6. My eighteenth birthday


It had been a week since I woke up in the bed between Matt and Tony. Every day they fed me, sat with me, and even though I didn’t say much, neither of them seemed to be upset about it. One of them was always with me when I went to sleep, it was usually Matt, but sometimes Tony would be there too, dressed in a suit and curled up on my other side.

I couldn’t help but think that maybe they didn’t mean any harm. That they might even care about me.

“What are you thinking about?” Matt asked, lounging beside me, twining his fingers in my curls the way he usually did.

“Why… do you look at my hair like that?”

He smiled. “I told you I prefer long hair. I’m waiting for it to grow.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the way he pouted at me. His eyes lit up, and he shifted closer, tugging me to lay beside him.

“That’s the first time you’ve laughed,” Matt murmured softly, brushing his lips against my forehead. “All the jokes I’ve told? Do you just not think I’m funny?”

I swallowed, not sure how to answer that.

“No,” Matt whispered, his voice a little desperate as he cupped my face. “Don’t– I didn’t mean to….”

He grimaced, looking lost as if he didn’t know what to say.

“I… was scared,” I whispered, looking up at him. “After everything that happened….”

He glanced away, scowling. “I can’t believe I’m going to have to tell Tony he was right. He’s already too confident.”

My lips twitched into a smile. “He’s… protective of you.”

Matt glanced at me. “More like controlling.”

I wrinkled my nose. “You should listen to him more.”

“Not you too!”

“She’s sensible,” Tony’s voice drifted into the room. I turned to look at him as he leaned against the door, simply watching us from afar. “Unlike some people.”

Matt huffed and pulled me closer. I could imagine him sticking his tongue out at Tony.

“I’d rather be unsensible than uptight all the time.”

“Since it’s your fault I have to be uptight all the time, you’re not helping your case.”

I laughed, and Tony’s eyes widened. For a moment, his gaze softened, and a gentle smile came to his lips. I was shocked. I’d never seen him look like that before.

He tucked his phone into his pocket and walked across the room to us before sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Less afraid now?”

I licked my lips and nodded. “A-A little.”

Matt huffed. “You’re scaring her again!”

I smiled, watching Matt and Tony bicker again. As usual, Matt ran out of things to say and lost. He brought me closer to him and buried his face in my neck.

“Tony’s being mean to me like always.”

I glanced at Tony, who looked completely unbothered. I pat Matt’s head.

“Maybe you shouldn’t pick fights when you know you’ll lose?”

Tony threw his head back and laughed. It was a warm, rich sound that made me smile. I wished he’d laugh more.

“Or, he could be a good big brother and let me win.”

“Don’t be a brat,” Tony huffed. His phone rang, and he sighed, standing. “I have to take this. Don’t let Matt get away with anything.”

As soon as he left, Matt lifted his head with a mischievous grin. He rolled me over and hovered over me. My heart sped up. His eyes were dark as he looked down at me. The sheet covered his head, surrounding us in the soft white of the sheets.

“I won’t tell if you won’t.”


Before I could ask again. He was kissing me again. My stomach jumped. I tried to turn away, but he slipped his hand into my hair and held me still. I felt something growing hard and pressing against my leg as he rolled his hips and wedged himself between my legs.

He let out a soft groan and dropped his lips to my neck, nibbling there. I gasped at the ticklish, pleasurable feeling. I had no idea what to do with myself, so I just let him do what he wanted. Heat started to pool in my stomach. I gasped and moaned, unable to stop myself.

“You sound so–”

“Matt!” Tony’s voice cut through the air. The sheet was yanked off, but Matt didn’t stop nibbling and licking my neck. “Show some restraint.”

Matt lifted his head as I tried to catch my breath. “She’s still dressed.”

I looked up at Tony, who dropped his gaze to where Matt had been nibbling on my neck.

Then our gazes met.

“I thought I told you not to let him get away with anything?”

I blinked at him. He sighed and pulled Matt off of me. Matt huffed.

“So mean,” Matt said. Then he winked at me. “Looks like we’ve been caught.”

I smiled a little as my heart started to calm down. Tony sat beside me on the bed and let his gaze drift over me.

“Are you alright?’

I nodded.

“I’m glad you’re starting to relax,” he said. “There’s something I need to ask you.”

I frowned and looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

“How did you get there?” Tony asked. “Who sold you to the auction?”

I looked away from him. “... my foster parents.”

I pulled my legs closer. “I didn’t even realize it was my birthday.”

“Your what?” Matt yelled.

I winced. “My… birthday. My eighteenth birthday.”

Tony and Matt looked at each other. A look of displeasure crossed their faces. They looked like they were having some sort of conversation before they looked back at me.

“You just turned eighteen.”

I nodded.

Tony smirked. Matt looked a little on edge, but he was staring at me.

“Well, we’ll have to make it up to you.”

I blinked, unsure of what that meant, but Tony pulled me close. The scent of his cologne filled my nose as he kissed me.

“We’ll be gentle,” Tony promised.

The lights went out, and I trembled beneath him. I heard Matt slide up beside us, and his hand slid over my thighs. Before I realized it, my clothes were gone. Matt’s hand was between my legs, stroking me and sending wave after wave of pleasure through me. Tony kissed me so deeply. I could hardly breathe. Then, his head dipped further down to my breast.

I pressed up against the heat of his mouth. I could barely breathe.

“I– Matt–Tony–Please!”

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