Archaios Hellas Academy

The small bunny-like creature dug its left tiny hand into what looked like a pocket in its own fur, and Crystal looked on with pure astonishment. Her squeals from inside had not finished either; the creature was just too cute. Its fur was soft and fluffy, and its large eyes seemed to stare right into her soul.

It took out an envelope from its pocket and proceeded to open it up, revealing small notes that were barely the size of one-third of Crystal's little finger. She leaned forward in anticipation, eager to see what was inside.

"I, Custos, in my capacity as the guardian feegestas of Archaios Hellas Academy, have traversed to Earth to personally deliver the letter of acceptance to you, Crystal Smith. Archaios Hellas Academy extends a cordial invitation to you to join us in exploring four years of schooling that shall equip you with the essential training you will require throughout your life. On the twenty-first of January, it is expected that you reach the designated hut before midnight, where your assigned feegestas shall escort you through the pathway leading to the academy."

Custos the guardian feegestas was reading every word from the note in a monotone but the voice that came out was like a chipmunk and Crystal was just controlling her urge to pick and put Custos in her mouth.

“Okay--” she said smiling like crazy and when the ring finally rang in her head, she felt stupid. “Wait, what! I never applied for any academy, let alone the one I have never heard of, and what in the world is a feegestas and what kind of a name is Custos? Mr. Custos, is this a dream?” she was more like asking herself than Custos who sighed shaking his head.

"Ms. Crystal, while I appreciate your use of formal language, I must bring to your attention that your statement may have been inadvertently disrespectful towards my species and my name. I kindly request that you consider using language that shows sensitivity and respect towards all individuals, regardless of their background or identity." Crystal nervously chuckled and cursed in her head for running her mouth like that.

“My apologies, I am just overwhelmed by everything. You, this academy thing, and everything in general,” Custos sighed again, nodding his head to show that he understood her point. Crystal noted that a feegestas must be a rational and understanding creature.

"I comprehend," Custos responded. "As feegestas, we are creatures of ice whose purpose is to assist our owners in transmitting messages. Higher-ranked feegestas, such as myself, collaborate with various organizations. I am currently in the employ of Archaios Hellas Academy, alongside many of my fellow feegestas. I was dispatched to Earth with the task of locating you, and I have been diligently searching for the past seven months. Eventually, I stumbled upon you while you were aiding some children in your vehicle. Unfortunately, I could not approach you at that time as it would violate the protocol of avoiding human contact."

Crystal blinked three times in confusion, trying to understand what Custos was saying.

“Am I not a human?” she asked, gulping in fear, but she knew deep down that she was not really scared of the answer.

"Negative, you are not of human origin; however, it is imperative that you attend the academy to facilitate the professors in uncovering your abilities, refining your skills, and enabling you to realize your full potential. There are numerous students akin to you who reside in various parts of the galaxy, and our institution is dedicated to seeking and providing them with guidance. While exceptional cases like yours, where the origin is uncertain, are infrequent, we have handled them in the past and will do the same for you." Crystal did not know why she felt offended by his words.

"Wait, so you suddenly come up to me and tell me that I am not a human being, that there are creatures from outer space in the galaxy, and that there is an academy where I have been accepted without even applying to. AND out of all these things, my parents are still suspicious about each and every single thing. If I am not a freaking human, they would have certainly known and did not bother to tell me anything?"

Crystal burst out with her inner thoughts that she had been suppressing all this time, and her voice cracked at the end when she mentioned her parents. Custos looked at her seriously.

"They are not your parents." Those few simple words that left his mouth were not so simple for Crystal. She felt like a wall had come crashing down on her head. She was not shocked, not at all, but she could not help the tears escaping her eyes. She sat in front of Custos, bawling her eyes out.

The seemingly intellectual creature waited for her to calm down, comprehending that it must be difficult for her to swallow the truth.

Custos had followed her to her house and found out about those icons that were planted in the earth for her upbringing, or more like to hide her. However, Crystal was certainly unaware of all of it.

When Crystal finally calmed down and looked back at him, he spoke again.

"They belong to a classification referred to as icons, which are digital entities produced by your species. Although they serve no specific purpose, it appears that the entity that concealed you on Earth has put them to good use. Once you agree to attend the academy, they will dissolve without a trace, and any remnant memories associated with you and the icons will be effaced from this planet."

Crystal could not believe her ears. Not only was she supposed to accept the fact that her parents were not even real to begin with, but now the people with whom she spent her entire life were going to forget her like she did not even exist.

"And what if I refuse to go?" she asked. Custos looked at her as if he was expecting her to ask that question, as if it was too common for those hidden or runaway once to refuse to go to that academy.

"Verily, such an option is feasible," he commenced. "You may be disinclined to immerse yourself in a world where you feel out of place, but do recall this crucial fact: the icons that were devised to safeguard you will evaporate upon you reaching the age of eighteen, irrespective of your choice. Moreover, any memories associated with their presence among the inhabitants of Earth will likewise dissipate. Hence, the decision rests with you."

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