
-Soraia wants to stop pulling me like this- Amy grunted as she let go of her friend's hand and looked around as if something or someone was going to jump out at her.

-I'm sorry.

-Soraia, what's going on?

-I don't even know.

Amy frowned as if her friend was going crazy or had drunk something other than juice.

-I'm afraid of that man.

This confession was enough for Amy to hug her friend like she hadn't done in a while. You know that hug that friends have had since elementary school, this was the hug they shared.

The stranger looked at the two hugging friends and a nostalgia hit his chest as he remembered his mother and how much he missed her warm hugs.

Amy walked down a corridor with many doors but no one there, and entered a door with a little sign with mirrored letters that said 'ladies' room'.

Amy walked in front of the huge mirror that went from the ceiling to the floor behind the sinks on the wide counter and started to retouch her lipstick when a bang on the door made her jump.

-My God!

Amy found herself face to face with the honey-eyed boy staring back at her, and she nodded, saying something obvious and stupid, but better a stupid silence than an awkward silence.

-This is the ladies' room.

-I know," he said as he took a few steps forward while Amy took a few steps backward until she found herself wedged between the counter and that solid muscle frame of his.

Marcus couldn't take his eyes off the shiny emeralds in front of him, but the straw that broke his will was when she ran the tip of her tongue over his lips.

Marcus stepped forward, and Amy swallowed hard, wide-eyed, when he wrapped his arm around her waist in a tight grip that brought her to his chest with hands clasped together with a hesitant question:

-What do you intend to do?

-To kiss you - he said and plunged his lips into that mouth that he already considered delicious and only increased his desire in the dance of tongues.

A fervent passion was screaming between the two of them in the bathroom, and even though Amy had been scared at first, now she surrendered to the kiss of the guy she didn't even know where they had come from but certainly knew how to kiss.

Oh if she did.

Lais, who had followed Marcus to the bathroom door, gritted her teeth as she saw what those bastards were doing there.

-Damn them, - she whispered through her teeth with a fury burning inside her. And as time is the vampire's friend, lightning and thunder crashed in the sky, and such was the intensity that not only scared many people but also caused the destruction of some power poles which ended up in a blackout in the city. When the lights went out in the hall the euphoria overcame many, after all in the darkness everything is more exciting. But a generator soon did its job by turning everything back on, including the music, which was in a rock remix on the beats of a funk. And in this time without light, which despite being short, many things happened...

Amy found herself alone in the bathroom with the taste of the kiss from the boy who hugged her in the blink of an eye and disappeared in the next, but when she turned to fix her tangled hair in the mirror, written in her lipstick, she said:



So that's your name, soldier?- she whispered, grinning like a fool. She still hadn't realized the danger that hovered over her and the entire city. Yet.

A bat had swooped out of one of the many windows in the salon and into the tormented sky. Julio Cesar had taken good advantage of the blackout, because when the lightning brightened the room, he was already behind Soraia, inhaling the sensual musky smell of her blood. with a mysterious smile on his lips.

-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

She sighed an - it's okay.

-I'm Julio Cesar, - he introduced himself, always staring into Soraia's beautiful black eyes.

The green-eyed stranger had come out of nowhere behind her and pulled her lightly behind his body, covering her from Julio Cesar's eyes, who growled, saying, "Stay away from her. Soraia couldn't deny that the fear she felt from 'Dracula' definitely didn't extend to that stranger, for when he touched her skin a shiver of pleasure and sense of security flooded her both inside and out. Not to mention that her feminine ego loved being the target of these two cats' attention.

Brenda, who was a little further away from them, caught the vocal waves of the stranger's voice in the air and immediately tried to act by sending other waves, only psychic ones to Soraia.

The end of the night was approaching, and even against her will, when she finally woke up on a leather couch in the school, she alone felt pulled to Julio Cesar as if he were a magnet. And the worst part was that she couldn't see her green-eyed savior.

What a bitch!

Many were the times that Soraia tried to look away and even get out of there, but one way or another she found herself close to him. And in Amy's case the opposite happened: the more she tried to get closer to her friend, the more she moved away. How does he have so much power in his eyes?

Only the stranger with the green eyes has that answer, but unfortunately for the good of the whole town it is convenient to keep this answer guarded.

But until when?

Brenda smiled, after all her master had conquered the girl's attention. But what about that stranger? What is he? What does he want?

In a place not far away there, beyond a forest of dry stalks next to a cliff, where below a river of violent waters runs through rocks and ends in a waterfall of nervous descents only to end up in a serene lake.

In a green open field there is a pile of tents - the gypsy tents (I'll tell you more about them and their secrets later) - and behind the camp with its bonfires there is a closed forest with bushes and trees of a very robust size.

At the moment, inside a tent, the largest in the camp, there is a woman positioned in the center, but the voices of two women can be heard distinctly.

-Get ready, young lady, - said the woman with the Spanish accent, - the time to help Soraia is near.

In the shadows of the tent, shrouded by the smoke of fire and incense, black eyes were evident.

-Julio Cesar has involved her then? she asks, quite convinced that the answer is yes, for she knows better than anyone the power he wields.

Still no - says the other with the light green eyes like another stranger who also wants to help Soraia, "but before that happens, you must warn her. The girl with the black eyes nods.

-This night yes - the woman was nervous in her gestures and in walking from one side to the other, "the sooner the better.

-Have a heart, - the girl asked.

-És duro, mi hijo es demasiado(it's hard, my son is there)- she let out a hint that the stranger with the green eyes could be her son.

-Recuerda lo que és tu hijo(remember what your son is).

The woman then took a deep breath and a genuine smile came over her face as she agreed with the girl.

-You are right, my son is Alpha Drakus.

Outside, howls echoed through the forest, still unknown to the humans of Lacrimal city who had no idea who lived there.

In the dark room of the vampire house Lais, or better said, Rachel was cursing Marcus and Amy.


The united voices of the two women in the same body, gave the impression that the room was full of people, not to mention their furious attitudes of picking up things and throwing them against the wall as a betrayed human woman would do.

-Marcus, how dare you do this to me!

Tears rolled down her eyes as she threw a vase of white roses against the wall, and at the same moment a violent bolt of lightning cut the sky.

-Oh, that red-headed bitch is going to pay dearly for taking Marcus from me, - she swore as she picked a rose that had fallen from the vase at her feet and smashed it on her bleeding hand as the thorns met her palm. The vampire's anger provoked the wrath of the heavens, which punished the city with a strong storm.

The ball was ending and as it was customary at Division Academy parties the last two songs are romantic. Then, to the sound of a classic song, several couples crowded the center of the ballroom and the lights dimmed, giving a nostalgic romantic mood.

Luckily for the stranger, Julio Cesar had moved away from Soraia and wasted no time in going to her so that he could have a little more of the smell and softness of her skin when he touched her before.

-Soraia, will you be my date?

Soraia turned around and her black eyes were lost in those green eyes that gave her goose bumps, and in a good way. She had said nothing, nor could she because that piece of desire in front of her was already taking her hand and pulling it slowly toward those hot muscles and stroking, without asking, her neck.

Soraia could swear that he breathed deeply between her shoulder and neck, as if he wanted to keep her smell inside him.

How crazy!

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