with Wesley.

"And she did come to the farm" Cable continued, "But that very moment, she got a call and after that she ran away" Cable said sourly.

"A call?" Konrad demanded, cocking one dark brow. "Whose call?"

"No idea. I asked Wesley and he told me that before the call, she was her normal self, but after answering the call, she turned pale, dropped her phone, muttered something irrelevant and ran from there."

"Did John or Wesley see, whose call it was?"

"No. One of her guards—Shane, picked the call and Wesley said, the moment Shane answered the person on the other side, cut the call" Cable filled in and Konrad narrowed his eyes. "Also.... Shane and Nick were confused because there was no name... the call was from private number."

After hearing it, Konrad threw his head back and laughed out loud while Sanity and Cable stared at him in bewilderment. A minute later, he stopped laughing and snarled, "Very clever Darya. I must admit, I am impressed."

"Why so?" Cable asked in confusion.

"Whoever that person is, he or she is gifted," Konrad stated with a loud growl and Cable's eyes widened to its fullest extent.

"Gifted? What gift?"

"Some gift that she badly wants to hide from me" Konrad said through gritted teeth and Cable looked at him in bewilderment. For a long time, Cable stared, but Konrad did not reply.

A few minutes passed and then, Konrad sighed and stood up, "Even though your plan was a dud, at least one good thing happened out of it" Konrad stated and Cable smiled, glad that he pleased his chief.

"What good thing?" Cable dared to ask.

"There is another gifted wolf out there, who is helping Darya" Sanity replied flatly.

"Oh!" Cable mused.

"Now leave and find me something useful about Quillon Sanders" Konrad growled out and Cable nodded.

Once Cable was out of ear-shot, Sanity turned to face Konrad, "This gifted wolf... his or hers gift is something very important, isn't it?" she demanded and gritting his teeth, Konrad nodded grudgingly. He went to the glass board and drew a circle in it.

"What is the gift?" she asked in a low voice.

"Guess what it is" Konrad said looking at her. "Cable just told that Darya was all fine when she came to the farm. Then, she gets a call and runs and arrives just in time to save Quillon. Guess what the gift of the caller is" Konrad hissed.

Sanity sucked in a breath as she realized what might possibly be the gift of the caller. How could the caller know prior hand Quillon Sanders life is in threat? It cannot be possible! Unless...

Her suspicion was confirmed when Konrad wrote in bold letters, the word― SOOTHSAYER inside the circle.

Konrad had been created so that he could have the ability to see future. Unfortunately, it did not happen that way. But the fact that there is another one at the present time was like a body blow to Sanity.

How must Konrad feel?

He must be furious to know there is one such wolf and that that wolf is working with Darya.

Placing the pen on the pen-stand, he tapped his knuckles on the word; the sound of which broke the silence of the room. "This person has been helping her for a long, long time. It was only with this person's help that she understood what would happen to Quillon today."

"Who do you think it is?"

"I don't know" Konrad breathed out curtly. "Darya had made sure that I never ever suspect that one such wolf exists. She had been very successful in her plan of keeping this person hidden from me" Konrad said and once again tapped his knuckles on the written word. "Why else, would they use the private number to call even at times like this? She knows that I can trace her call anytime, hence she has been very careful" Konrad admitted with an notable smirk.

"Her family might know―"

"No" Konrad cut her off and gently shook his index finger to prove the point. "I highly doubt they know. If her guards don't know who the person is, then there is a very low chance that her family might know. This person is someone from the outside."

"But the five Alphas' protecting Darya know everything about her" Sanity protested.

"True... but I doubt they know about this person" Konrad said.

"So, there is a chance that they might know about this person."

"There is. But it is a very low chance" Konrad observed. "If they know about it, then this person is definitely within the family circle and highly guarded."

At this Sanity stood straight and then growled lowly. Her growl caught Konrad's attention and he turned to face her, "Do you know something?" he asked, looking her straight in the eye.

"I am not sure, but I suspect it might be that girl... Tyler and Tyson Grier's little sister― Kasey Grier."

Konrad narrowed his eyes after hearing the name, "Why do you think it is her?"

"She is well guarded, belongs to the family circle and Darya is friends with that girl. Also, there is something odd about that girl... some aura reeks from her wolf" Sanity replied carefully.

"You are not sure" Konrad said and Sanity nodded reluctantly. "I want absolute confirmation" Konrad growled out and Sanity lowered her head.

"You can ask Cable to get it" she supplied.

At this, Konrad scoffed, "Cable better get a place to hide."

Shocked, Sanity raised her head to look at Konrad, "Meaning?"

"His days are numbered. She is not going to spare him."

"You mean to say, she knows Cable did all this?"

"Cable and you have a patterned way of killing others. One look and Darya will know who killed the accountant and his family."

"Are you not going to do anything to save him?"

"No" Konrad said and smirked, "I have no further use of him. He is better dead. Right now, all I want is to find out who the soothsayer is."

"We can have that girl investigated" Sanity suggested.

"Do that" Konrad told her, staring at the glass board. He kept wondering who the soothsayer is. His mind went through list of names closely associated with Darya, yet he could not pinpoint to one particular name.

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