


elinda plugged her ears as the hot air balloon rose above them. She sensed someone walk up beside her, and she glanced to her side. Daniel. He was laughing at her, of course. He was the only person who never took her seriously. At first it had infuriated her, but that was when she thought he was mocking her. It hadn’t crossed her mind that he wanted to be her friend. She hadn’t had one of those since grade school, so she couldn’t be blamed for being a bit rusty in the friendship department.

“Too loud for you?” he yelled above the roar of the torch.

As the balloon rose higher, the sounds grew fainter, and Melinda unplugged her ears. “I can’t believe they got married in that thing.”

“You’re saying you’d prefer a traditional church wedding?” His eyes teased her. Daniel knew that Melinda was anything but traditional.

She elbowed him lightly in the side. “Of course not. But I couldn’t hear a word that was said. They should have at least gotten married while it was on the ground. But hovering in the air like that with the torch going on and off…”

“Was completely romantic,” Daniel finished for her.

Melinda rolled her eyes. “Don’t tell me you’ve gone all sappy on me.”

He grinned. “Sappy? No. But I know a good story when I see it.”

“Don’t you mean, when you



Daniel’s grin didn’t diminish as he slung an arm over her shoulders. “Nope. Seeing those two get married today, it’s going to be a story this town is going to tell for the next century.” He paused and lowered his voice, all conspiratorial like. “You know, you should come up with something better. Make your own story that will be told for a few decades.”

Melinda pushed his arm off and laughed. “Like what, get married while skydiving, or better yet, scuba diving? I can hold up a sign while at the bottom of the ocean that says ‘I do.’”

“Not a bad idea,” Daniel said, before lifting a hand to shield his eyes from the sun. His gaze followed the hot air balloon. “Not a bad idea at all.

Actually, yes, it was a terrible idea. But she didn’t tell Daniel that. Or that there was no need to bother with an epic story of her own, because she wasn’t exactly marriage material. No one could put up with her long enough.

Well, no one except Daniel. But he didn’t count.

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