Mein Verstand Gehört Ihm “My Mind Belongs to Him”
Her mind was in turmoil, and she felt trapped in a vicious cycle with Ethan. Ava tried to avoid him at all costs, but somehow, he always managed to find a way to get to her. She was tormented by his presence, his very existence a reminder of the pain he had inflicted upon her.
Initially, Ava's efforts to stay away from Ethan included avoiding going to work where he was. However, she soon found herself yearning to be in the same place as him, just to catch a glimpse of his piercing gaze. The gaze that belittled her, that made her feel so insignificant and small.
To distract herself from Ethan's presence, Ava focused on her loving boyfriend, Mark. She made an effort to be more affectionate towards him, but in reality, her heart was elsewhere. Mark noticed a change in Ava's behavior, and he began to question her about it.
"Is everything okay, Ava?" Mark asked, concern lacing his voice.
Ava tried to brush off his question, insisting that she was fine, but Mark was not convinced. He could sense that something was off, but he didn't want to push her too hard. Instead, he decided to observe her closely and wait for her to open up to him.
Despite Ava's attempts to distance herself from Ethan, he still managed to invade her life. He would find ways to add himself to group chats that he knew Ava was in and send messages, knowing that seeing his name pop up on her phone would torment her. It was clear to Ava that Ethan had a certain satisfaction in knowing that he still held a strong influence over her emotions. She could feel it in the way he would intentionally insert himself into group chats or send her messages, just to remind her of his presence. It was as though he was playing a twisted game, relishing in the power he held over her heart.
Ava could almost see the smirk on his face whenever she viewed his messages or when she was visibly affected by his actions. It was almost as if he was deriving some kind of pleasure from seeing her struggle, as though her pain was a kind of victory for him.
This realization only made Ava's heartache all the more. The fact that Ethan was still able to affect her so deeply, even after everything that had happened between them, was a bitter pill to swallow. She couldn't help but feel like a pawn in his game, a mere object of his desire to control and manipulate.
Ava tried to convince herself that she was strong enough to resist his advances, but she knew deep down that she was powerless against his allure. Each time she saw his name pop up on her phone, she was overcome with a rush of emotions. Her heart raced with anticipation, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of longing.
Ava tried to distance herself from Ethan in every way possible. She stopped going to work where he was present, avoided social events where he might be in attendance, and even left group chats that he was a part of just so that she wouldn't have to see his name.
His presence was a constant reminder of the feelings that she had buried deep within her. Each time she received a notification that he had joined a group chat, her heart sank with a heavy thud, knowing that the mere sight of his name would be enough to trigger an overwhelming rush of emotions. It would only serve to trigger a flood of feelings that she was so desperate to keep buried.
Ava felt a sense of relief wash over her each time she left a group chat that Ethan was a part of. It was a small victory, but it was something that she could control in a situation where she felt powerless. Leaving those group chats was a way for her to take back a bit of the power that Ethan had taken from her.
Despite her attempts to distance herself from him, Ava knew that she couldn't escape the hold that Ethan had over her. His allure was like a siren's call, impossible to resist. She knew that she was trapped in a dangerous game, one that she wasn't sure she had the strength to walk away from.
The thought of Ethan consumed her every waking moment. She found herself constantly replaying their interactions in her mind, analyzing every word that he had said to her, and searching for some hidden meaning in his actions. It was an obsession that threatened to consume her whole.
Every passing moment seemed to bring forth a new memory of the man who had captured her mind so completely, leaving her feeling both elated and tormented.
Whenever Ava saw a sailboat gliding across the water, she couldn't help but think of Ethan's love for sailing. The thought of him out on the water, free and unencumbered, filled her with both longing and despair. She could almost feel the wind in her hair and the sun on her skin, as she imagined herself sailing beside him, lost in the thrill of the moment.
Similarly, whenever she saw someone being disrespected or belittled, Ava was reminded of Ethan's intense hatred for such behavior. His unwavering sense of honor and pride had left an indelible mark on her, making her long for the strength and courage that he embodied. The memory of his fierce protectiveness over her, the way he had defended her against all odds, filled her with both admiration and sorrow.
Ethan's jealousy was another aspect of his personality that would often haunt Ava, even when she was with Mark. She would sometimes catch herself wondering if Ethan was still thinking about her and if he was still jealous of the time she spent with Mark. The thought of his possessiveness made her feel both desired and repulsed at the same time. The way he had claimed her as his own, refusing to let anyone else come between them, had left a mark on her that she couldn't seem to shake.
Whenever Ava saw a motorcycle speeding down the road, she couldn't help but think of Ethan's own bike, the one he had ridden on the day they had first met. The roar of the engine, the wind in his hair, and the look of wild abandon on his face were all seared into her memory. It was a reminder of the wild, reckless side of Ethan that she had found so alluring, the side that had made her heart skip a beat and her pulse race with excitement.
Even the color green would often trigger memories of Ethan, as it was his favorite color. Ava would sometimes catch a glimpse of a green car, a green shirt, or even just a patch of green grass, and find herself thinking of him. It was a small reminder of the man who had captured her mind and body so completely, and who she struggled to forget even as she tried to move on. The way his eyes had sparkled with mischief when he had talked about his favorite color, the way he had playfully teased her for not liking it as much as he did, were all etched into her memory like a tattoo.
Despite these constant reminders, Ava tried her best to stay focused on her relationship with Mark. She loved him deeply and was committed to making their relationship work, even if it meant facing her feelings for Ethan head-on. It was a difficult, sometimes painful, journey, but one that Ava knew she had to take if she was ever going to find true happiness. The way her heart ached for Ethan, the way her mind was constantly plagued with thoughts of him, made the journey all the more arduous, but she knew that she had to persevere if she was ever going to heal from the wounds that he had inflicted upon her.
In the end, Ava knew that she needed to find a way to break free from Ethan's hold on her. Leaving group chats was a small victory, but it was not enough. She needed to find the strength to face her feelings head-on, to confront the tangled web of emotions that she had woven around him. Only then could she hope to find a way out of the dangerous game that she found herself in?
As the days went by, Ava became more and more entangled in Ethan's web. She was like a moth drawn to a flame, unable to resist the pull of his seductive charm. Despite her best efforts to deny her feelings, Ava knew that she was in deep trouble. But despite all of this, Ava refused to give up. She refused to let Ethan have the final say in her life, to let him continue to control her emotions and her thoughts. She was determined to move on, to find a way to heal from the wounds he had inflicted upon her, even if it meant facing her feelings head-on and reliving the pain all over again.
The next day, Mark questioned Ava about her behavior, and she tried to deflect his questions once again. "I'm fine, Mark, really," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
But Mark was persistent. "Are you sure? You seem distant like there's something on your mind," he said, looking at her intently.
Ava's eyes welled up with tears as she mustered the courage to tell Mark about her feelings for Ethan.
“Baby I’m fine, I think you’re overthinking.” Ava smiled.