A big thank you goes out to so many people!
An everlasting thank you to the Moraine Writers Guild who has to put up with my skipping around to different works-in-progress. A special thanks to Lisa J. Lickel for critiquing the entire book.
A huge Mya-style hug to my mom, Judy Hanson, who tells me when my lines just don’t sound right. That’s valuable information. My brain tends to work a bit differently at times.
To Steve Lindbloom and Kini Chu for rounding out the book and making sure Remy’s army didn’t take too many fantastical liberties. They also added wonderful lingo such as “hooah” to my personal dictionary. I will use them with care.
Amber Barry, thank you for sticking around for the ninth book! I’m grateful for the many hours you put in, editing and polishing. It’s such a relief knowing a professional book heads out the door on release day.
Another round of thanks to Kathy and Bill, who take on extra babysitting duties — especially when I’m down to the wire, which happens quite often. I love knowing Lucas is happily playing at your house while I’m grinding out words.
And, of course, to my fans who keep me motivated. Thank you for your support, your reviews, and for just being so dang fabulous!