Note: Questions may contain spoilers. Please read the book prior to reading the questions.
Both Eva and Thomas experience traumatic events and could have the diagnosis of PTSD. How do they each respond to stress, both physically and mentally? Which coping mechanisms do they each employ?
Eighteen years before the events of this book, Eva’s brother and father die on the Mosquito Coast of Honduras during a drug interdiction. Subsequently, they separate Eva from her remaining family, and a family in the States adopts her. How do Eva, Thomas, and Romina perceive the events from that fateful night differently?
Why does Thomas leave the US Navy SEAL teams to work with Taffy in the Navy’s EOD disarming sea mines? Why does he go on to medical school and pursue a career researching genetic therapies for childhood cancers? Why does Thomas continue to feel guilt over Héctor’s death?
Why does Eva study marine biology rather than medicine? Why is it so important to Eva to break the dolphin communication code? Discuss what Eva discovers about dolphin language and its potential applications. Discuss the ethics of keeping marine mammals in captivity.
Discuss the ethics of the fish farms run by Julian and Ignacio, including their environmental effects and the genetic modification of food.
Discuss the strategies mentioned in this book for dealing with the invasive lionfish in the Caribbean. What seems most efficacious?
How do humans contribute to the red tide? Should communities take action, such as banning oxybenzone sunscreen, to keep reefs safe?
Which factors might contribute to the Lusca’s existence? Discuss some of Thomas’s conjectures for its origins, such as genetic regression. How does the Lusca reflect or not reflect the myths and legends found in Caribbean folklore? Is it possible that there are others out there?
Discuss ciguatera fish poisoning, which affects Soledad and Jim (from the USS
), and paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), which affects Nevaeh. Discuss the differing symptoms and treatment strategies for these two toxicities and the importance of clean food.
Discuss Thomas’s approach to curing cancer, including both his GTAC study and the CRISPR study he is about to start. Do these seem like potential strategies for curing cancer? Ethically, should he explore the new gene-editing enzyme that Ivan found in the algae sample?
Why does Eva consider working with Ignacio and Julian to stop the Lusca? Why does Eva not connect the dots earlier concerning Ignacio’s identity? Discuss how this relates to questions one and two.
What contributes to the big misunderstanding between Eva and Thomas in the pharmacy? How do their communication issues affect their relationship?
Eva seems somewhat dishonest, withholding information from Thomas about the sea dragon and not showing him the
tooth until later. Also, Eva doesn’t share all the details of her past even with her best friend Tess. Discuss why and how this relates to Eva’s character development and the theme of this book.
Discuss the original Order of the Dolphin, including Lilly’s dolphin communication research and the Drake equation. Do you agree that Dr. Eva Paz’s breakthroughs in dolphin communication should gain her admittance into the Order?