4.Back to the past
Brenda is in a room next to her bedroom with her hands flat on a round white wooden table where the star of destiny rests and around it black candles give that somber aspect.
Brenda holds her position and with closed eyes then a ritualistic chant of incomprehensible language. Out of nowhere the candle flames begin to move, but there is no wind in the room, and then they all go out in a puff and the smoke that rises into the air becomes dense and settles on the table.
-What do you want from us, priestess? -asks many voices at the same time, both male and female.
-I want to see Rachel's possession of Lais.
Thin laughter and rasping whistles echo in the air as they say -your request is an order, priestess- as the smoke rises from the table and crosses Brenda's body keeping her eyes closed and in a flash enters her eyes and mouth taking her where she wanted to go, at the exact moment Raquel is exposed to the sun and consumed by it. . what no one else saw, not even Julio Cesar, was that his soul had evaporated from his ashes and had entered Lais' body, transforming her into a double being.
Brenda opened her eyes and shouted - wretch!
At the same moment in the room, Lais also opened her eyes in a burst as if Raquel's soul was warning her that something was about to happen.
A bat coming through the treetops also seemed to sense something and was settling down and turning into Marcus who muttered a dope.
Going beyond the town, through a forest of dry stems we arrived at the camp of the gypsy wolves as it was yet to be known where in a tent a tense conversation takes place.
-It was already expected that Soraia would not believe it- said Augustus standing with his hair still wet and stuck to his forehead after the waterfall bath he had taken to calm down, with his hands on his waist walking from side to side in front of Miranda who said:
-I felt I messed with her feelings, and I can tell you that at Julio Cesar's first slip he will come to his senses.
-We hope it's not too late when that happens- this was what everyone expected, even the woman with the same eyes as Augustus who didn't even know her yet.
Her name: Sheila.
Her position there: besides being Augustus' mother, she was the former gypsy she-wolf.
Explanations: Sheila was born a wolf, but preferred to exchange her pure blood of matriarch to be just a gypsy with very special powers, by the way.
gypsy with very special powers, by the way.
Sheila, despite her forty-something years, had the singular appearance and beauty of a woman in her thirties. Her face has soft expressions and her light green eyes give a sexy touch to the mixture of black and light blue shadows that she uses on her eyelids.on her eyelids. Her full, wavy hair that reaches down to her waist is adorned with beads, beads and other types of pendants and also many bracelets on her arms of course.
-The problem is when did this slip happen - Augusto worried, - after all, he had seen Julio Cesar's determination to admit that Soraia was his.
-Calm down, my son, we'll throw you out of here as many times as necessary," murmured Sheila, her nerves screaming at the sight of her son in that state. And when she was nervous usually her native tongue spoke louder.
Miranda sighed, "It's my fault.
-What are you talking about?" inquired Augustus when he saw how sad she was, but there was no reason, after all, since her mother had brought her back from the world of the undead he had always known that she, like Soraia, was a victim of Julius Caesar.
-I was so desperate to escape Julius Cesar's clutches that I thought of nothing but running away- tears would not flow from her eyes, but the sadness and guilt was there- I could have prevented everything that happened after us.
Augustus went to her, who looked at him with vivid remorse and caressed his arms like a brother.
-It's not your fault.
-Yes, I am.
-No, it's not, - Sheila laughed as she took his hands and pressed them between her fingers, "and what's more, we've defeated vampires many times, and Julius Cesar will be no different.
-Mi abuela me dijo: mi nieto, siempre habrá perdón si hay arrepentimiento (my grandmother told me: my grandson, there will always be forgiveness if there is repentance)," Augusto remembered his grandmother's last words on her deathbed.
Sheila smiled as she remembered her mother with nostalgia.
- Gracias(thank you)- smiled Miranda.