A Quick Refresher
A Quick Refresher
Genshu Hidekazu (AKA: Hide) – Gen-shoo / (Hee-deh)-kah-zu
The young scion of the Genshu family and Masanori’s twin brother.
Hidekazu has mastery and understanding of ki beyond his years, but though considered lucky by most, he’s grappled with the responsibility and meaning of his power his whole life. For him, it’s meant struggling with his parents’ high expectations for his future and securing more honour for the Genshu family name. His father overturned his initial decision to prevent Hidekazu from studying as a bushi, and soon, he will attend Tsukiko Academy with Meki Barame as his mentor.
After Hidekazu’s role in defeating Lacotl, he has more questions about his capabilities than ever before—but also more pressing concerns. Namely, a wrathful princess, and the mysterious Dragon Eye.
Genshu Masanori (AKA: Masa) – Gen-shoo / (Mah-sah)-noo-ree
A talented ki-engineer who works at the Jyutsu Laboratory within the Cedar Palace, in Nagasou, designing and building devices for the emperor and shōgun. Unlike his brother, however, Masanori has no ki to speak of, a reality he’s struggled to accept his whole life between the constant ridicule of his peers and his personal disappointment. With the tapper, however—one of his most recent inventions—Masanori has gained some minor use of ki.
Though a prodigy engineer, he never wanted to become one; instead, he dreamed of following his parents’ footsteps, becoming a bushi, and furthering the Genshu family’s warrior legacy. Before the final battle with Lacotl, he thought he might find a home at Tsukiko Academy with Totome Kansai as his mentor. After her death, though, Masanori’s future remains uncertain. All he knows is that he’ll become a bushi no matter what.
Furahau Aihi (AKA: Exalted Dragon Princess) – Foo-rah-ha-uw / Aye-hee
As the sole heir to the Warlock Throne, Furahau Aihi is the Exalted Dragon Princess of Seiryuu, and tackles the responsibility of one day ruling the nation in her parents’ stead. She is both a skilled swordswoman and majyu, one who commands respect, to most, with her mere presence. Many believe she is on the way to becoming one of the greatest rulers Seiryuu has ever known, but those close to her know she must still tame her temper and impatience. She was raised as a sibling to Hidekazu and Masanori, although they are not blood-related.
In the aftermath of Lacotl’s defeat, Aihi has had to face the truth of Benri Torra’s death—her dearest friend, with whom she shared a great secret—as well as all the others lost to the kan’thir’s wicked schemes. Aihi wants him to pay, but mostly, she wants answers. Why did he murder so many women? How did he find a Dragon’s Eye? Who were his accomplices?
Benri Torra – Ben-ree / Tow-rah
Torra has been the best friend of Hidekazu, Masanori, and Aihi since childhood. She’s fierce, determined, and loyal, and always tries to do what’s right. Currently a student at the Tsukiko Academy. Her family governs over Tsukiko on the Emperor’s behalf. Outside of Hidekazu and Masanori's knowledge, she is also Aihi's lover.
Lacotl kidnapped and sacrificed Torra to the now corrupted aki shortly before they captured him.
Meki Barame (AKA: Headmaster Meki) – Meh-key / Bah-lah-meh
The Headmaster of the Tsukiko Academy, a former bushi, and consultant of Governor Benri. Barame is the only survivor of the Meki warlock clan, theorized to have survived because he never manifested any warlock ki. Though he has retired as a bushi, he uses his expertise to guide young majyu and warriors toward bushido, and to serve Seiryuu, through Tsukiko Academy.
Lacotl – Lah-koh-lue
The kan’thir majyu who terrorized Tsukiko, kidnapping and murdering over two dozen noblewomen. He uses a corrupted variation of ki and perverts the Goddess’ power for his own gains. What those gains might be, however, are unknown.
Currently, he rots in the cells beneath the Cedar Palace.
Seiryuu – Seh-ii-riuu – 世龍 -
The homeland of Hidekazu, Masanori, and Aihi, in the northwestern corner of Shimensoka continent. The Seiryan people worship the Dragon Goddess Shirashi, dragons, warlocks, and often ki itself. Kairo used to be a part of Seiryuu and was called “Aoryuu” long before the fall of the Warlock Empire.
Tsukiko – 月孤 -
A city two days north of Nagasou, not far from the Kin Sea. Home of Tsukiko Academy, the Benri Clan, and Torra.
Tsukiko Academy -
A renowned school for majyu and warriors, famed for producing master majyu, bushi, and warriors. It is operated by Headmaster Meki Barame, the former bushi.
Dragon Eye -
A powerful artifact once exclusively used by warlocks. Supposedly, they are made from the eye of a dragon after a dragon passes away. The warlocks protected their Dragon Eyes so well that none have been found since the fall of the Warlock Empire until now.
Kan’thir -
A race of goat-men who live on the Yaotlan Isles far from Seiryuu, east of Tajida. They are humanoid, completely covered in fur coloured anywhere from black to creamy white. Kan’thir do not grow their horns until between thirty and fifty years old and often wear the skulls of their ancestors until theirs are fully grown.
Bushi -
Bushi are warriors and majyu of unparalleled skill and finesse; they are the elite forces charged with defending the Seiryan royal family and their interest. Some teams of bushi are assigned to specific duties or people, which are identified by a prefix,
Ki -
Literally “energy.” Ki is the material that makes up all things, and majyu can use it to manipulate the elements to their will. It can also be used in its raw form, which is not associated with a specific element. It is also said that some majyu can use ki to manipulate much more than the elements…
Ki-Engineer -
A relatively new discipline, having surfaced within the last two decades, devoted to merging and utilizing the power of mechanical parts enhanced with ki. Previously, ki-engineers used to also refer to constructionalists, but now it is used exclusively for mechanical engineers. Masanori has been training as a ki-engineer for most of his life.
Kigou -
Literally “symbol.” They are written characters that, when drawn with ki, can compel the energy to action. They are the fragmented remains of the Old Language.
Majyu -
Short for majyutsushi, which literally means “conjuror.” Majyu are people who can use ki to control the elements of water, earth, fire, and wind.
Warlock -
A powerful majyu—male or female—with the blood of dragons running through their veins. All the warlocks died out almost fifty years ago for unknown reasons during a war between Seiryuu and Kairo.
Irezumi -
Literally “inserting ink.” A tattoo traditional to Seiryuu where ink of pure ki is threaded into the skin, usually along the forearms. Only bushi and some exceptionally skilled healers receive irezumi; they cannot be removed. There are five different ranks of irezumi: green (for new bushi and healers), blue (skilled), white (masters), red (royalty), and purple (warlocks).
Tapper -
A round, metallic device made by Masanori. He keeps it in a leather pouch draped around his neck.
Anti-tapper -
A device similar to Masanori’s tapper, but instead of drawing unusable ki from the body to form spells, it takes ki from within and stores it in the device, making it inaccessible.
Dragons -
The children of the goddess Shirashi, gone from Seiryuu for centuries. They are associated with water, wind, and storms—not fire. These dragons are long and serpentine, usually with no wings, and flowing manes. Some have only front legs, others have four.
Shishajya -
Literally “messenger serpent.” They are the messengers of the Dragon Goddess Shirashi, the dragons, and the warlocks. There is only one left in all of Seiryuu.
Yōkai -
An umbrella term for supernatural creatures, ghosts, spirits, and unexplainable occurrences. There are yōkai specific to certain regions
Shirashi -
The Goddess of thunder and storms, mother of yōkai and dragons. Centuries ago, she came to Seiryuu with her dragons to teach them how to use ki. She is the deity of Seiryuu, said to be both benevolent and cruel. Sister of the Wyvern God, Ozeki.
For more characters and information about individual terms, please visit the glossary at the back of the book!