Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Why is it that the only guys I seem to attract are the weird ones? Seriously, how hard is it for guys to understand what a causal relationship means? Isn't that every guy’s dream to find a girl who wants just casual? It must not be, because my now ex, Branden, proposed to me two nights after three months of what was supposed to be casual dating.
So, that’s why everything I own is now loaded up in my car. Driving down the coast from Portland, Maine was fun, but now, I’m driving into Nashville from the north, and I get my favorite views of downtown, along the Cumberland River. The sun has just started to set and is throwing some amazing oranges and purples behind the downtown skyline. I roll my windows down and just soak it in.
I'm back in the south.
Once I pass downtown, I continue on to the Belle Meade neighborhood at the south end of Nashville. This is where all the top music guys in the city live, who don't want to buy a massive estate outside the city limits. This is also where my brother and his band mate and best friend, Dallas, live.
I try to think back over the last three months. Did I give Branden any signs that we were more than casual? I don't think so. We would go days without talking, and we saw each other once a week, if work allowed. The sex was pretty good, but I never stayed the night at his place, or even had a toothbrush there, so I'm not sure how he thought proposing was the next step.
I sigh. I hate that I left my roommate with such short notice, but she didn't seem to care, once I offered to pay my rent for the next month, before I left. Thank God, for my job as a graphic designer, because it means I can work anywhere.
I park my car and grab my overnight bag. I can bring the rest in tomorrow. The garage is large enough that we each have our spots. Plus, the guys have a few fun cars they don't take out much.
Walking in from the garage and listening, I hear the TV in one of the living rooms, but I’m not sure which one.
"Hello?" I yell out, as I set my bag on the kitchen counter.
A second later, I hear footsteps, and Dallas appears around the corner.
"Austin?" He asks, like he isn't sure it's me. His icy blue eyes still sparkle, and I know it's why he can get any girl he wants. Those eyes draw you in, and the sexy tan skin, abs, and ink keep you hooked.
"Yeah, is Landon here?"
"No, your brother is out of town. He's been working with a charity on our off time.”
"Oh," I say and deflate. I really wanted to talk to him in person. Otherwise, I could have stayed in Portland and called, if I had wanted.
"Hey, what's wrong? You know you can talk to me, right?" He looks concerned.
"Yeah. I um... Well, I'm moving back in for a bit anyway, if that's okay?" I say uncertain if he even wants me here. I know my brother would be over the moon, but Dallas I'm always unsure of.
My brother and Dallas bought this house with the money from their first huge check, and the place has been my safe haven ever since. My room is always the way I left it the last time I was here, and the kitchen is to die for, so I'm always cooking, which the guys love, so it's a win.
"Of course, this is as much your home as it is mine or Landon's. You know that. When does your stuff get here?"
"Oh, it's in the car. I didn't have much. I can get it tomorrow, as I have what I need now." I place my hand on my bag.
"I'll unload it first thing in the morning," Dallas nods.
"Oh, I can do it. It's no big deal."
"Non-negotiable. Besides, your brother would have my ass letting you carry boxes up to your room. Come join me in the living room, it's just me and some snacks."
"Oh, I can go to my room. I didn't mean to interrupt your alone time."
"Don't make me throw you over my shoulder, Austin." His tone may be joking, but I know he would do it, because he has before.
Dallas has been my brother’s best friend, since they were about ten, and I’ve had a crush on him for about as long, but he never asked me out, so I settled for being friends.
Since their band,
Highway 55
, made it big, he’s known for his playboy reputation, but it's not as bad as the tabloids make it seem. Yeah, he doesn't do relationships, and he's had his share of one-night stands, but he’s always upfront with the girls, so they know what to expect. He doesn't lead anyone on, and I respect that. He also treats me like gold, so I know when he decides to settle down that girl who captures his heart will be one lucky lady.
This fact makes spending time with him alone a little tricky, because I make sure I don’t let my feelings show. I wasn’t prepared for this tonight, and after the long drive, I really was planning to go to my room, but I also won’t pass up time to spend with him either.
I follow him to the living room at the back of the house. This is the one we all use the most, because it's the most comfortable and not as fancy. They don't use it for entertaining, like the front living room.
We both sit down on the same couch facing the TV, but Dallas turns sideways to look at me.
"What happened?" He asks.
"I was ready for a change." I shrug.
"Austin..." His tone is a warning. He's always been able to read me just as well as my brother does.
"Branden proposed," I say, slumping back against the couch.
I must be more tired than I thought, because I swear I see hurt flash across his face for a brief second, as his eyes go wide. "What? I didn't know you were that serious."
"We weren't! It was casual, no titles. I didn't even have a toothbrush at his place. We saw each other maybe once a week, and we didn't even talk every day. Then, two nights ago, he takes me to dinner and says he has something to talk to me about. I thought he was going to want to be more serious, and I had planned to break up with him. He knew the score from the start, but no, he does this whole dramatic proposal with everyone in the restaurant watching and oohing and ahhing. So of course, they all thought I was this big bitch. when I said no, grabbed my things, and ran out. I packed my car, left that night, drove until I was tired, grabbed some sleep, and continued all day yesterday and today."
I enjoyed living in Portland, Maine. The views are breathtaking, and it's a very relaxed vibe. I rented a room, and the place was right downtown, so I could walk to just about anything. Though, I will miss that place, I’m looking forward to getting back to Nashville, too.
"Geeze, Austin. Why didn't you call? One of us would have flown up and driven back with you." He shoves some taco dip and chips at me, his silent demand that I eat something.
"I know, but I wanted to get out of there. So, I paid my roommate for next month and left. I'm going to miss my days by the lighthouse, but I don't know, I just needed to be here."
I loved taking my laptop down to The Portland Head Light, the famous lighthouse on the rocks, and sitting at the picnic table, working on it with the water as my view. It’s the biggest thing that sold me on living there.
"Well, I'm glad you're here," Dallas says, as his eyes sweep over me. If he was anyone else, I'd think he was checking me out. But I know Dallas, he's making sure I'm okay, so he can report to my brother that I'm all in one piece, safe and sound.
"Want to watch a movie?" He asks.
"Sure, you know what I like," I say, as I stand up and grab a bottle of water from the mini fridge in the corner of the room. I also grab my favorite blanket from the rack, before I take my shoes off and sit back down.
Dallas puts on an action comedy film, and we’re both quiet, during the beginning. I see him texting on his phone but quickly forget it, as I get into the movie. Then, my phone goes off, and I see a text from my brother.
"Tattletale." I huff out, and Dallas just laughs.
You should have called. Anything could have happened.
Not like you were here anyway.
I'll be home in a few days.
That's what D said.
I'm glad you’re back. I missed you.
Missed you
too. Go do your charity thing and get home soon.
: Stay safe
and let D know if you need anything.
As we watch the movie, I glance Dallas's way a few times. He got some new ink on his arm that I can't fully see. I have always loved Dallas's tattoos. They have a deeper meaning for him, even though, he won't share what some of them are.
"You aren't watching the movie." He smirks, when he catches me looking at him.
"You have some new ink. Can I see it?"
Giving me that panty dropping, cocky half-smile America loves, he lifts his shirt sleeve to reveal what would look like a simple nature scene to anyone else, but I recognize it instantly. It's the field the guys would always take me to on picnics. It's where we spent lots of our time in the fall, because the changing leaves were breathtaking, and it's also where we were, when they got the call about their record deal the summer after I graduated high school.
"I miss that place. Life was so much simpler then," I sigh.
"Yeah, it was. Some of my best memories with you and Landon happened there. It's the one place that the rest of the world couldn't touch us."
We stay up well past midnight talking about some old memories, discussing the movie, catching up on some TV shows, and just catching up in general. Dallas has always been so easy to talk, too.
I don't remember falling asleep, until I'm jolted awake with a warm body cuddled with mine.