Chapter 11


I’m happy about how my meeting with the coach went! The boys had to be put in their place with me but I think they got the point. I might be a girl but I’m not going to be flirted and sweet talked. We are going to have a professional relationship and that means setting clear boundaries.

“You turned hard ass Bryn on the guys quick.” Sawyer says as we drive back to the apartment.

I smirk at him. “They needed to learn quick. I know a room full of horny college guys full of adrenaline can do some stupid stuff. I wanted to make myself clear that I won’t take that crap from them. That includes you too Sawyer.”

He chuckles. “I know calm down. I’ll respect work Bryn.”

I narrow my eyes at him because he agreed too easily and without a flirtatious remark. Maybe the vibes I’ve been picking up are just my imagination running wild. It’s head trip being around this version of Sawyer and it being so long since I’ve slept with someone can be a factor as well. So my new mission should be finding a bed buddy!

“What are thinking so hard about?” Sawyer asks pulling me from my mental list of how to snag a one night stand.

Since I’ve only ever had one-one night stand I’m not sure it’s my thing but I guess I’ll have to find out.

“Just thinking about going to a party. Tabitha wanted to take me one tonight to welcome me to school and I didn’t plan on going but I think I will.”

I Can get loose and maybe dance a little. It would be a perfect situation to scope out potential male company. God that made me sound like a Nerd.

“What party?” He asks and his voice sounds tense.

What is going on with him? His temper has flared up several times already.

“Not sure. Does it matter?”

“Of course it does Bryn! I need to make sure you’re going to be safe.” He makes it sound like I should know this.

“I’ll be with Tabitha! I don’t need you looking out for me. I’m not a child! What is wrong with you?”

He scoffs. “It’s wrong of me to worry about you? We’re friends.”

I want to say once again that we haven’t reached that title again yet but I would be wasting my breath.

“Look, you might have forced me to move in with you and work with your team but I won’t let you make decisions for me. You’re not my father. Even he isn’t as overbearing as you’re being.”

“I’m not trying to be your father! You had a drunk guy grabbing on you not that long ago and you let him!”

Oh no he did not!

“Pull over.”

His heads snaps in my direction. “What? Why?”

“Just pull over!” I yell.

He curses and does as I ask. Once the car stops I unbuckle myself and throw the door open. I climb out and slam the door shut but he opens his own door and climbs out as well. I don’t care what he does but I’m not going to be around him right now, so I start walking.

“Bryn! What the hell are you doing?” He calls out after me but I don’t turn to look at him.

“Walking back.”

“Come on Bryn, just get back in the car.” He sounds exasperated but so am I!

He’s being ridiculous and a total ass!

“I’m walking Sawyer. Maybe if a drunk guy comes at me I’ll actually fight him off this time.” I yell back.

I hear him jogging up to me and then be grabs my arm to stop me. “Bryn I’m sorry that wasn’t what I meant. I was worried.”

“Yeah and then you did what you did last night and made it seem like we’re together. What is that about? You can’t lie about that all the time or I’ll never be able to make male friends or even date.”

“Male friends? You don’t need more male friends. One is enough.” I growl and pull my arm from his hand. “You are not getting it! Just leave me alone.”

This time when I storm off I don’t feel him behind me. A second later I hear the door of my car slam closed and think he’ll take off and give me some space. Well the thing about Sawyer is when it came to us he was always as stubborn as me. Even when we would fight he wouldn’t let a full day go by before hunting me down and making things right between us. That’s another reason him cutting me off was so confusing to me.

“Bryn get in!” He calls out and I look over to see him driving along side me. “Please! Don’t make me force you!”

Uh he’s really annoying me now!

“Go home Sawyer!” I call back.

“Bryn?” The sound of another voice has me looking to my right and seeing my student guide coming toward me. “Is everything okay?”

He looks over my shoulder where Sawyer is sitting in my car. I decide to show Sawyer just how much I don’t need him.

“I’m walking back to the apartment where I’m staying! Would you walk with me?”

He smiles at me and nods. “Of course.”

I throw Sawyer a look that says he better back off and although I see his jaw tensing and his hands tightening on the steering wheel he doesn’t cause a scene. He takes off leaving me alone finally.


“Fuck!” I yell.

Why is she being such a brat? She has been testing my patience more in the one day we’ve been together than anyone has dared to recently. My anger runs too close to the surface and I snap way too fast that people tend to walk on eggshells around me. Not Bryn. She’s fine pushing and prodding me but when I snap she won’t like who she sees and I don’t want that. I want to prove to her that I’m a better man now, but it’s going to be harder than I thought.

I make it back home before she does and I jog inside slamming the door shut hard making the walls shake.

Fuck, im losing control.

My head is throbbing and I feel like I will literally explode if I don’t get this anger out. I grab my gear and jog upstairs to my room. My sand bag is hung up already so I pull on my gloves and start slamming my fists against it as hard as I can. The whole time I see Bryn’s face through the years. Her when we were kids and the way she smiled and laughed to us in high-school when she was lonely and sad. Then I see her now, more beautiful than I’ve ever seen her. Even when she’s giving me a tongue lashing and yelling at me she looks stunning. Her smile is the same though and the brief few times she’s smiled since we reunited have been the best moment in my life for a long time.

I want to make her smile all the time but so far I’ve only been doing a good job of making her mad. She’s making me crazy with not only the urge to protect her but also to tell everyone she’s mine. Mine as what I’m not sure…

My head is battling with too many emotions and all of them are crashing together into me being overbearing and possessive. There has to be more to it than that because I can’t stop looking at her and feeling an urge to reach out a touch her. Would she let me?

My arms start to ache because of how hard I’m hitting the bag but I can’t stop. The only reason I finally stop is because I hear the front door open. I hear Bryn’s voice and that assholes voice. They are laughing and sound too happy for a simple conversation.

“I’ll pick you up at eight.” I stop at the top of the stairs and watch him lean in and kiss Bryn on the cheek.

She closes the door behind him and stands there. Her body looks tense and when she lifts her hand up to touch the spot where the guy kissed her she doesn’t look pleased. She looks confused.

“So you have a date tonight?” I say making my presence known.

She whirls around with a small yelp. “Stop walking around so quiet.”

Her eyes move from my face and down to my naked chest. I pulled my shirt off before I started throwing punches and I forgot to pull it back on before I came down stairs. She shallows and her eyes move down as if she’s following something and I look down at my own chest to see a drop of sweat running down to the top of my pants. I can’t help but smirk because my childhood best friend is in lust with me. There is this urge to say something but I like the way she’s looking at me and I don’t want to break whatever trance she’s in.

Instead I step closer to her then stop to make sure she doesn’t get nervous and takes off. I want to be closer to her, and when her hand twitches I realize she wants to touch me and hell I want that too.

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