Mystery Lady

Mystery Lady

Paul Magrs

98.9k Words / Completed


It's 1967 and Britain is as cool and fabulous as Dodie Golightly. She's a mystery writer, is sharp, cool and every woman would like to be her. Travel with Dodie, her assistant, Cassandra, and her best friend, TV personality, Timothy Bold as they embark on a phantasmagorical journey against the clock. Clues discovered in a mysterious manuscript lead their investigation into a series of literary murders; who are the authors listed in the book and why does Dodie's name have a skull scrawled next to it?

About Author


  • Reader-350476

    “MAY” This is quite confusing but I will try to read more chapters so I can keep up on the story

    05/05/2023 05:09
  • Donna Pember

    May I like that it's only 12 chapters. A nice read for a rainy day

    05/05/2023 04:58
  • Ana Avalos

    MAY I really love the cover!

    05/05/2023 03:33
  • Mirela

    MAY - I am confused. The first 2 chapters is written about the cover and the copyright. I don't think I will read it. Not my type anyway.

    05/05/2023 03:25
  • Tricia Freligh

    MAY This doesn’t sound like something to keep my interested in reading. sorry.

    05/05/2023 02:43
  • Joele G

    MAY read the story intro I really don’t think I’ll be reading this; sorry it just didn’t grasp my attention

    05/05/2023 02:38
  • Ana

    MAY not sure its something I'd read as the setting just isn't my style but seems good

    05/05/2023 02:33
  • Kitty-694016

    MAY. the 60’s/70’s disco thing was never anything I was interested in so this book does not hold appeal for me personally.

    05/05/2023 01:38
  • Julie M-Schmitt

    MAY not sure about this one, it says complete yet it’s less than 20 chapters. Makes me think this is still an ongoing book.

    05/05/2023 00:09
  • Helen Wieler

    MAY mystery is not really what i like 2 read.

    05/04/2023 23:48