Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I would just like to say thank you to the number one in my life. The big guy Upstairs. Thank you for choosing me to write this story, for helping me find new ways of making this series last a teeny bit longer, for guiding me when I hit dead ends, for truly loving me like nobody else ever would. I’m nothing without YOU.



Second, my family. Heinrich my husband, who went many times to bed without me as I write and craft my work. To my two beautiful daughters, still too little to enjoy mommy’s dragons. Without you, my life would be dull and



To Fire Quill Publishing: Anika, the best assistant I know. I ever had. You are more than just an



To Hillery, still a true Paegeian. Sorry that I made your eyes almost feel as if they were going to




To Jessie, I’m so honored to have you join the Dragonian Team. I can’t wait to see what you are going to do with the other novels. I’ve learned as a writer so much from you



To Joemel, again for truly capturing my imagination and what I had in my mind for Moonbeams’ cover. Truly breath-



To all my fans. Without you, this series would not have been anywhere. I can’t express enough how blessed I am to have you as fans of this



I hope you are going to enjoy Moonbeam, which is a story I always wondered about, but then we wouldn’t have the Dragonian series. So hope you love this as much as I



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