Ashley tossed in bed all night, unable to sleep or settle down. Her friends had planned a birthday brunch for her at noon the next day at The Lobster restaurant, downtown. She didn’t know how she’d get through the day. Was she going to have to tell everyone she and Brad broke up the night before? Would she have to look at their long faces, and hear expressions of condolences again?
Thankfully, she slept a little and then woke up very early. There was even time enough for her to run over and take an early yoga class before heading to the brunch. The class would relax her, lift her spirits, definitely help her get through the day, as it always did.
Ashley jumped out of bed, showered, pulled her hair back into a pony tail, put on some light make up and changed into her yoga clothes. She grabbed a quick cup of coffee, and looked out through the large glass pane windows of her modern kitchen at the beautiful hills in the distance. She had to remember what a good life she had, how fortunate she was in so many ways. It was easy to lose sight of that, turning thirty, and still alone. It was easy to feel depressed and hopeless when nothing with guys seemed to work. She couldn’t let that happen, though, especially on her birthday today. She knew she’d feel so much better after yoga, after seeing Ray, her yoga teacher. She decided to stay after class today and talk to him about what happened last night.
Ashley had only started taking yoga a few months ago, but it had made a real impact on her—and so had Ray, who was quickly becoming a close friend. He was different from most people she’d known. He always soothed her and made her feel confident, no matter what was going on. Ray seemed to care so much about each person he worked with, and took lots of time with everyone.
The yoga studio was only about twenty blocks away, and Ashley usually walked, but this morning she was eager to get there. She jumped into her car and drove along the streets which were empty at this hour of the morning. Everything looked fresh and clean and the palm trees that lined the streets were shaking gently in the wind as if waving at her as she drove by, wishing her a happy birthday.
The car got there in no time. Ashley parked in the open parking lot in the rear, and quickly walked upstairs. The studio was on the second floor of a three story building in the center of town. Ashley opened the door and walked into the large, airy room which had plants in the corner and crystals and seashells scattered on shelves along the walls. On the far wall Ray had hung photos of the mountain in India where he’d spent two years.
The place was empty when Ashley walked in, except for Ray in the corner, spreading out mats, getting things ready. It would be a wonderful class, Ashley could feel it. All of his classes were. With each pose Ray had something else to say about how to relax more deeply, trust life, feel good.
The minute she walked in, Ray felt it. He turned around and smiled at her.
“Nice and early,” he commented brightly, “great to see you today.”
Ashley had an impulse to tell Ray that it was her birthday, but hesitated. Maybe, later on. Over these past few months Ray seemed to have taken a special liking to Ashley and the two of them had gone out for coffee after class, once or twice, and chatted. He’d told her that he was an only child and his parents lived in the Northwest, and that he loved it here in Santa Monica and finally felt at home.
Ashley stopped a moment and looked at him. Ray was slender and good looking with tousled light brown hair, big hazel eyes and a strength that accompanied his grace and gentleness. This was his studio, and he loved it and had built it up carefully. He offered classes at all hours to accommodate different schedules and in recent months had been attracting more and more students. Most of the single women there loved him, but lamented regularly that he was gay. Ashley didn’t think much about it, didn’t think it was her business. Ray seemed happy, and she was happy for him.
Ashley stood there, suddenly feeling sad and lost, undoubtedly the effects of the night before.
Ray looked over, saw Ashley’s face and came over immediately.
“What is it?” he asked.
“Rotten date last night,” said Ashley, trying to be light hearted about it.
“Sorry,” said Ray.
“Broken up with again,” Ashley retorted, feeling a wave of darkness overcome her, as she bit her lip hard.
Ray reached out his hand and put it on her arm. It felt warm and comforting.
“Stay after class a little while,” he said. “I’d love to talk to you about it. Tea?”
A warm flood of gratitude filled Ashley’s heart.
“Thanks,” she said.
She wasn’t going to refuse the friendship he so generously offered. It came at the perfect time.
The class lasted an hour and a half. Ashley did her best to follow along, breathe deeply, stretch, listen to the music in the background, take in Ray’s soothing voice.
“Breathe in all the light and love in the universe,” Ray guided them, as they all held a pose.
Ashley imagined breathing all the light and love in.
“Breathe out all the darkness, sorrow and pain,” Ray continued.
Was it just that easy? Breathe it all out? Ashley wondered, and let out a deep sigh.
“The universe is here to support you. Let it!” Ray’s voice intoned. “There’s a floor beneath you. Let it hold you up.”
Ashley relaxed more deeply onto her mat. It was good to know that something could hold her, that she didn’t have to carry everything in her life alone. When the class was over Ashley felt calmer, more herself, looking forward to time with Ray.