Transformed into Orcs, Trelio discovered that the spell also affected their personality as well. They were all much more angry and aggressive than usual. Kolan hit Krolith several times and they found themselves instinctively grabbing and eating rats crawling around the tunnels.
Most of the Orc Kingdom was extremely drab. The tunnels and caverns were carved into flat uninteresting shapes and there were paintings in blood on the walls depicting almost entirely scenes of death and torture. The passages were strangely empty.
Trelio used the wand to find out where the key was. Soon they entered a large circular chamber with the skeletons of what appeared to be dragons hanging from the ceiling. Near the back wall of the chamber was a large raised platform with a throne on it containing the biggest Orc any of them had ever seen. Trelio guessed this was the Orc King. In front of the stage was a huge crowd of Orcs.
High above the crowd was a cage hanging from the ceiling. Inside was Larros, looking absolutely terrified.
“This creature is accused of stealing a part of the Great Orc Power Orb and conspiring to sell it to the Goblins,” announced the Orc King.
With that a great roar went up from the crowd of assembled Orcs. They chanted “Pain, Pain, Pain” as the cage containing Larros was lowered to just above their heads.
“Death or Pain?” asked the Orc King.
“Pain, Pain, Pain” chanted the crowd. A rack was brought out in front of the stage, followed by a bed of spikes, and finally a tank full of a murky foul-smelling liquid appeared.
“I can’t watch,” mumbled Trelio. Even as an Orc he couldn’t accept this level of glee in terms of pain.
“Poor Larros. He’s a thief but he doesn’t deserve this,” whispered Kolan.