Chapter 1



ree grabbed her camera from the passenger seat and stepped out of the car. The coastal road she’d been driving for the past hour was quiet, other than the sounds of the ocean in the distance. She couldn’t see the water, her view hampered by the palm trees that towered over her and her little car. She placed the camera up to her eye and pointed it towards the road and the trees.


She then pointed it at the large blue sign in front of her. The reason she had pulled over in the first place.

Starlight Ridge. Population 1500.

That meant the town was about as small as Amor, her New Mexican hometown. Bree hadn’t lived in Amor since she left for college several years earlier, but she still considered it her home.



Bree lowered the camera. She hoped Adeline was right—that this was what Bree needed. Her parents had told her she was running from her problems, rather than facing them head-on like they’d always taught her to. That had been accompanied by looks of disapproval.

But Bree trusted Adeline more than her parents. They’d been roommates for all four years of college, and by the time they’d graduated, Adeline had felt more like family than Bree’s own ever had.

To be fair, her parents were trying to be better—trying to change. But some habits die hard, and others are immortal.

Bree placed her camera back in the case and slung the strap over her shoulder. Time to take Adeline up on her offer to stay with her for a couple of weeks. Regroup. Figure things out.

Though Bree hadn’t been able to see the town of Starlight Ridge from where she’d parked, it was only another couple of minutes before it, along with the ocean, came into view. Her breath slowed, and it was like she’d left all her troubles back at that sign.

Picturesque seaside cottages dotted the small valley before her. Blues and whites accented greens and yellows. No one seemed to have a need for fences, creating the impression of openness and community. And the ocean. It stole her breath as it stretched out, seemingly forever. Bree realized she’d slowed subconsciously as well, the car creeping along the winding road that led into the heart of the town. She glanced at the GPS, hoping it could handle being reliable for the last five minutes of her journey. It had been touch and go, but the GPS had managed to get her this far. That was more than she could say for its usual erratic behavior.

Bree followed its directions and ended up on a small stretch of road that bordered the beach. She lowered her window so she could better hear the waves and the cries of the seagulls. Adeline had been right. This was exactly what Bree needed.

You have arrived at your destination.

Bree pulled into a parking stall that sat diagonal to the road and craned her neck to better see through the windshield. She glanced at the GPS, then back out the window. This didn’t seem right. In front of her sat a small boardwalk with a dozen or so connected shops. The one directly in front of her simply said Dive Shop. It had a Help Wanted sign in the window. Bree knew that Adeline had returned to Starlight Ridge to open her own business, but Bree could say with some certainty that it hadn’t been a dive shop. Stupid GPS. Couldn’t it lead her to the correct location for once? Hopefully she wasn’t too far off course.

Bree stepped out of the car. No one was walking the boardwalk, despite the warm breeze, and she wondered if the shops were even open. She hoped at least one was, so she could ask for directions. There had been no need to worry, as when she took a step away from her car, she noticed a man now stood in the doorway of the dive shop, casually leaning against the door frame. He wore a T-shirt featuring the shop’s logo along with board shorts, his tanned complexion a nice contrast to his sun-bleached hair.

He didn’t move as she walked toward him, instead seeming to study her, a small smile playing on his lips. Bree always wondered what people thought of her—what their first impression was. When she was only a few feet away, he tilted his head in greeting.

“Hi,” Bree said, suddenly nervous, like she was intruding on the sleepy town. She took another step forward. “I seem to have made a wrong turn and wondered if you could help point me in the right direction.”

At this, a full grin burst across the man’s face, and he pushed off from the door frame. “It’s hard to get lost in Starlight Ridge.”

Bree twisted a lock of hair around her finger, and her gaze darted away. Her rapid heartbeat betrayed how incredible this man’s smile was. “Well, I’ve somehow managed it,” she said, still not lifting her eyes. “I blame the GPS.”

The man chuckled. “Yeah, if I were you, I would turn it off and not turn it on again until you leave town. It’s notoriously bad around these parts. I’ve seen people driving on the beach because the voice in their car insisted that was where they should be, and they didn’t bother to question it.”

In spite of her reservations, Bree laughed, and her gaze lifted. The man had moved forward a couple of steps. He held out his hand.

“I’m Caleb.”

“Bree,” she said, taking his hand and shaking it.

So. This was Caleb. He was better looking than Adeline had let on. Did Adeline really not see it? She had always talked about her childhood friend as if he were a brother.

Maybe Bree could come to think of Caleb as a brother too. Because he certainly couldn’t be more than that. It was one of her rules while staying in Starlight Ridge.

No men allowed. Especially good-looking ones.

“Where are you trying to go, Bree?” Caleb asked, releasing her hand.

The way he said her name—her hormones betrayed her, insisting that she could break her rule, just this once.

Great. She hadn’t even managed to make it to Adeline’s house yet, and she was falling for the first guy she’d happened to meet.

Caleb raised an eyebrow, prompting her to answer his question.


She pulled a slip of paper out of her back pocket. “This is the address, but I might have mistyped it when I set up the GPS.”

“I doubt that,” Caleb said, taking the paper from her hand. “You wouldn’t have made it to Starlight Ridge if you had.” His eyebrows scrunched together as he stared at the address. That couldn’t be good. “What did you say you are here for?”

Bree hadn’t told him, and hesitated now.

Caleb must have sensed her discomfort. “I only ask because you’re in the right place. This is the address for my store.” He gestured behind him, and Bree saw he was right. The numbers were small, right above the door, but they matched the address Adeline had given her.

Her lips parted in surprise. “I don’t understand.”

“Where were you expecting to end up?”

“My friend’s house. She invited me to visit,” Bree said, seeing no alternative but to tell him. “Adeline Baker.”

His eyes narrowed for a brief moment before he burst into silent laughter. His whole body shook, and Bree couldn’t help but wonder if he was okay. “Very clever,” he finally managed to say.

“I’m sorry?” she asked, taking a step backward.

Caleb’s laughter subsided. His eyes were moist from laughing too hard, and he wiped away the tears with the back of his hand. His smile was still firmly in place when he said, “Adeline. I had been complaining that everyone in town already had all the dive gear and equipment they would ever need, and I hate relying on tourist season to make it through the year. She bet me fifty bucks that within a week, I’d have a new visitor at the shop.” He gave a quick shake of his head. “I should have noticed how she avoided using the term


.” He waved a hand in Bree’s direction. “And here you are, coming straight to my shop.”

“Adeline sent me here on purpose?” Bree asked, trying to understand what was happening. Though she couldn’t say she was surprised; it was exactly the type of thing Adeline would do.

“Oh, yeah,” Caleb said. “And she’ll make me pay up too.”

Bree cringed. “Sorry. If I would have known—”

Caleb waved her off. “This one’s completely on me. I knew better than to make a deal with Adeline, considering how she always manages to get the upper hand.”

He didn’t seem upset, so Bree allowed herself to return his smile. “That’s very true. I lived with her for four years, and I stopped taking her bets after the first month.”

“What did she do?”

“Bet me that within twenty-four hours, she could get the hottest guy in our apartment complex to take her on a date to this super fancy restaurant. He showed up at our door ten minutes later to take her to that very restaurant.”

“She already had the date set up.”

“Yup. And when I protested, Adeline said she hadn’t specified that the twenty-four hours had to be in the future. The past counted too.”

Caleb chuckled. “That sounds about right.” He nodded to the shop next to his. “She closed up a little early today. Said she had a friend coming into town, which I’m assuming is you.”

“That’s hers?” Bree asked, walking past Caleb. As she peered in the window, she cupped her hands around her face so she could better see into the dimly lit room. “Chocolate,” she murmured, breathing in the scent. Adeline had always insisted she needed to open up a bakery, considering her last name of Baker. She’d said it was her destiny. But Bree had told her that people don’t always want cake or cookies, but they


want chocolate.

It looked like Adeline had finally come over to Bree’s side of things. That was one of the things she loved best about her friend—Adeline was stubborn and eccentric, but she was also never afraid to change course when it was needed. Bree took a step back and looked at the display window. Starlight Chocolate Confections. The letters were brown and pink, looping across the glass. Fudge and truffles sat on fancy plates.

“I sure hope she has some of these waiting for me,” Bree said, her mouth beginning to water. She glanced back at Caleb, who was watching her, his eyes lit up in amusement. “Does she live above the shop?”

“Most of us do, but she wanted a place of her own. There’s not a lot of room above the shops. Though I don’t think that was the main reason she wanted to live someplace else.”

Bree cocked an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.

Caleb took the hint. “Adeline said if she had to smell chocolate all day and night, she’d end up eating her inventory and would be bankrupt before the grand opening.”

Rather than laughing, Bree nodded in understanding. She would have the same problem. “So, now that she’s earned herself fifty bucks, where do I go from here?”

“It’s not far, within walking distance, actually.” Caleb paused. “Of course, most things in Starlight Ridge are.” He pointed down the road. “It’s a little hard to see from here because there are a couple of trees blocking the way, but it’s the second house on the left. Look for the red door.”

Bree found herself wanting to stall, not wanting to leave Caleb’s company quite yet. She told herself it was because he had been nice, and she could always use another friend. But she couldn’t think of a reason she should stay, so she gave him a small wave and thanked him for his help.

As she backed out and drove away from the shops, she couldn’t help glancing in her rear-view mirror. Caleb was still standing in front of his shop, watching.

Her stomach flip-flopped, betraying her rational side. Which was why she promised herself that was the last time she would ever visit the dive shop.

Bree had just left her fiancé, after all, and her heart couldn’t be trusted.

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