saac sat on the beach, enjoying the view. Despite sitting in the same spot day after day, making sure swimmers were safe and not venturing out too far, it never got old. It was what kept him sane.
He knew most of the town saw him as the typical surfer, never taking anything too seriously. Except the waves, of course. He always took those seriously. Isaac supposed it was better that way. If people knew what really went on in his head, they’d probably stage an intervention.
“I thought I’d find you here,” a female voice said, startling Isaac from his reverie. “Things haven’t changed much around Starlight, have they?”
Isaac froze. That voice. The one from his dreams. And nightmares.
He was afraid to turn, afraid of what he’d find. Part of him hoped she’d be there, home at last. Just like she’d promised. Isaac had said he’d wait for her. And he had.
But the other part of him?
Isaac didn’t move. “You said you’d be gone for three months. It was a summer apprenticeship.” His gaze remained on the horizon.
A long pause. Maybe he had imagined her voice, after all. But then she said, “I know. I’m sorry.” Another pause. “To be fair, when I told you it would take longer than I expected, you said you would wait—as long as it took.”
Isaac barked out a humorless laugh and allowed himself to glance down at the woman who stood at the bottom of the lifeguard station. Her hair was a shade darker than it had been, and she’d traded in her flip flops for high heels—not exactly appropriate for the beach. But she was as beautiful as the day she’d left.
“As you can see, I waited. I’m sitting in the same exact spot as when you left.
Two years ago.
” He shook his head. “You stopped calling, didn’t return my texts. I didn’t know if you were ever coming back—wondered why I was still here, when I didn’t have anyone left to stay for.”
“And yet you’re still here,” she said, her voice soft.
Isaac released a long sigh. “Yes, I’m still here.” He fell quiet, unsure what to say. He’d imagined this moment many times over the past two years. How they’d run toward each other like in the movies, and he’d sweep her off her feet.
But now that the moment was here?
All he felt was cold.
you enjoy
Diving into Love
? Read Isaac’s story in the next book of the Starlight Ridge series,
Resisting Love