Chapter 6

{Ari's POV}

I decided it was time and went up the steps. I shook the handle. It was locked. Of course, it was. This shouldn’t be difficult, but in my weakened state, I knew the door was heavily reinforced and would give me trouble. "Okay, Gemma, I need you,” I said. Gemma came forward until they were both present in the forefront of her mind. We hit the door with our shoulders three times. Nothing but a loud pop and pain.

-fuck, my shoulder came out of place just fucking great-

I held my shoulder as we mustered our strength to kick the door down. That went much smoother than knocking it on with our shoulder.

“I’ll heal you as soon as it’s safe, sweet child. Just hold on,” Gemma said. I found a sheet to wrap my arm in a makeshift sling and try and keep it from moving more than it needed to. Once my head was clear, I headed for my father's office. I was so angry that I didn’t bother sneaking at this point. I opened the unlocked door and looked through his things. There was nothing there but a piece of paper with a Toy Shed on it.

  • where could it be? It had to be in the middle of nowhere-

The only place I could think of was on the other side of our lands, which meant going through pride lands. I couldn’t risk it. “fuck”

As I stood in my Father's office, ‘I knew he had to have something. Where is it? I know he has to keep something,” I mumbled to myself and Gemma. I just wanted something to make sure my story was believed so that I could stop whatever my family and pride were doing. I tried to roar; I was so angry, but Gemma reminded me we needed to be quiet. That’s when I heard it. My head tilted, looking at the closet. I walked close

  • yes, it was whimpering. Someone is there-

I grabbed the door handle, taking a deep breath. I was unsure and scared of what I would find. Once I opened it, I realized it wasn’t a standard closet. It looked like a typical closet, but Ari could feel the magic radiating from the open door. I was hesitant but stepped inside when I heard a soft voice.

"No, you won’t be able to return " What was that voice? I looked into the closet.

-Okay, Ari, everything is getting to you, you’re losing your mind.-

Even though I was sure I was going insane from lack of sleep, the crying was plain as day. “What do I do?" I asked softly. There was no answer at first, making me think I was right and losing my mind from lack of sleep. I turned to step away when I heard the voice again, “Anchor yourself to the room.”

With that, I looked back at the closet. No, I wasn’t losing my mind. Someone was trapped, and they sounded young from their voice. Anchor myself a way out, hmm. I thought briefly that a genuine anchor was an emotional connection; however, I didn't have that option. Instead, I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a rope, tied herself to the desk, and walked into the closet; at least it would lead them back out.

As I reached the back of the closet, I touched it, and my hand pushed through the fake wall. I paused for a moment before taking a deep breath and walking through the vale. There before me was a vast room. It was bleak and dark. I could barely see your hand in front of my face. That’s when I started looking through Gemma's eyes, which allowed me to see in the dark. As soon as I did it, I found myself wishing I hadn't; there were three cages and in them were three people. In the first, I saw someone I thought long forgotten. My legs moved so fast as I ran to the cage, temporarily forgetting about the others.

I knelt by the cage. It was her; it was her. “Ember,” I said softly; my voice was shaking as it was trying so hard not to cry out of sadness, anger, and happiness all at once. The girl in the cage was an old friend, the only person to treat me like an actual person, not a toy. They were allowed to play when we were young, but she stopped coming around one day. The girl didn't look the same as before. Her hair was matted, covered in dirt, and she was wearing a ripped bra and underwear. No longer were the beautiful blonde curls and bright ocean-blue eyes.

The Ember, I remember, she had glowing golden blonde curls that fell to her mid back, and ocean blue eyes rimmed in icy blue. The icy blue almost reflected in the sunlight, making it appear like they were mirroring each other. She had a curvy body, an ample perky chest, and a high, tight bottom with a round shape. She developed early in life, which unfrontually is probably why she is where she is right now.

I saw Ember look up at me. Her eyes were dim; I could tell she had seen much pain. “Ari,” she said softly. I nodded my head. “I’m getting you out,” I said, looking around the room frantically for any way to open the cage. Ember pointed to a small desk, and in seconds, I was on my feet and headed over to it. I grabbed the key and noticed who was in the other cages.

  • children, their children.-

The thought turned my stomach as I silently prayed that nothing terrible happened to them. It was getting increasingly difficult and harder to keep the mind link open.

'We have to move,' I heard Gemma's voice. I shook my head. 'I have to get them out,' I replied. At that point, Gemma knew arguing with me was pointless. I walked back, unlocked the cage, and looked at Ember. “Who else is here?" I asked as I helped Ember out of the cell and to her feet. It took Ember a bit to get steady on her feet from being cramped in the cell. I couldn’t help it. I hugged her tightly. “How long?" I asked, unsure if I even wanted an answer.

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