Read with BonusRead with Bonus





“I’m not

sure if I can do this,” I said.

We stood at the edge of the woods, the sun just starting to set over the line of the trees, the soft haze of summer catching the light. It was beautiful in this forest, so different from the softer hills of Tennessee. I’d never felt at home there as I did in Black Falls, although it had nothing to do with Idaho and everything to do with Kade. He was my home. Where he was, I would be content.

“You can. You just have to trust your wolf,” Kade murmured against my neck. He was behind me, his arms wrapped about my waist. I could feel the hard length of him, even the thick ridge of his cock against my lower back. I wiggled my hips, smiled to myself as he groaned. Lowering his head, he nuzzled against the spot he’d bit two weeks ago. There was a small scar there, a true marking, that proved I was a mated female. But I knew every male in Black Falls could scent Kade on me.


could scent him. And I loved it, wanted to roll in it, rub myself all over him and wear his favorite t-shirts.

“If you keep rubbing against me like that, we’ll never shift.”

“Oh?” I asked, smiling, although he couldn’t see it. I angled my head to the side so he could have better access to my neck. He knew every place on my body that made me hot. Well, hotter.

I was no longer in heat, but I was always eager for Kade. Maybe it was because I’d been a virgin, but I was insatiable now. I wanted Kade’s hands on me, his mouth against my heated skin, his cock deep inside me.

“I can’t deny you anything, mate.” He bent his knees, slid his cock up against my pussy and then along the seam of my ass. Even through my sundress—he loved me in the pink one I’d worn when he’d first scented me—I felt every ridge, every thick inch of him.

I moaned, wanting more, wanting us naked. I loved him taking me in the forest. Up against a tree, on the soft moss. It was wild and sacred and my wolf almost howled in pleasure. I certainly did.

“Perhaps you can fuck me first, then we can run.”

I felt him shake his head, then with hands at my hips, he spun me about.

“You will run first. I will chase you. If I catch you, then we will fuck.”

“That doesn’t give me a lot of incentive to try very hard,” I laughed.

“True.” His amber eyes held mine and I saw heat there. He wanted to fuck now. But he’d been trying to get me to shift for over a week and I’d been hesitant. This was the moment. I knew it and he was right, I was stalling. “If I catch you within the first five minutes, you only get one orgasm.”

Laughter bubbled up from inside me. Oh, it was


One was not enough. Not nearly enough with my mate, this man who had conquered me body and soul. “If I make it ten minutes, you have to keep your mouth on my pussy until I give you permission to stop.”

It was his turn to laugh, his hand buried in my hair. He angled my head to the side and kissed the bite mark on my neck in a pure show of dominance and possession. The move was pure evil. My entire body melted and I wasn’t sure I could run five minutes, let alone ten. “Cheater.”

“Stop stalling and shift. Be what you were born to be, Lily.”

I’d never shifted before, never even knew I was a wolf until just before the claiming. I’d seen him shift, turning from the gorgeous male I loved to a wolf as dark as night. He was big, his back coming to my waist and he looked ruthless, with wicked fangs. But the eyes were the same and I knew it was Kade and he would never hurt me. Only protect me with those strong muscles, vicious teeth.

“What if my wolf is smaller than yours? I won’t have a chance,” I said on a pout.

He grinned and I watched his teeth lengthen. “I’ve got news for you, mate, you don’t have a chance anyway. I will always catch you. Always.”

It was more a vow than a threat and my wolf preened, excited and ready to run. I could feel her about to burst from my skin. I’d been fighting her for a while now, holding her back out of fear. It was time to stop being a coward. And with Kade next to me, I could get through this.

“Okay,” I said, sighing. “Let’s do this.”

He let go of my hips and I stepped back. Once, then again.

I grabbed the hem of my dress and lifted it over my head, letting it fall to the forest floor.

I heard his wolf growl as he took in my naked body. Why should I wear underwear when he only ripped it away?

“So, I should start running?” I asked with a sly grin.

His gaze raked over me, every inch. “Shift, mate. We will run together this time.”

“I love you,” I said, the words falling from my lips with ease.

Reverence filled his gaze and he stepped closer, cupped my jaw, brushed his knuckles over my nipple.

“My mate. My heart,” he said, the words laced with intensity.

He stepped back, dropped his hand. “I see you, Lily. Show me your wolf.”

Shifting wasn’t about making an effort to change. I realized as I finally let go that it was about surrendering to what I carried inside me. I was wild and powerful, fierce and protective. I let go, stopped holding back, and everything changed in an instant.

It felt like falling, like I’d been spinning in circles until I was so dizzy I had to drop to my knees or fall. I landed on the ground, hard earth and thick leaves under my palms. The vertigo made my head spin and I closed my eyes, afraid I was going to pass out as fire raced through my body like an arc welder tracing every bone.

And then it was over.

Opening my eyes, I thought I smiled, but I couldn’t be sure. I looked down to see brown and tan paws. I twisted around and saw the rest of me. I was beautiful, a wild mix of gold and black. Looking around me, I noticed that the colors were dimmed, but I could smell


And I wanted to run.

Kade dropped to his knees before me and I realized I was looking up at him with a wolf’s eyes.

“You’re gorgeous, Lily.” He reached forward to stroke my fur and my wolf leaned into his strong hands, eager to be touched, petted, loved. I was so proud of myself, so overflowing with happiness, that a sharp bark left my throat and Kade laughed, his still human eyes sparkling with the same joy I was feeling.

How I had been so lucky, I had no idea. Love filled me up, every empty place, every lonely night I’d ever spent—erased. Kade was mine. He was mine, my mate, and he had a promise to keep.

I might be in a wolf’s body, but my mind was working just fine. I looked at my mate’s wristwatch, noted the time, and nipped at his wrist with my teeth.

I was already running as Kade yelled at me, pulling his clothes off in a hurry to follow.

Ten minutes. He was so going to pay up.

Ready for more? Read

Surrender to the Cyborgs


Wrongly imprisoned whistle-blower Rachel Pierce would rather take her chances with her court appeal than accept her place as the first Interstellar Bride destined for the Colony. She's stubborn and determined to seek justice—and her freedom—on Earth...but her mates are not willing to risk her life or her future on a system they believe to be both primitive and corrupt.

Maxim of Prillon Prime fought ten long years in the Hive wars. Captured and tortured with his second, Ryston, they escaped only to be rejected by their own people and condemned to life on the Colony with the other "contaminated" cyborg warriors. As leader of Sector 3, it's Maxim's duty to set an example for his warriors and summon a bride. When she refuses transport, he can't allow her rejection to demoralize an entire planet of battle hardened but jaded warriors. Maxim and Ryston transport to Earth where they decide she's theirs and a maximum security human prison will not keep them apart.

Getting Rachel to the Colony is only the first challenge they will face. Convincing their beautiful mate to surrender to not one, but two dominant warriors is another. Even if they can win her love, a new evil is rising on the Colony and someone close to Maxim will be its first victim. Maxim will be its second, unless Rachel's love and relentless pursuit of the truth proves strong enough to save him.

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Surrender to the Cyborgs


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