2.The premeditated of blood

Augusto could hardly believe that he could finally hug and feel Soraia glued to his body as he had long desired. His other self was going crazy with the heat and perfume of her skin, and he hardly knew how much effort Augusto made not to 'show' his excess of affection, to say the least, for her.

Julio Cesar followed a redheaded girl through one of the school's corridors, he didn't know what she was doing there nor did he care, but he thanked the devil for seeing her leave the school hall and end up there where there was nobody.

She even smiled, because she probably knew he was following her but had no idea that he already had his fangs -the real ones- ready to rip her neck open, literally.

The redhead looked back with her typical smile and ear to ear, but her smile was destroyed on the spot and her face became frightened.

Julio Cesar became a blur in front of her, and before she could blink, she found herself slammed against a wall that cracked her back; she screamed in pain; he smiled at the pain that was going to get worse...a lot worse.

-You're a madman!- she screamed as she rubbed her aching head.

-No," he said as he opened his fangs, and the redhead frowned, still without a real sense of danger, "I'm a vampire," and stabbed those piercing knives into her neck.

The redhead even dug her nails into Julio Cesar's cape, but it was no use, because this was the end for her in every way due not only to his malice and pleasure in killing but also the amount of blood that flowed not only from the girl's neck, but from his lips to thick fillets.

In the salon another song was already rocking Soraia and the stranger, but something happened that even she could feel.

What is it?" she asked as she felt him shiver in her arms, but the shock of their gaze was far more intense than the pressure of the horror committed by the vampire that the stranger felt in his gut. Without thinking, without hesitation, their mouths met in a fierce and deep kiss, like a couple who haven't seen each other for months and need to feel each other as deeply as they can at the moment.

deepest way they could at the moment.

Brenda narrowed her eyes and even though she didn't want to, she was stunned, after all how she hadn't seen those two so close and what's worse, how she had let them kiss.

Damn it!

-Our!" cried Soraia as soon as her lips were parted from his.

-Yes, of course, ours," he agreed, all bland but very happy as he brushed his hand across his mask and averted his eyes from hers for a second.

-Soraia, you have to stay away from Julio Cesar," he pleaded, holding her arms out for her full attention.


-Because every time he gets close to someone death follows -he felt her trembling in his hands out of the fear that shone in her eyes- sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

-Really?- she let go of his hands even though she liked his touch -I think you and he are two crazy people- and before he could touch her again and she could cringe, she shrugged and still heard him say be careful.

After calming herself with all the whirlwind of feelings that were fighting inside of her,

Soraia was approaching the main hallway to the exit door when a scream of horror from the other side ran through her to her bones. Her first thought was Amy, after all, it had been a while since she had lost sight of her friend.

thought twice about meeting the scream, whoever it was from.

Whether she saw it or not, the stranger had followed her and was now calling out to her, but she ignored him and walked on with him following her.

The hallway lights were off, which was strange enough, so with the help of the lights coming from the rooms on either side of the hallway one could see a girl on her knees with her hands covering her face next to a bloody body in a pool of blood with her eyes wide open as if she had seen the devil himself.

Soraia, sympathetic but fearful in her steps, removed her cat woman mask as she approached the girl, looking terrified at the scene, as she embraced her.

The stranger stopped and stepped back, he didn't need or want to see any more to know who had committed this horrible act.

In that time someone had called the police as some men in uniform with the colors of the city's black and red flag approached from the hallway sternly.

-Please move away from the victim - asked the policeman at the head of the small group.

Soraia whispered something in the girl's ear as she got up with her from the floor, but without letting go of her and moved a little away, after all they would need to report to the delegate what they had seen.

The policeman crouched down next to the dead girl and made some preliminary examinations, but what caught his attention the most were the two perfect and deep holes as he noticed when he stuck a pencil there and it buried itself inside the flesh on the side of her neck.

The policeman stood up - which of you two can tell me what happened? - he asked looking at the two somewhat terrified girls leaning against the wall.

-I just heard a scream," said Soraia, and the other girl too, although she had arrived at the scene first, it was the scream that had brought her there.

A small group of curious people were already gathering in the corridor and the only reason they didn't advance was because many policemen appeared blocking their advance; these gave way to the noise of the wheels of the stretcher that was brought by the paramedics and the coroner.

Tension and dread were palpable in the air as the girl was covered by the metallic bag, lifted from the floor where the pool of blood was clearly visible, placed on the stretcher, and taken from there in front of everyone.

Julio Cesar and his gang walked towards their home as if nothing had happened. But from now on there would be no lack of events that would mark not only their 'life' but also everyone in the calm Lacrimal city.

Inside the house Marcus headed to his room and was so absorbed in thoughts about a delicious redhead that he didn't even realize that the door to his room was open, but the voice inside brought him back to reality.

-Hello, Marcus.

-What do you want?

Lais ran the tip of her tongue over her lips as she took slow, sensual steps toward Marcus, who grimaced, said hoarsely-you-and grabbed his shirt, pressing it firmly between his fingers.

Marcus grabbed her hand and forced her to let go of his shirt as he said-sorry, but I'm not available for that kind of relationship with you-the hatred shone in Lais's eyes that went from human to vampire to human again in milliseconds.

-But you went running after the redheaded bitch, and instead of killing her," the vampire's fangs and gaze flashed, "you grabbed her," and pushed Marcus against the side of the bedpost.

Marcus pulled himself together-this is none of your business.

-I want you," he pointed his finger, "to do to me what you did to her," and again went to him, "now," but he turned away from his advance.

-I said no.

The expression on Lais's face changed from water to wine as she turned away from Marcus with a devilish smile that pleased him nothing as she then spoke.

-You. You're going to tell. What. You didn't. With Amy-slowly.

Marcus noticed the threatening tone in Lais's voice and tried to warn her.

-Do that and I'll kill you.

She smiled- are you going to kill me again Marcus?

Marcus wondered in thought what she meant.

-Are you going to kill me after you gave your life to protect me?

Lais laughed and in a fit of rage turned into a bat and flew out the bedroom window leaving Marcus in the lurch.

Suddenly Marcus' eyes widened, you know that instant when your mind drops, that's what happened to him when he went back in the very, very distant past and remembered that the only person he had protected with his life was...

-Raquel- he whispered as his mind worked out the possible ways she could have survived in spirit and still possess another body.

Marcus brought his hands to his waist and turned away from the window - damn it - he grumbled angrily, for now the past he had run away from was back to haunt him.

Amy and Soraia were walking down the street a little busy, after all many people lived there, they were talking, trying to forget what happened at the dance, as if it were possible, when, out of nowhere, behind one of the many trees in the neighborhood, the stranger with the green eyes appeared.

Making them jump with fright bringing their hands to their hearts that he had clearly heard racing.

-Please, no more scares, okay?

Soraia had to admit that he was insistent, after all she was a good 'pass', and yet there he was with those mesmerizing eyes and that charming smile apologizing and staring at her as if he were her sun.

-Do you know him?- asked Amy, shaken with fright as she took a sip of water from her small bottle.

-That's his voice I hear"-she widened her eyes and looked from her friend to him-"and now he's following me"-and gave a sharp emphasis to the 'him'.

Well, at least it's a sexy voice," Amy thought as she gave him a good appraisal from top to bottom and grinned silly when she realized that her friend was in luck.

-What do you want now?- Soraia said with a certain harshness in her voice as she crossed her arms in front of her body and faced him.

-Soraia, you have to listen to me and stay away from Julio Cesar," she begged as she joined her hands in prayer and stepped closer to them, "before it's too late.

Soraia only shook her head, unlike Amy who said:

-Why do you want Soraia to stay away from him so badly?

-She knows why.

-No, I don't know.

-Don't you really know, or do you just not want to admit it?

Soraia sighed deeply.

-Admit Soraia that Julio Cesar dominates her- she humphed, but her inner self knew it was true, but would never admit such a fact- he makes her stay by his side even against her will.

The silence reigned along with those typical exchanges of confused glances, until he spoke up again full of reason, which was making Soraia bite her teeth to avoid marking her fingers on that handsome face with a thin beard so inviting to the touch.


-So Soraia, aren't you going to defend yourself?

-I'm not a thief to have to defend myself.

-At least admit that I'm right," he demanded, and this was the beginning of Soraia's outburst:

-I am no one's submissive!!!

Amy swallowed dryly and looked out of the corner of her eye, but said nothing, after all she knew her friend well and knew that the more they challenged her to something the more

the angrier she got.

-Soraia, open your eyes!

-Don't tell me what I have to do!

-It's not necessary, you already have Julio Cesar for that!

-Shut up!

-Listen to me!

-People, for God's sake! -Now it was Amy's turn to get excited, after all, there was already an audience looking at them and things were getting heated there. To the negative side.

-You look like a couple of lovers having a bad dream", she concluded, and they faced each other, each one more nervous than the other and, at least on his part, he also wanted to end the discussion as couples do, with a voracious kiss.

-Your friend is right," agreed the stranger, although he would have loved to find out that Soraia was so good, in every way, judging her in that leather outfit in the hot-blooded argument. But the moment wasn't for that. Still.

-Look, do us both a favor, go away -Amy requested and seeing the peck Soraia was making would have loved to follow that discussion, but as I said it was not the time for that.

The stranger nodded and looked at Soraia, who made a point of crossing her arms and turning her face away, which brought a smile to his face, which, just as it had appeared, disappeared into the shadows.

The moon covered itself with a strange, long blanket of black clouds and, as is well known, a vampire is very angry or very sad.

very sad. Marcus' blood rushed through his veins as his eyes changed from the color of honey to black with the ruby of blood at every moment.

Guess why.

-Julio Cesar was right when he said that you-" he pointed his finger at Lais, who stared at him scornfully-"were a characterless bitch," she laughed.

Marcus took a deep breath.

-Honey, who is Julio Cesar to talk about character?-she sneered as she ran her hand across her chest in a gesture common to humans that she probably brought from the past.

-Look what he wants to do with that girl?

-At least he's worthy," she replied with a bitter taste in her mouth as she said it, "and didn't play dead to incarnate into someone else.

-It would be ironic, don't you think?

Pretending to be what you are by nature-she smiled and gave a slight nod.

Marcus hadn't even noticed the blood dripping from his lips, after all, his prominent fangs were embedded in it. Surely how they wanted to be in the jugular of that wretch.

-You know what I mean.

Lais put on her best poor face as she walked over to Marcus who knew exactly what she wanted as she said-well, now that I'm here-she licked her lips suggestively-we can make up for lost time-and brought her hands up to his face. Well, at least she tried because inches from touching him he had caught them in the air and pushed them away.

-No way.

Lais gritted her teeth and growled, "Of course you prefer the redheaded bitch now," but she didn't expect Marcus to slap her violently and send her to the ground with bleeding lips.

The vampire came to the surface and before Marcus could turn around she returned the slap in a big way. But for those who thought he wouldn't retaliate they were wrong, for he flew at her and tried to hit her, but her arms were immobilized and she was thrown against the closet mirror, which fell to pieces on the floor and over her, several of these cutting her face, which healed quickly.

-I'm not your slave anymore," he shouted as he came to her and smashed her against the mirror, they both growled at each other, he held her by the neck, she had her claws digging into the back of his hands, "and don't you dare come near me!

Amy- he warned as he threw her against the bedside table which also broke, and before she could get up this one had come out slamming the door.


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