Chapter 2

After saying this, I get up and walk away to stand by Renee and some other girls while we wait for the instructor to start training. Today we are going to be working on hand-to-hand combat and fighting in wolf form but since I haven’t gotten my wolf yet, I’ll be working on hand-to-hand combat and weapons training. Females get their wolves later than males but being that I have Alpha blood I will get my wolf sooner but still after my brother.

He received his wolf when he turned 19 two years ago so my parents think that I will get mine this year when I turn 18. That will be in four months, so I still have a bit of a wait. I’m not rushing though because as much as I want my wolf, I don’t want to get my mate just yet. If I had my way, I would wait until I’m at least 22 to find my mate. It isn’t that I don’t want a mate or anything, but more that I want to see at least some of the world or just the state before I must settle down. Everyone that I have encountered who found their mates changed. Suddenly everything was all about their mate and keeping them happy. It was kind of like they could no longer think for themselves or do anything without their mate present. That is way too clingy for me.

Shaking my head to clear those thoughts so that I could get my head into training, I walk over to my usual spot with Renee, and we begin hand to hand combat. Within five minutes I have put her on her ass three times, and I am starting to get frustrated. “Damnit! Renee, can you focus? If this was a rogue attack or a challenge, you’d have died three times. What is wrong with you?” She gets up off the ground and pouts while showing her neck to me which means she is submitting but I don’t understand why until I look around and everyone is either showing me their necks or looking at me shocked. My brother comes running up to me and Renee looking stunned as well. “Umm sis can you release them now?” I look at him like he has grown another head.

“What do you mean release them? I’m not touching them.” He sighs and shakes his head.

“Freya, you don’t even know what you’ve done, do you?”

“What are you talking about, Nick?”

“Freya, you used your Alpha voice. That is why everyone is showing their necks to you. I can’t release them because I didn’t command them.”

“I didn’t command anyone to do anything though. I was only yelling at Renee because I was getting frustrated that she wasn’t concentrating. Damn girl is going to get herself or someone else killed if she doesn’t start taking this training more serious. I won’t always be able to step in and help her.”

“Freya now you need to calm down and focus. Just tell them that they are dismissed and to carry on with training or whatever they were doing but use your Alpha voice.” I take a deep breath and do as he said then slowly start to see everyone relaxing and going about their day. Some of them are still staring at me and whispering but I have no idea why since I am an Alpha so it is only natural that I would have an Alpha voice.

We all went back to training and thirty minutes later I felt a slight pushing in my head which means that someone is trying to mind link me. Thinking that it must be important since everyone knows not to bother me during training, I open my mind to receive the message. Once opened I wish I had ignored the push and just waited until I got through training and went home.

“Freya! Why didn’t you tell us you got your wolf and your Alpha voice?” My mother can be so dramatic sometimes. I swear she can make things bigger than they are and that can be a problem at times.

“Mom, I did not get my wolf and as for my Alpha voice, I didn’t even know I had one until Nick pointed out that I used it on everyone accidentally.” For a few seconds there was silence and I thought she wasn’t going to speak again so I started to close the link.

“Freya come straight home after practice.” This time it was my father speaking. Was I in trouble? “I want you and your brother to come to my office when practice is over and no, your friends cannot come. This is private business we will be discussing.” He cuts the link and I’m left leaning against a wall feeling more confused than ever.

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