Part Three- Chapter 39

"The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it."

_Flannery O'Connor.


As I hugged Darya close, I gradually felt the tension in her body evaporate. She has been like a cat on hot bricks ever since mom asked her to accept the Luna title. My wolf tried to provide as much comfort to her as possible.

I cannot say I could exactly understand why she was this nervous, but I knew that part of the reason was because it involved completely adapting my pack as her own. From today, she would officially be a member of the Serene Pack.

Frankly, I was thrilled by it because from today, I would be able to connect with her through the mind-link. But I was trying to play it cool.

"I love you" Darya whispered, nestling her nose against my shirt-front and my eyes widened in surprise, while my whole body tensed.


Pullling away, Darya looked at me with bambi eyes as I stared at her in astonishment.

"That's what caused the change" she added, answering to my previous day's question.

She loves me?

My wolf tilted his head backwards and howled happily while I was at a loss of words. Love?

For some unknown reason, the word did not make me sick like it once used to. My wolf's behavior was also profoundly confusing because he seemed very pleased.

"You don't have to say it back or something like that. I said it because I thought you should know" Darya muttered with a nonchalant shrug and I wondered how she could behave as if nothing happened.

I looked into her eyes, trying to find out if she was just attached to me and mistaking it for love. But it wasn't like that. This was Darya and she wouldn't say something like this unless she meant it. I knew that much about her.

Darya smiled at me and when she noticed I didn't return it, her smile faded away.

"Q... mom said to be there in fifteen minutes" Quinn said from the doorway and both our heads turned to look at him. He waved and turned to leave. But, stopped and added, "Oh! Mom also said to keep your mind link open" before sprinting off.

I nodded absentmindedly and then immediately opened the link only because it stalled the time, giving me time to think about what Darya just said.

Dad was the first one to connect with me. 'Q, are you still at home?' he asked and I replied with a yes. 'Stay there. I have to talk to you. After that we will leave to the clearing' he finished dexterously.

I cleared my throat and looked at Darya, "Dad wants to talk to me. He is coming down."

"Okay. I have to make a call and then I will join you" she said and I nodded.

Once out of the door, I hovered there, rethinking what Darya had said. She loves me. My wolf was going insane inside me by wagging his tail and rolling on his back.

I could clearly see the sincerity in her eyes when she said she loves me. As I was descending the stairs, I let it sink in and slowly my lips curved to form a smile. I felt smug and sentimental at the same time.

But it was not something I could take for granted. Darya would throttle me if I do that.

No. I would never take her or her feelings for granted. She was my mate and I liked her. Cared about her and maybe.... Maybe I am a little attached to her too.

My wolf growled not liking it but I pushed the sappy bastard away.

When I was on the last stair, I heard the familiar tune of Darya's phone and recollected that I had kept my own phone in the office and must get it. When I was going there, once again Darya's phone started ringing and I noticed it on the living room. Dimly, I recalled her telling that she had to make the call. Striding forward, I picked the phone from the couch and decided to give it to her.

My brows knitted together when I noticed that the call was from a private number. Without any hesitation, I answered the call.

"Darya return to Emperor Now" the caller barked the same moment I said hello. My eyes widened after hearing the callers words and before I could ask anything further, the line went dead. Since it was a private number, I couldn't even call back.

I growled in frustration rethinking the caller's words. Return to Emperor? Now? Darya? The caller knew Darya. Only then did I apprehend that I found the voice familiar. I have heard it before... that... I closed my eyes and tried to match the person to whom the voice belonged to.

Many faces appeared in my mind but a few seconds later, I matched the voice with the face. My eyes flew open and my wolf stood on his fours, when I realized who the caller was.

But why in the world was-

My wolf growled loudly and I wondered if the person was tormenting Darya with such anonymous calls. As I looked at her caller logs, I clenched my teeth when I realized that Darya used to get a call at least once a week by this private number. She got a call early in the morning today too... and a few missed calls before I picked up. However, my eyes rounded in disbelief when I noticed the call duration. It was all more than thirty minutes.

Clearly it was not a tormentor because Darya does not have the patience to chat that long with a tormentor. Then it only meant that the caller was Darya's-

I paused again when I realized a few things. The line went dead after hearing my voice which meant that the caller did not want to be recognized. Too bad that I already knew who it was.

The second thing was that I got hoodwinked all this time. How had I missed this? I could understand how the wool was pulled over others eyes... but to be in the same group... Dammit! I grimaced.

I shook my head and let out a chuckle. However, it turned to a full on laughter when I recalled all the previous events.

"You seem to be in a very good mood" I whirled my head to look at dad who was standing near the door with an amused expression.

"I am" I told him honestly. I got tricked by Darya, but I was still amused because I was impressed. It isn't easy for people to trick me, but Darya did it. And she did it so neatly that like me, no one suspected anything until now. I am sure I am the first person to know about this.

"So am I" dad said with a grin and I shot him a questioning look. "Our plan has become a success after all" he finished and my smile faltered.

"Plan?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes. Darya has accepted to be the Luna of this pack. She has willfully agreed to join the pack... to break all her ties with Emperor. I had been waiting for this moment" Dad said gleefully and I frowned, seriously not understanding where he was going with all this. Dad didn't seem to notice my frown because he continued talking, "Although I must admit... at that time since I did not she was a gifted she-wolf, I only thought of using her as source."

Source? My mate?

My wolf stood up defensively after hearing that word.

"However, now she can be of much better use. She can fight right beside the other fighters of the pack" he finished smoothly.

"Fight?" my voice was barely audible.

"Yes. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. We have to plan properly and quickly because I want to get this done soon and retire" dad said and I turned as rigid as a steel girder when I grasped what he was saying.

Break all ties with Emperor. Darya being used as a source... as a fighter. Plan?

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