Chapter 4

Hours later, they got to the new home. It was one abandoned duplex with no neighbours. Everything they needed- food, water, was available. They just had to do some cleaning. As soon as they were done, Charlie took Malcolm to their room and sang him to sleep. After that, she went to meet Oliver and co in the living room.

"He's asleep" Charlie said stressed out.

"Great, so who is he?" Oliver asked impatiently.

"He's just a kid, calm down Oly" father Micheal said.

"Oliver was right and wrong at the same time. A vampire took the ring but not just any vampire. It's the vampire lord" Roland said.

"Omar. He used Malcolm's mother to cloak the ring. She practiced black magic" Charlie explained.

"Vampires can compel but Omar can compel and possess" Roland explained.

"When we told her we wanted to find the ring she lied and Roland could tell" Charlie said.

"It was almost as if she didn't want us to find it. So I threatened her" Roland explained.

"He pointed a gun at her and she used me as leverage" Charlie said.

"Exactly why I wanted you to stay back. What if she had killed you?" Oliver said in annoyance.

"But she didn't. Omar possesses her and before he could use her to kill me, Roland already pulled the trigger" Charlie explained.

"If we manage to pick ourselves up before the real battle begins, you're not getting involved in anything" Oliver assured.

"You don't tell me how to live my fucking life Oly. I do what I want when I want especially without your permission" Charlie retorted and then she walked out.

"Learn to control yourself Oliver. By the way, she's not a kid. Let her be" Father Micheal said.

"She's too stubborn" Oliver mumbled to himself.

"So… now that we know who took the ring, what's the next step?" Roland asked.

"I honestly don't know. No one has seen Omar since he stole the ring" Oliver admitted.

"So Omar tricked you into giving me the ring just so he could get the ring out of your house" Father Micheal said.

"His whispers stopped immediately the ring was no longer in my possession and that was exactly what I was hoping for" Oliver said realising how they had been played by the vampire lord.

"But what I don't get is why he returned the ring only to come back for it a few years later" Roland said.

"Maybe he has something planned. Whatever it is, we just have to be ready" father Micheal said.

"First, little Malcolm needs to learn his spells. If we wanna hide out here till we figure out a way to fix this mess, we'll need to cloak this house and everyone in it before it's too late" Roland said.

"I'll get Charlie to convince him" Oliver said.

"We all know you're the last person she wanna see right now. It's better I go" Roland said.

"Great idea" father Micheal agreed and then Roland left in search of Charlie. He later found her by the balcony. She started into the air as though she was looking for something that clearly wasn't.

"The last time Lizz practiced black magic was when she wanted to resurrect my brother. We were arguing…." Charlie explained as she noticed Roland's presence.


Charlie and her brother Finn were on the landing exchanging words.

"You don't know what you're getting into?z"

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