Episode 3
And they stare at themselves badly as Rubin was kindly waiting to hear what Jesse has to say.
"Am not about to order you on what to do but I have to say what's right"
"You gotta let him go"
Alpha Jesse said as he points at Theo while Rubin was still looking at his face.
Besides, Rubin was just wondering what has come over Jesse.
Because he is the one that has been pushing Rubin before to torture Theo more harshly.
So while the change now, telling him to let Theo go even when he hasn't provided Sylvie.
And as he can remember Jesse once told him that even if he provides Sylvie later on, he shouldn't be freed but killed for being a betrayal.
"I believe you are cracking a fucking joke bro, and I love that"
Rubin said as he chuckles and taps Jesse on his shoulder as he couldn't believe that it was Jesse talking.
And was about to walk away but Jesse grabbed his hand as he looks back at Jesse's face.
"Am not joking"
Jesse said and leave his hand while Rubin surprisingly looks at him.
"Like seriously?"
Rubin said out of surprise.
"Yeah, let him go"
Jesse repeated as Rubin steps close to his face and looks at him from up his head down to his toe.
Wondering where this speech is coming from.
Wondered if the speech is coming from Jesse or somebody else.
Rubin responded refusing to let Theo go as they keep looking at each other as if they are about to engage in a serious fight.
"Am not letting him go! And what are you gonna do about that?"
Rubin said to Jesse.
"Absolutely nothing, it is your decision to make"
Jesse said as he flaps his shoulder and left his presence.
While Rubin stares at him silently till he is off his sight.
Ulva is still in her bed thinking and disturbing her mind thinking of the next action to take.
Though she left her bed and was currently standing beside the window.
No place is allowing her to stay for long because her heart is just so restless.
So just a few seconds of staying at the window staring at the moon.
Thinking of how to solve this issue.
She returned to the bed and sits down on it as she looks at her hand.
And her eyes quickly capture the ring in her hand made with lapis lazuli gemstone.
Her intellect quickly flashed on how the ring was made.
It is made by a powerful sorcerer to protect her from the sun as she is a vampire.
Which is what she has been hiding from Alpha Jesse.
Jesse has no idea that he has been living with a vampire for a long now.
And that's only possible with the help of the same sorcerer that gave her the gemstone.
The sorcerer equally helped her hide her identity from Jesse or his brother with the power of dark magic.
So these were all the things she remembered looking at the ring.
And that appears where her hope relies on right now.
"I think the sorcerer could be of help"
She said as she gets up from the bed and stares at the ring.
"Yes, she can help us, maybe there is a spell she could cast that will make Jesse"
"Or his brother Rubin not to ever find us again, yes this is an option"
She said to herself as she looks at the diamond and gives out a little smile.
"And how then are we gonna escape this night?"
"How are we to escape here now and meet the sorcerer? This same night?
She questioned herself as she stares at the window hoping that this is the time to get out of here.
But then she heard footsteps coming forward and she knew that it must be Jesse.
She wanted to jump out of the window immediately but then she remember that it is time for her to show him her real self.
And let him know the group she belongs to, she is never a human she was just pretending all this while.
So she waits behind for him.
And just in a few seconds, Jesse stepped into the room.
He was still saying but was heavily interrupted by the roar of Ulva.
Ulva roared so loudly with her canine teeth stopping him from saying a word.
Although if she had allowed him to speak maybe she wouldn't have continued with her plan.
But she is out of patience, so she roars at him.
And Jesse was shocked as he slowly steps just a little bit closer to her.
"Unbelievable, don't tell me that's real you"
Jesse said as Ulva roars at him again as he opens his eyes widely being so surprised.
Besides he seems to be so fearless as he folds his arms and looks at his back first and checks if anyone is watching them.
"So what's this supposed to mean?"
"You wanna fight me? You know you can't, you belong to me"
"You can't get away from me, no matter what you are"
Jesse said as he swallows his saliva and Ula was breathing heavily.
She is seriously angered at the moment that Jesse is proving to be brave.
Actually, she is the one holding herself from attacking him.
Although she was monitoring his move to know if he is trying to attack her first.
But as she can see, he feels just so relaxed underrating what she can do.
"You can't get away with my child, you and I know that"
"I will hunt you..."
Jesse was still saying when Ulva dived at him unexpectedly and pushed him down.
She roared again as she picks up the iron lord close to her at the side and pierced it into his right eye.
"No!!! Ugh!!!!"
Jesse screams in pain so loud as Ulva gets up from his body and leaped out of the window.
"I will find you!"
Jesse shouted at her but she never minded, she was heading straight to Rubin's cottage.
Although she didn't follow the door instead she broke into the house through the window.
And then run directly to the usual position of Rubin.
To her luck Rubin is not there he must have run to see Jesse because of the scream made by him a few seconds ago.
Then she sights Theo laying wounded on the ground over there.
"Hey, Theo!?"
"Are you okay!! am so so sorry okay? It wasn't my fault..."
She murmured with a low and painful voice as she hugs him with tears.
But looking at him, he has already been tortured that he can't even move.
"Okay... we need to go now, where.... where is Sylvie"
She said with a panicking voice and Sylvie interrupted her from the back.
"I saw you coming this way and I knew that it must have been about this,"
"Have they agreed to let us go?" Sylvie asked.
Ulva did not answer that question of hers instead she lifted Theo from the ground and put him on her shoulder.
"Just come with me, this is the safest night for us to escape"
"Come on"
Ulva said as Sylvie jumped out of the window and then Ulva gave her Theo.
Then jumped out as they run into the bush, running away this night making use of the moonlight.
Alpha Jesse was shown as he is being helped by Rubin.
"What happened?"
Rubin asked him and help him get to the chair where he sits while groaning in pain.
"Ulva did this to me, but I will find her!"
Alpha Jesse said out of pain and anger in him.
While Rubin stares at him silently suspecting heavily.
He became confused about what is going on, at first, he told him to let Theo go, and then this?
"I will be right back"
Rubin said as he suspected that something fishy is going on.
So he ran out of Jesse's cottage running back to his to know if Theo is still there or if he has successfully been fooled.
"Enough, please! I don't understand, where are we running to?"
Sylvie said as she stopped running after Ulva and then Ulva looks at her.
"Trust me we gat to keep going"
Ulva said to her and turned to continue running but Sylvie stands by her word.
"Am not going anywhere with you! come on are you okay?"
"You know we can't escape them, they are still going to find us"
"This is not an option, instead this is deadly to all of us"
Sylvie said as Ulva kindly keeps Theo on the ground and stepped closer to Sylvie.
"I know you think that I probably don't know what am doing but trust me I do"
Ulva said with a cool voice but was interrupted rudely by Sylvie.
"No, you don't! If you do you wouldn't have taken us out here to kill us!"
Sylvie said as Ulva looks at her silently, like the statement she made really hurt Ulva down to her heart.
Before she was disturbing Ulva to help, and now she wants to help but Sylvie is still blaming her.
Has she never tried her best to make her happy?
The statement Sylvie made almost made Ulva to change her mind.
If not that she has already left Alpha Jesse wounded she could have left Sylvie here and returned to him.
"Sylvie at first you need my help, you were begging for it!"
Ulva said with a low voice as she is almost shedding tears.
"Yes, you should save us not kill us!"
Sylvie repeated as Ulva interrupted with a loud voice.
"Am not trying to kill you! Am trying to help! okay!"
"Maybe you should keep your mouth shut! And let me explain!"
Ulva yells at her and Sylvie silently stares at her.
"Am taking us to this sorcerer, the goddess can keep us safe from Rubin and Jesse, trust me"
Ulva said and Sylvie reacted just too badly.
"What! What the fuck are you saying? Are you not talking about Hecate?"
Sylvie asked and Ulva reacted wondering why she is shouting.
"Yes, and why are you worried about her? am glad you know her, It..." Ulva was still saying but heavily interrupted.
"You have killed us Ulva!"
Sylvie yelled at her as she puts her hand on her forehead.
"You think we didn't do anything the last time we escaped? we went to her and seek for protection but yet Rubin still found us!"
Sylvie said as Ulva stares at her with her eyes widely opened.
"What the fuck!"
Ulva said with a low voice as she looks so frustrated.
"Save us and you decided to kill us!"
Sylvie said repeatedly.
"Kill us! am among! You mind how you accuse!"
"Although you have already made me regretted ever trying to help!"
"You ain't helping things at all!!!!!"
Ulva interrupted with a harsh voice as they are being stranded on what to do right now and they are running out of time.
Alpha Jesse was still inside the house trying to heal himself from the wound he has gotten from Ulva.
And Rubin barge into the room with force and just as he turned to look at him.
He landed a hot punch on the same eye spot Jesse was wounded.
"Ugh!" Jesse groaned in pain but Rubin however careless as he grabs him on the neck.
"What game are you trying to play with me? You did this just to free Theo!"
"Don't worry I will find him, I will find all of them"
"And when I find them I will kill everyone behind it while I come for you!"
Rubin said as he throw Jesse to the side and left his presence.
And on the chase to get the stranded Ulva and Sylvie.