Many thanks to every reader out there! Your journey with me has been inspiring. I appreciate your kind words, your enthusiasm, your love of reading, and your support!
I was trying to think of when I began working with Amber Barry. It had to be three years ago. In that time, she has edited twelve novels for me and has always given great, solid advice. I truly appreciate her hard work, prompt service, and flexible schedule. Thank you!
To Judy Hanson, my devoted beta reader who is probably cursing my name. After driving for three days straight, I made her sit down and read my book. But that’s what happens when you take an unauthorized vacation. And since it was only me who stated it was unauthorized, I thank her for sticking with me through thick and thin.
A shout out to the Moraine Writers Guild members who gave wonderful critiques in the beginning stages. They helped shape the book. Many thanks!