Chapter 6
Oliver later found the courage to reply Jean.
“I killed one of their guys” Oliver replied.
“Why?” Jean asked sternly but Oliver refused to answer.
“Why did you kill a vampire?!” Jean asked angrily.
“I made a mess and I’m gonna fix it. I don’t need the Vatican’s help. I don’t want anyone getting hurt because of me. There might be a war and you all tell me that I am the most powerful creature in the world. No matter what I do, I’ll still remain the only person that can save us all from what’s coming” Oliver said and then he hung up.
“Motherfucker!” Jean exclaimed.
“What did he say?” Batista asked.
“Oliver Stones and Roland Oswald are wanted men…by order of the fucking Vatican” Jean said sternly.
Night was fast approaching and Malcolm was still yet to awake. Charlie and the priest sat beside him.
“He’s gonna wake up soon. Don’t worry” father Micheal said calmly.
“His mother never wanted him practising magic. I don’t want him to end up the way she did. She was used and she turned against the good guys…now she’s dead” Charlie said sadly.
“He’s with us… he’s gonna have a life far more better than his mother did” father Micheal said.
“No, it’s because he’s with us he won’t have a better life than his mother did. Father…” Charlie said but then got interrupted by the priest.
“Micheal… please” the priest said.
“Malcolm doesn’t deserve all this. I… I think he has done his job here. I think… it’s time for us to go. I should have listened to Roland when he told me Oliver’s intentions” Charlie stuttered.
“Do you think he meant that? Charlie, come on” Micheal said disappointed in Charlie.
“Father- I mean, Micheal… when you came to Oliver’s house that day and noticed something went down between us, that was all it was; something that will eventually lead to nothing. It’s just the way Oly is, he can sacrifice his life for the people he loves” Charlie said.
“Besides, right now we have to think about Malcolm and not Oliver and I” Charlie concluded.
“If you say so… so, are you gonna tell Oliver about this? Though we could really need a witch” Micheal said.
“I know but I’m gonna tell him” Charlie said.
“It’s better you do that tonight so you two can leave early. I doubt Roland would agree to it” Micheal said.
“Fuck him” Charlie said with contempt.
“Woah. Anyways, good night Char. Try to get some shut eye. He’s gonna wake up tomorrow don’t you worry” Micheal said and then he stood up from the bed and left their room. Charlie then stared at Malcolm and sighed.
“I’m so sorry, Malcolm. You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve any of this” she said to him.
“We’re gonna get away from here. You and me. I promise you” Charlie said. Unknown to her, Malcolm had already awoken but he pretended to still be asleep. He heard the promise she made and was going to make sure she kept to it.
Charlie then gave Malcolm a kiss on his forehead and then she stood up from the bed and went to Oliver’s room. She was hesitant to knock on his door but eventually found the courage to do so. Oliver opened the door and was shocked to see Charlie.
“Hi” Oliver said.
“Hey” Charlie responded. “Can I come in?” Charlie asked then Oliver paved way for her entrance. She entered inside and he closed his doors.
“I’m sorry about Malcolm. Is he okay?” Oliver asked.
“I don’t know” Charlie replied sadly.
“Forgive Roland if he…” Oliver said but got interrupted by Charlie.
“Don’t… don’t speak for him, please” Charlie said.
“Okay…so…what couldn’t wait till morning?” Oliver asked.
“I’m taking Malcolm with me. We are going back to the city” Charlie said avoiding eye contacts.
“I won’t allow that” Oliver said calmly.
“Why? Because you love me or because you wanna take advantage of the boy?” Charlie asked calmly.
“You never wanted me here remember? You told Roland to drop me off at my house. So I’m gonna do you a favour and leave. The more people you have here the more casualties and collaterals you acquire” Charlie concluded in the same tone. Oliver then pulled her closer to him.
“Do you think I meant that?” Oliver asked.
“Maybe you didn’t mean it but that’s what you wanted. If I wasn’t as stubborn as I am you would have gotten what you wanted” Charlie said sternly.
“That’s what I like about you Char… you’re stubbornness” Oliver said in a hush tone.
“You know what I hate about you… how you always find a way to make me not hate you” Charlie said in a hush tone. Then they stared at each other for some time. No sooner were they already on top each other.
“What happened to “ this won’t happen again”? Charlie asked as she took off her clothes.
“God, you are so beautiful” Oliver said admiring Charlie’s nakedness.
“Shut up and kiss me” Charlie ordered and then they began making out. It eventually led to sex. When they were done, they laid side by side on the bed while cuddling.
“Malcolm needs to go. This is not his war” Charlie said calmly.
“I understand…but it’s already too late. If you go who’s gonna take you? Is it the priest who’s probably a wanted man, or Roland who’s already on the Vatican’s radar, or me? I’m a fugitive, both the police and the Vatican are hunting me down” Oliver explained calmly.
“I can drive us back” Charlie said.
“You can’t drive and you know it” Oliver declared.
“Why do you want us here Oliver?” Charlie asked sternly as she sat upright. Oliver followed as well.
“Charlie, you decided to disobey me and now you want to back out. You said that you’ll always be there for me” Oliver said and then Charlie chuckled.
“You don’t need me” she said sternly.
“Look at me Char” Oliver demanded but Charlie refused. He then took her forcefully by the chin and made her look at him.
“You and the boy are staying here. Letting the both of you go would cause those casualties and collateral damage you talked about” Oliver said sternly.
“I’m just glad I don’t listen to you” Charlie said with a smirk and after that, she removed his hands from her chin and stood up to wear her clothes.
“Charlie” Oliver called out.
“Things will get out of hand and you know it. Malcolm needs a better life than this” Charlie said as she began walking towards the door.
“Charlie” Oliver called out but she ignored him. She was about opening the door when Oliver called out her name.
“Stay” he said calmly.
Jean sat in her bathtub at the Vatican thinking about how Maelstrom questioned her about Roland’s watch.
“Here, Oliver’s cologne and Roland’s wrist watch” Jean said as she handed over their belongings to Ginger and Maelstrom.
“Roland’s wrist watch, how did you get it? He’s always over protective with this things” Maelstrom asked.
“That’s not the problem. We need to find them now” Jean said sternly.
“Roland…my love” She said to herself while admiring his watch she had in her hands.