Holding her phone tightly, Cassie moved closer to the wall to shelter from the drizzle. Now that she’d dialed Ryan Ellis, she was feeling more and more nervous.
She had to earn money somehow if she wanted to stay in the UK for longer, but after what she’d been through in France, was au pairing the right decision? Even if the job sounded ideal, would he be prepared to accept her with so little experience and no real qualifications?
Cassie imagined gathering her courage to ask if she could take the job, only to be given a shameful “No” in response.
The call rang for so long she feared it would go to voicemail. At the last possible moment, a man picked up and answered.
“Ryan speaking,” he said.
He sounded out of breath, as if he’d had to run for the phone.
“Hello, is this Ryan Ellis?” Cassie asked.
She cringed at the obviousness of her question, but she didn’t know him at all and it felt wrong to say, “Hi, Ryan.”
“Yes, that’s me. Who’s calling, please?” He didn’t sound irritated, but rather curious.
“My name’s Cassie Vale and I got your number from my friend Jess, who worked for you last year. She mentioned you were looking for someone to help out with your children for a while.”
“Jess, Jess, Jess,” Ryan repeated, as if trying to place the name, and then, “Oh, yes, Jess from America! I see she’s just sent me a message. What a lovely lady. Did she recommend you? Is that why you’re calling? I haven’t read the message yet.”
Cassie hesitated. Was she going to say yes? To do so would be making a commitment, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to take that step yet.
“I’d like to know more about the job,” she said. “I was au pairing in France but my assignment’s ended. I’ve been thinking of doing something short term, but I’m not sure at this stage.”
There was a short silence.
“Let me fill you in. I’m desperate at this moment. I’ve just been through a divorce, which has left me pretty shell-shocked. The kids won’t even speak about what’s happened and need someone to cheer them up and have fun with them. On top of it all, I have a massive work project, with a deadline that’s taking up all my time.”
Cassie was shocked by Ryan’s words. She hadn’t expected him to be in such a serious predicament. No wonder he was desperate for somebody to help out.
The divorce must have been traumatic if it had affected the children so badly. She guessed if Ryan was looking after them, his wife must have left him, probably for somebody else.
She had no idea what the right response would be.
“That sounds very stressful,” she said eventually, to fill the short silence.
“I’ve been phoning around, because I haven’t had a chance to advertise the job, and I’m feeling so muddled I don’t think I’d be especially good at screening anybody new. Everyone who’s worked for me before has been unavailable. I don’t mind telling you, I’m stuck for help. I’m prepared to pay triple the usual rate, and the job will be for maximum three weeks.”
“Well—” Cassie began.
She couldn’t bring herself to say no. It would be callous when this man was in such dire circumstances. She felt sorry for him and felt it would be selfish to refuse the job outright. They were clearly desperate for help, and the good money, combined with the short timeframe, was tempting.
“Why not come and meet us?” Ryan suggested. “Do you have a car? If not, I can fetch you at the station. I’ll pay for your ticket, of course.”
“I have a car,” Cassie said.
“That makes it very easy and it should take around five hours if traffic cooperates. I’ll message you the address now, and refund you for the trip if you don’t like us.”
“All right. I’ll leave tomorrow morning. I should be there by lunch time,” Cassie said.
She disconnected, relieved that she would have a chance to spend time with the family before making up her mind. If she liked them, she might have an opportunity to make a real difference in their lives, offering help and support during a difficult time.
When Ryan had told her that he was recently divorced, she hadn’t expected to feel so much sympathy for him. Growing up in a home filled with conflict, and losing her mother at a young age, she understood what it was like. This was a situation where she knew she could be valuable to the family.
Leaving home as a desperate, scarred sixteen-year-old, she had been determined to follow in her sister’s footsteps and get away from her father’s abuse forever. But after escaping from his angry dominance, she’d ended up in a damaging relationship with her toxic boyfriend, Zane. Then, traveling to France to get away from Zane had landed her in the biggest nightmare of all.
Out of town, in a remote coastal village, she’d be safely tucked away and would be able to experience a family environment where she felt needed, which was one of the main reasons she’d wanted to au pair in the first place.
Cassie hoped she could use her time there to heal.