Isomere looked at Casper.
“They don’t seem to be torturing you in the same way as me,” said Isomere.
“Diablo clearly hates you more,” responded Casper.
“Well, the whole world is going to suffer now. There is nothing to stop him once he finds the last key,” said Isomere.
“What is he planning to do?” asked Casper.
“He wants to enslave the whole world,” said Isomere.
“I hope my brother can help stop him!” said Casper.
“Even with both of you together, you couldn’t stop him. The only beings that might even stand a chance against him we imprisoned centuries ago,” said Isomere.
“Who are they?”
“The Penguins. Birds from the north which lived from ancient times and helped to ensure peace in Minaturia. We tricked them and froze them in solid ice, never to return,” said Isomere.
“Couldn’t you unfreeze them?”
“I could if I could get near them and cast a spell. But exactly where they are imprisoned is lost. I can’t remember the way. We forced one of the old Elven masters to show us. I am sure we killed all the Elves who knew the route when the Dark Elves emerged from Asoris,” said Isomere.
“So, Diablo is reaping the benefits of your plans?”
“Yes. We believed we were invincible and our hubris may have destroyed us all,” said Isomere.
Hilary was mightily efficient at getting the party to assemble. She found Krolith, King Frederick and Kolan in the tavern. Malcolm was talking to Trelio about magic. Madeleine and Princess Candera were rudely interrupted by Hilary while kissing and other things that Hilary diplomatically ignored. Klinto, who looked a little ill, bumped into Hilary on the way to the meeting and tagged along.
“Roubar has something he wants to tell you,” said Hilary in a stern voice.
“The key has gone! It was in the Vault. We didn’t tell you as we were worried about too many people knowing about it,” said Roubar.
“What?” shouted Kolan.
“Are you sure? It’s a big vault,” said Malcolm.
“You found the key and didn’t tell us?” said Kolan.
“Yes. I’m very sorry about not telling you. But we hoped to be able to leave it there, magically screened,” said Roubar.
“You didn’t trust us?” said King Frederick.
“Look, I’m sorry!” wept Roubar.
“It’s probably still there! Check again!” demanded Malcolm.
“I’ve checked about five times. It’s gone. Someone has taken it,” said Roubar.
“Let’s check again. Together,” said Malcolm.
“We should all come,” said Krolith.
Neither Malcolm nor Roubar really wanted everyone to come down to the Vault with them, but they had painted themselves into a corner and the whole group trudged down into the Vault.
Trelio’s eyes lit up when he saw the cornucopia of magical items in the Vault.
“Don’t touch anything!” snorted Roubar.
“It’s gone!” said Malcolm looking at where the key had been.
“You see someone has clearly taken it and quite a few other items,” said Roubar.
“Who else knew about it?” asked Krolith.
“Only us. Though I felt someone else was following us when we came down here,” said Malcolm.
“So, you led an enemy agent down to the key!” said King Frederick.
“Perhaps,” admitted Roubar.
“More likely it’s just a thief. They took other things as well,” said Malcolm.
“We need to get it back!” cried Madeleine.
“Trelio should be able to track it, if it’s outside the Vault!” said Malcolm.
“Of course, let’s get out of here,” said Roubar.
Trelio, who was busy playing with a wand he’d found, reluctantly left the Vault with the rest of the party.