Chapter 2 Black Tongue

Chapter 2 Black Tongue

"Because books are not just books, they are life, the heart and core of past times, the reason people live, work and die, the very essence and essence of their lives."

Amy Lowell

The bells of St. Mericus' church rang throughout the blue world, announcing the arrival of the first wave. A sunny morning is perfect for any business or outing imaginable. No one at Plexus has recalled such a pleasant day since the violent spring rains began a few weeks ago, so very few people stay indoors unless they have no other choice. Fishing and pleasure boats sail easily across the flat harbour front. Street vendors chatter and peddle the constant stream of passersby, keeping their wives and children smiling. Money and things changed hands, there was a sense of ease, and morale was high in every ward.

But a bleak thing tainted the sunny atmosphere of the bushes. Just a few hours ago, rumors abounded of a nighttime alley skirmish between two Western foreigners and a harvester, who is now buried with his minions in an overgrown cemetery for those who Unclaimed poor and unnamed bodies remain. The pair in charge were detained and retried by the Watchmen, only to let go after it was determined that they had nothing more to say and no choice but to fight lest they join the villainous attackers in the afterlife.

After their release, the two strode away from the Ebon Ward Watch Station to a riverside bistro called the Golden Beam for a toast on a happy day, wishing you a happy life and forgetting your troubles. The boss buys a round for their troubles and tells them it's better to lift the proverbial glass half full, because that's the tidal mood of Plexus.

"Excuse my bartender's curiosity, Westerner, but answer me this is for drinking. What's the reason the two of you are unlikely to be a pair?"

This question is directed at the black-robed, black-robed Valbasis, who is unquestionably a magician because of his Alegian robes and mystical attire - not to mention the otherworldly nature of his compatriots . The magician looked at his beautiful companion, a half-breed Keogh woman with short hair, who nodded and started spinning.

The magician, a magician named Casimir, politely corrects that, although he is not a citizen, he was raised as a native son of Aligis. A few hours earlier, Casimir kicked off a thrilling hunt and rescue story in eerie Undir Ghetto, full of angry midgets and a Chauni slaver controlled by a looming reaper, further seasoned with some local hooligans. Casimir made sure to add local stops and colors to his audience, as everyone loves hearing their surroundings as a backdrop for adventures.

" Just as the tainted potion smashed the drunkard and his gnome hirelings - bang! Gilmesh's heavy gate swung open, revealing the beautiful eagle in front of you, and she hurriedly threw her slicing lightning, splitting the reaping the skull of the man! "

Casimir stopped and sighed, slowing down.

" Before I recovered from that bloody show, the crazy little Arugwa was gone and we were surrounded by strong Plexan watchmen. After that, I had to pay a huge fine for both of us to avoid my Savior Sheenne ended up fighting alongside me. Alas, Ebon Ward's watches are ruthless, and my once-beautiful purse is now ruined by this brawl."

Ms. Sheene rolled her eyes at Casimir's dramatic move, and after hearing that his guest had no money, the boss calmed down and went back inside.

Xie Ne glanced at Casimir and shook his head. She was happy even after their bloody encounter last night, but since their arrest she has become sullen and brooding, mostly about the watch confiscating some satchel of her as a mercenary in the Arcane Temple . This means that secret society participation is exposed and she likely won't get paid.

The wink gadget that Casimir paid Gilmesh for the magical essence he seeks is also lost. Shainé will receive them after receiving a new vial, but now that her relationship with the sanctuary is tainted, the gems are used to pay the "fine". She got angry just thinking about it. More like a bribe confiscated by a lazy Plexan watchdog.

" Fantastic, Casimir. I've never seen a storyteller spin such shiny yarn from the dregs and turn it back and breathe with it. Better to conjure it out of your sleeves Some new charm to win back our master."

Casimir waved to Xie Ne.

" He's a businessman, following his nature. Life isn't about complaining about lost treasure, Shai! I say be worldly, grab wealth every moment to fit our wrong lives."

Shainé throws his head back and exclaims, "Ha! Where's that brooding pragmatist I met last night?"

Casimir wagged her fingers for emphasis.

" Darling, changed by your bold gesture - you were right to use me as bait! But let's not be nitpicky. I'm a spell-weaving magician, and now I tell you that Lady Luck will weave a new thread for us . I have a feeling reading this stuff. For example, you western warriors always have long hair. No doubt you're still struggling with a string of losses."

Shane glanced dangerously at Casimir, but soon realized she had started. She played him like this last night, and he was right.

" Don't remind me." She reached out a hand and stroked her cut neck. "I had bad luck in Blackwand and had to sell it to fix my sword. Kiowoman's hair got a fair price from a wig maker."

Casimir nodded, satisfied with his accurate reading, and briefly examined her head. "The same. Now your image is commensurate with your sober profession... I have no intention of insulting your self-esteem." He bowed and waved politely.

Shane laughs and clinks glasses with her newfound drama compatriot.

" And like an alchemist, you extract gold from the dullest lead. You must have a future in the court of these articulate Orientals."

The two had just drank their cups with the blessing of fate when a lanky shadow fell on their humble table. They looked up vigilantly to find a lean man in a loose-colored coat and feathered hat waiting to be dealt with. His hand rests on a satchel decorated with a green and white enamel laurel crown and the words Cursori Imperialis Plexae. Casimir saw these messengers running about in each ward. Locals call them satchel runners. He spoke to the man politely.

" Help, messenger. Although we've both been roaming Plexus for a few days now, we hardly know each other, let alone any other prominent people in the city. Your business must be related to someone else."

The satchel runner gave them a brief one before responding. "If you're the one who beat up the reapers who followed you hard, then you're the one I'm looking for, though your name won't be spread by rumors. If so, then I have two pieces of information."

Casimir raised an eyebrow and glanced at Shay, who expressed his dissatisfaction with the diversity of the Lone Harvester conflated. He continued talking to the satchel runner, ignoring her.

" We're like you said, man. What's the news?"

The satchel runner produced two letters: a trimmed parchment and a sealed vellum letter. He put them all in Casimir's hands.

" The first is a credit note from an anonymous benefactor who celebrates the news of your dead enemy. This party wants you to know they've taken their property back and donate this note to me at any watering hole where I found you."

Casimir smiled brightly and called the owner to order refills and a late breakfast.

" There, did you see it, Shai? Luck smiled at us again!"

Xie Nei snatched the kraft paper letter from him and examined it carefully, but she hesitated to open the seal, which, despite its high quality, showed no traces of it.

" It also means my bounty is gone, you idiot! One blow hits the reaper, for what? A glass of wine! I'm full of mysteries when it comes to knowing where these shores are. Name the sender, courier. ."

The satchel runner backed away at her stern tone, but held her ground.

" Actually I don't know, Mistress. Many packages are given to me through my guild, and by trade I have to show caution or starve. Maybe you should open it."

Xie Nei waved angrily to dismiss the man and opened the letter. After mulling over its contents, she read it aloud to Casimir, who was too late trying to say a more pleasant farewell to the messenger.

" The azure enchantment of the second tide awaits you tonight. Follow Via Pacalis north until you reach the tall pine gate. Salvete, Langros Valborda."

Sheene looked at Casimir with a grumbling expression, but he just smiled contentedly, nodding to confirm another prediction.

" Don't be so shy, Casimir. We don't know our way yet, and a letter like this could lead to an alliance, or worse, an alignment. Are you going to serve a shady master?"

Casimir turns serious, quelling Shainé's hidden nervousness by giving Shainé a taste of her own glib style.

" I want one that I can understand - one that pays, by preference. Throw away your flippant look, Shai, because it's not your deal. This is the Empire, no patrons, or at least affiliations, No one will do anything - not showing caution is why you're broke. You might consider practicing the benefits of the legendary grace and composure your race expects. Oh sure, we're street celebrities now, but people Don't like the lone wolf or the lofty code of honor, the adventurer's story should be damned!" He calmed down a little and lowered his tone. "The motive for hiring is money. That's understandable to sponsors."

By the time he finished speaking, Shainé's violent reaction was already streaming from her chest. She sat for a while before breaking the silence.

" You know, there are a lot of young idealists who come to the Union with high hopes from Western fairy tales. The Union is full of betrayals of its own, to be sure, but these young dreamers have nurtured a tradition there. They …”

The owner interrupted Xie Ne, showed up with a plate of food and drink, put it down, but quickly left after receiving their impatient glances. Casimir handed things out between them, urging her to continue by ignoring his food and resting her chin on the folded hands.

"I know we have to come to an agreement before we can continue our partnership, Casimir. But there are good reasons why we're still talking after such a mess last night," she said with a smile.

He returns her smile.

" As I said, Western lords sometimes explicitly embrace these false hopes because they are young outsiders with nothing to do, a blank slate, if you will. Their hazy notion of the West is no more than they are here. True, but certain patrons do not take advantage of these people, but support their high morals in their desire to pursue loyal servants. Some people are caught up in this culture, but the smartest recognize the difference between indigenization and adaptation.”

Casimir straightened her spine. "It's all right now. There's some eloquence I'm looking for."

Shane rolls his eyes, but he reprimands her for the dismissal.

" Now, I'm serious, but I can see you're talking about business, very good."

Xie Ne chuckled at his strange way of speaking and held out a hand for him to continue.

Casimir leaned over with folded hands. "I suggest that we use our new reputation prudently to find out who this Langlos is before we disarm and walk into his living room. He's a Valboda, and if he's rich enough, he can put expensive newspapers Spend it on someone like us, then someone must know his game."

Xie Ne also slipped in, with a sly look. "Agreed. What about the traitorous boss of the Burning Inn—or does your honor allow him to pass under the highway?"

The rapid and moody change in Casimir's face made the rough female warrior back a little.

" Oh, it's about honor. Rest assured, I'll be visiting Oren Sahoon soon."

Casimir closed her eyes and paused, regaining her friendly composure.

" But let's catch one fish at a time. Tavernkeeper!"

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