Episode 4

Jesse was spotted standing beside the mirror, having just managed to clean up his bruised eyes. The injury had been inflicted by Ulva, and he had not anticipated such a severe blow.

Despite this, Jesse was resolute in his desire to retaliate against Ulva, for she was currently pregnant with his child.

"Hmm, Ulva had the audacity to do this to me. Nevertheless, I mustn't harm her for the time being," he muttered, gazing at his reflection in the mirror.

"In regards to that motherfucker Rubin, how dare he! I won't reveal what I'll do to him for now, I should get Ulva back first," Jesse seethed, staring at the eye patch which he is to use and cover his bruised eyes.

"One thing he must do for his own good is to never lay a hand on her," he added with a menacing tone.

"I need to find Ulva first, and then I'll deal with him," he muttered as he covered his eyes with the eye patch.

"Silva, are you there? Can you hear me?" Jesse asked, placing his hand on his ear, trying to contact Silva.

Jesse was attempting to engage in telepathic communication with his beta, a practice he often resorted to when he needed his beta to carry out tasks while not in close proximity.

However just getting connected with reaching Silva and all he could hear was heavy panting in his ear.

"Silva, are you okay? What's happening there?" Jesse inquired anxiously, eager to ascertain the reason behind Silva's labored breathing.

"I'm not doing well here, Alpha Jesse," Silva replied, causing Jesse to shift uneasily in fear for his beta's safety. He worried that Rubin might be behind the attack on his pack members.

"What's happening, and where are the others? Is Rubin involved in any way?" Jesse urgently inquired.

"I can't say who's behind the attack. I'm currently dealing with some sort of demon situation here, but I assure you that I'll be alright soon," Silva reassured him.

"As for the others, I believe they've gone far," Silva informed Jesse, who remained silent for a moment, listening to the sound of his beta's labored breathing, indicating an ongoing fight.

Silva then asked, "Is there anything you would like me to do for you, Alpha?"

Jesse hesitated before responding, not wishing to distract Silva while he was in the midst of a battle. He reasoned that since Silva promised to be okay, he needn't worry too much about his safety.

"Very well then, I need you to join the others as soon as possible and search for Ulva," Jesse instructed him.

"She's currently in the woods, and I want you all to bring her back safely. Under no circumstances should she be harmed," Jesse emphasized.

"Also, it's imperative that you find her before Rubin does. Do you understand?" he added.

"Copy that," Silva confirmed before they ended their telepathic conversation.

"I can't believe you would bring us out here to kill us, Ulva. Why would you do this?" Sylvie continued to blame Ulva for their current predicament.

Ulva was overwhelmed with frustration and didn't know what to do. Sylvie's accusations only made it worse, making it difficult for Ulva to think and come up with a plan of escape.

Both of them were breathing heavily and could hear footsteps, shadows, and movements in the surrounding woods. The silence only added to their fear and uncertainty.

"Sylvie, now is not the time for this. We have to keep running, they're already here," Ulva said as they both crouched behind a tree in the woods.

"Run where? Ulva! Where the hell do you want us to go?" Sylvie cried, tears streaming down her face as she feared being caught.

"Okay, I think we need to find the sorcerer," Ulva said, trying to come up with a plan.

"I know she failed you guys at first, but that doesn't mean she won't help now," Ulva said, consoling Sylvie as she was weeping.

However, it was clear that Ulva's words were not providing any comfort to Sylvie, who remained distressed. The situation was dire since they risked getting caught.

"Sylvie, please listen. The sorcerer who let you down before gave me this ring. Look, it's on my finger," Ulva said, taking off the ring to show it to Sylvie.

As soon as Ulva removed the ring from her finger, it began to glitter brightly in her palm.

"What's the ring for?" Sylvie asked, taking the ring and examining it closely.

"This ring has been hiding my true identity from Jesse," Ulva explained. "I've lived with him for a long time, as you know, but he hasn't been able to discover that I'm a vampire. This ring is what has been keeping my identity hidden, and it was given to me by the sorcerer."

"I think Ulva is right. We have to try again because even if we stay here, that doesn't assure us safety because we would still get caught," Theo interjected despite his comatose state.

However, their discussion was abruptly interrupted by the sound of footsteps drawing closer. The footsteps were much closer than they anticipated, causing Ulva to quickly slip the ring back onto her finger.

"We need to find a place to hide," Ulva urged, scanning their surroundings frantically.

Sylvie nodded in agreement as they hurried over to Theo and helped him to his feet. Together, they began to search for a place to hide.

Meanwhile, Alpha Jesse was growing increasingly restless inside the house. He had yet to receive any news from Silva, he was expecting their return with Ulva. However, there had been no updates since then, and Jesse was beginning to grow worried.

Jesse realized that it was time to contact Silva to find out what is keeping them.

"Silva, are you there? Silva?" He said, placing his right hand on his ear.

There was no response at first, but then Silva's voice finally came through.

"Yes, sir?" Silva responded.

"How is the progress on the track?" Alpha Jesse asked, his tone indicating his growing concern.

"Not yet," Silva responded, but his answer only served to provoke Jesse, who yelled at him with increasing frustration.

"What the hell is still keeping you from getting on the track? I told you that my wife is trying to escape! You were supposed to be on the track already!" Alpha Jesse barked at Silva.

"Sorry, boss. I'll be on it soon, but I'm encountering some difficulties," Silva began to explain, but Jesse abruptly ended the telepathic call in anger.

"Fine! I'll do it myself!" he declared as he set off towards the woods to track down Ulva.

Meanwhile, Ulva and Sylvie were still making their escape on the woods. Exhausted and out of breath, Sylvie noticed a cave in the distance and called out to Ulva, "Hey, Ulva! Over here!" As they approached the cave, they soon realized it was a dead end.

"We're trapped," Sylvie exclaimed, her voice trembling with tension, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to catch her breath.

Ulva, on the other hand, began scanning their surroundings for any other possible escape routes.

Just as Ulva was about to speak, they heard a voice from behind them.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here," sneered Rubin, a smirk on his face.

Ulva and Sylvie quickly turned around to see Rubin standing just a few feet away from them with Theo lying unconscious on the ground beside him.

"I have finally caught up with you," Rubin growled, cracking his knuckles as he prepared to confront Ulva

"You don't dare come near me! You can't touch me!" Ulva shouted, while Sylvie cowered behind her, trying to hide her face.

However, Rubin had already sensed that his mate was nearby.

"Wow, look who's here! Sylvie! It's been such a long time since I last saw you not knowing you are even this close. I knew I would find you eventually!" Rubin exclaimed, grinning maliciously at her.

"Little did you know that your friends would meet their demise because of you!" Rubin declared as he attacked Ulva, knocking her to the ground.

Despite Ulva's efforts to fight back, Rubin was always one step ahead and had the upper hand.

Sylvie attempted to retaliate, but Rubin quickly grabbed her leg, causing her to fall and hit her head on a nearby tree.

Meanwhile, Ulva was in grave danger as Rubin prepared to kill her with a sharpened piece of wood. Just as Rubin was about to strike, Jesse intervened, grabbing his hand and throwing him aside.

"How dare you attack her! how dare you lay your filthy fingers on her!!!" Jesse bellowed in anger as Rubin climbed to his feet and glared at him menacingly.

"Little brother, do you really think you can stand in my way?" he snarled, baring his canine teeth. More vampires from his coven appeared out of nowhere and stood beside him.

Jesse looked at Ulva, who had managed to rise from the ground but appeared weak. He realized that he was now alone.

Ulva was too weak to put up a fight against the vampires, and Sylvie was in a similar state. The responsibility of facing the vampires fell solely on Jesse, as it was the duty of the Alpha to protect his people.

Just as they were about to engage in battle, the roar of a dragon interrupted them. They all turned around to witness a massive creature emerging from a nearby cave. The dragon's scales were as black as night, and its eyes glowed red like blood.

The dragon roared again, causing Rubin and Jesse to take a step back in fear. Ulva and Sylvie were also taken aback, but they stood their ground despite the distraction. Even the vampire coven was poised to attack the dragon.

After staring at them for a few seconds, the dragon turned around and flew away.

Rubin and Jesse exchanged a confused and frightened look. Ulva and Sylvie took advantage of the distraction to flee with Theo.

"Where the hell are they now? but that's all good! because this is the perfect time to strike, brother!" Rubin yelled at Jesse in frustration, poised for a fight.

While they were fleeing, Ulva turned to Sylvie and said, "We must find that sorcerer. She's our only hope."

Sylvie nodded in agreement, and they continued to run, unaware of what other dangers might be lurking ahead.

Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched. Someone was following their every move, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

The screen fades to black as the sound of footsteps grows louder and closer.

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