While soft ocean breezes wafted through palm trees, no one in Key West was even dimly aware that a brutal killing, filled with torment, had taken place the night before.

As the sun went down on another day, the body of a beautiful woman, near the water’s edge, rolled softly towards the mud. In the background, musicians started to play, getting ready for the sunset festival, as her shadow dissolved in the fading light.

Unaware of the dead woman’s eyes, open, staring, streams of people, laughing and dancing, wound their way to the ocean promenade. They did this every evening to celebrate the sun going down and to say goodbye to the passing day. As they ate Key Lime Pie, rollicked and played, no one had any idea that the killer was right among them, laughing, head held up high.

The drenched body was found two days later, as the sunset celebration was going on. Each day down here was precious, each sunset gorgeous. Nothing could get in the way of that.

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