February 1, 2227, United Terran Confederation,
The UTC has implemented a new program to encourage those who have positions of power and prestige to engage with Police Departments around the country.
The Chief of Police for North California was quoted as saying, “I’m not sure what they expect from some Corp-Princesses trying to force their brand of silver-spoon elitism into our departments, but mark my words: it is going to fail. It takes decades to provide the kind of experience a veteran cop needs to make a good detective. For all I know, these insta-detectives are going to want everyone to join hands and sing together.”
The chief has since retracted his comments and apologized for the misunderstanding regarding his out-of-context remarks.
At last count, there were approximately two dozen individuals interested in signing up. One of the powerful young adults looking to move into the new vocation is rumored to be none other than Jia Lin, youngest daughter of the famed Lin business family in Neo So Cal.