Read with BonusRead with Bonus



“What?” I stare at him.

“They have adopted you into their pack. They see me a threat. Little bastards,” The last part is growled out in the direction of the wolves who bare their teeth at him in warning.

“How do you -? Wolves and shifters don’t mesh,” I manage to say.

“Well, they look at you as a wolf,” Lucas says, his eyes narrowed in the direction of the smallest one who is pawing at my legs. “The only shifter tribe that had a connection with wild wolves were the Clear Mountain Clan. They went into hiding decades ago. No other shifter pack has ever managed to form any bond with wild wolves.”

My mouth is dry as another wolf approaches me, rubbing itself against my legs, affectionately, all the time watching Lucas, “Could this have something to do with the wolfsbane?”

“I don’t know,” Lucas says, frowning. “But they’re not going to leave you be. And just what were you thinking wandering of like that?”

I grimace, “Sorry, I couldn’t sleep. I was feeling restless so I decided to pick up some firewood and then they started chasing me.”

“Let’s go back,” Lucas says, scowling at the wolves rubbing against me. “Tell them to back off before I bite off their tails.”

“What?” I glance down at the wolves. “They can’t understand-“

They can understand you,”

Lucas says, grimly. “They heard you when you told them to back off.”

“How is that possible?”

“I don't know. The Clear Mountain Clan could communicate with the wolves. But you're not from that plan so I don't know how you can communicate with them.”

He takes me by the arm, “Let’s go back. We’ll figure it out along the way.”

When we return, I realize that the wolves have followed us. I glance at Lucas who is engaged in a staring competition with one of the larger wolves.

“You can't sleep with her,” He says, tightly. “


can sleep with her. You sleep there!”

He points towards the tree line and the wold very deliberately walks over to me and is about to curl next to me when Lucas lets out a terrifying snarl that raises the hair on my arms. It also has the wolves whimpering and moving behind me.

“Lucas,” I reprimand. “Let’s just sleep. Stop fighting with them.”

He grumbles but walks over to me, laying down next to me. But where he had previously respected my personal space, he wraps his arm around me and pulls me into him, his nose buried in my nape, a possessive hold.

My heart skips a beat at the gesture.

“You drive me crazy,” He mutters.

The wolves circle us before settling around us.

It takes us a good while to reach out destination.

The pack that had been wiped out still has scorch marks on the grounds from what must have been a terrible fire. Lucas looks around, a strange expression on his face. The wolves are sniffing around and he's gotten used to them because one of them brushes against his leg and Lucas gives him a scratch, absentmindedly.

“I used to come here with my dad,” I grunt as I remove some of the debris that has been deliberately placed on the entrance to keep it hidden.

Lucas helps me, “Why did you stop?”

“Hunter became the Alpha and for some reason he kept a very close watch on me. At the time, I didn't think much of it. But Dad and I stopped coming here. I should have suspected something.”

“Yes, well,” Lucas lifts up a large stone. “You were in love with him.”

I let out a heavy sigh, “Was I? It doesn’t seem real. All fo it, everything, it seems like a bad memory, so long ago. Did I love Hunter or did I convince myself I was in love with him because of our betrothal?”

I can feel Lucas’s eyes on me and I glance at him, “You’re being oddly patient with me. Any other wolf would have lost their mind thinking their mate was in love with someone else.”

Lucas scoffs, “I’m not worried. I know how you really feel. I know how you felt when he came to the treehouse.”

I pause, “What do you mean?”

“You don’t love him, Sarah,” Lucas faces me. “I felt anger and fear but nothing like love when you overheard him. There was grief but not love. I told you. I won’y put a mating mark on you till you heart is completely clear and so is your head. Your head is the problem right now. I’m willing to wait.”

His words make me go still.

I want to argue with him but ever since what happened, my feelings for Hunter have been slipping into this void. The trauma of his actions have broken a part of me.

I force myself back to the present, seeing the trapdoor in the ground.

Lucas pulls it open and I look at the wolves who are gathered around us, “Stay.”

My voice is firm and they cock their heads in my direction.

I try again.


“Do they understand words?” I look at Lucas.

“I guess they understand your intentions,” He says as they settle down near the entrance.

We climb down into a dusty looking room which is massive.

“Where do we even begin?” Lucas asks.

I start walking, jogging my memory, “There is an entire section on wolfsbane. I never read that much into it but we can start there.”

There are quite a lot of books that we have to go through what as hours pass, we find nothing of importance.

“This is useless,” Lucas growls, throwing a books aside.

“Don’t throw them.”

He just scowls and picks it up.

I turn my attention back to the book in my hands and a line catches my attention.

“Wolfsbane can only be harvested by witches.”

There is only one witch I know about who is still alive and I meet Lucas’s troubled gaze.


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