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Why Not Alexandra

POV: Lucien

I breathlessly asked, “Is….there a time to bring her back?” She smiled, “Everything has its time, I will let you know. For now, work together with Rayla to delay.” Grand Pretre said what she had to say and left me to recover from the strain she put on my body.

Ordinarily, a person would be punished in Vellum to even dare to harm the King but I had no power over her. To threaten or harm a scion and representative of the Gods would not have been a good thing. I had asked Malinus to summon Enzo to the castle so he was away doing my bidding and I couldn’t rely on him to help me recover.

I walked out into the lobby of my office and noticed Teddy sitting there. He shot up seeing the state I was in, “Your Majesty? Are you quite alright?” I shook my head breathlessly, “She…made me feel it.” He looked at me confused, “Feel it?” I nodded, “Dark Heart.” He walked over to me with a glass of water and helped me sit down at Alexandra’s desk, “Is there anything else I can do for you?” I took a few gulps of the cool water and shook my head. After a short time, I looked up at him, “Have you seen her?” He shook his head, “Ashton is here on guard duty though. He told me she has shut herself in her room. He said he doubts she will come out. She’s set to meet with Elder Edgar this morning though.”

I thought this might bode well in information gathering but I didn’t want to bother her as she seemed rather heartbroken. It was expected but I could probably ask Ashton what Edgar told her. I looked at Teddy, “While I am meeting with Elder Enzo, could you summon Ashton and then go to the school and summon Rayla?” He nodded, “As you will it, Your Majesty.”

I got up from Alexandra’s desk and walked to my office, “Make sure Elder Enzo comes in right away. I have a lot of business to conduct today and I don’t have time to be idle.” I thought about the warning that Grand Pretre gave me about the Gods striking me down and I decided that there was no harm in gathering the information quickly for when we could make the moves to bring her back home. I sat down at my desk and started to write out the people I would need to talk to initially.

Three names were on my paper along with a description of what to discuss with them. Ashton would have to be given a discreet command that I am informed of Alexandra’s conversation with Edgar. Rayla would be given a command on letting me know any information she can get out of the Elders as she is given her Queen lessons. I also wrote down that we would need to brainstorm ways to delay the wedding.

Enzo would need to give me his reasoning for why the council decided to vote against Alexandra. I knew my mother was voting on her side so I wouldn’t need to bother her by asking why she voted against her.

A knock came on the door and Enzo walked into the room and bowed, “Pardon me, Your Majesty. I was told to come straight into your office.” I waved at him to sit, “I’m glad you agreed to come here Elder Enzo. I would like to discuss the council’s decision.” He smiled and nodded, “I had surmised as much. You want to know why we voted against Her Grace.”

I leaned back in my chair, “I already know Grand Pretre’s reason. She came to see me early. Did her prophecy weigh your decision?” He looked at me confused, “Her Eminence likely had her own reason but she did not share it. Many didn’t so I cannot tell you about others’ votes. We did have Doc and were supposed to have the General there.

As you know he was otherwise, indisposed. Elder Edgar, Doc, and Her Majesty the Queen Mother both voted for Alexandra but the rest of us voted against her.” I leaned my arms on the desk and looked him straight in the eyes, “Why did YOU vote against her then?” He sighed, “Do not misunderstand me, Your Majesty.

Throughout the competition, she displayed the uncanny ability to be a fine ruler but…” His words trailed off and he looked down as if he was trying to choose his words carefully. I clenched my jaw in frustration and asked calmly, “But?” He looked back up at me and said, “Her blood posed a danger to Vellum when it was used to take you over and ultimately the debacle of The Order taking over the castle. We cannot have that.”

Even though what he said made logical sense, my heart could not reconcile that. I stood up in frustration and walked over to the window. I stared out at the horizon to where Blackwood stood, “Do you honestly think that is something that would happen again?” I heard him shift in his seat, “We don’t know that Your Majesty and that is precisely why I don’t believe she should be anywhere near power.

I appreciate her service to the realm but her ability poses a great threat to Vellum. Perhaps, it would be best if Your Majesty were to banish her from Vellum.” I whipped around and leaned across my desk, “You would do best not to speak on that. That is MY authority and I will NOT banish the daughter of my closest ally. Do not forget that House Batiste is the greatest contributor to the realm and the very reason you have any sort of power. You may leave.”

Enzo looked shocked that I would speak to him that way and it was understandable since I had never lost my temper with him. We always spoke with each other cordially and with respect. He stood up and bowed, “My apologies for overstepping my bounds, Your Majesty.

I merely have our realm in mind when I speak on this. As you have asked me to leave, I will do so. Please let me know if I can do anything for you.” He left the room and Malinus came in a short while later.

He cleared his throat because I was turned toward the window looking at Blackwood, “Your Majesty, Teddy told me that you wanted to see Lord Ashton. He is here waiting for you.” I turned back to him, “Let him in. Rayla should be on her way now. Let her in after Ashton leaves, I don’t want to waste time today.” He bowed, “As you will it, Your Majesty.”

He left the room and Ashton came in right away and bowed, “Your Majesty, you asked to see me?” I smiled at him, “Yes but as friends. Please have a seat over on one of the couches.” He did as I bid him to do and I followed suit on the opposite couch. I sighed, “I think you can understand why I summoned you?” He nodded, “My sister is of great concern to you. I know that. I can tell you that our housekeeper told me that she went immediately to her room last night.

She ignored Princess Nystasia even. My mother told me that when she is upset, she usually shuts herself away for a day. She won’t take visitors likely either. I don’t know if you'd even be able to come.” I shook my head, “I won’t be visiting your sister. It would be…inappropriate since I’m technically engaged now.” I choked back the emotion at the fact that I was engaged but not to Alexandra. He nodded sadly, “Yeah, I figured. She won’t understand even if were to explain that to her.

Oh, but I do believe she will emerge probably about now since Elder Edgar had asked to see her this morning. He seems to be her strong ally in the council.” I nodded, “I had heard he would go see her. I want you to know that behind the scenes here, Blake, Rayla, and I are trying to find out why this happened. None of us want this wedding.

With all that being said, I wonder if you might be willing to help out on that front.” Ashton leaned forward, “You know how I feel about my sister. Anything for her.” I knew he would answer me in such a way, “Might you be able to report back to me what he tells her? I’m trying to see how many stories line up. I’ve already heard Enzo’s reason why he voted against your sister.”

Ashton clenched his fists at the mention of someone voting against his sister, “Why would that be?” I proceeded to explain to him what he told me and his knuckles turned white as I went on. He puffed out a breath and unclenched his fists, “I won’t pretend that I’m not angry at those who voted against her. I’m with you in whatever you need.

I want my sister by your side rather than the aimless nature she’s in right now. I don’t think she even wants to venture into the capital any time soon.” I nodded, “I told Malinus to prepare for a lengthy leave of absence.” He shook his head, “You should probably prepare for a resignation. I don’t think she can be here daily to see preparations for an engagement ceremony she won’t be a recipient of.

Not to mention, I’m pretty sure the pressure will now be on her from other factions to get her married into their family. I like the guy, truly I do. He treats her very well but his family is not desirable.” It was my turn to clench my fists. I didn’t like the fact that the Seely realm was looming around her family to get her to marry into their royal family.

Ashton was right in that Cal would never mistreat her but his father was an entirely different person. He wanted her, I didn’t know to what capacity but her power had yet to be fully realized. Aries warned me that if I stifled her that she might never realize it. How would he feel about a potential father-in-law stifling her and using her for ill-gotten gains?

It was not something I could stand for as her King and her paramour. I snapped out of my thoughts, “We just have to make sure she never goes to Seely again.” Ashton shook his head, “You know very well that if she puts her mind to something, there’s not much stopping her. If she feels she needs to go there, she will go. Protest is futile.” I nodded in resignation, “Indeed. Well, I think I have kept you long enough. Best you go back to your post or Garrett Chalshin will have your backside.”

Ashton pulled himself out of his seat, “You mean Derek Chalshin. He’s in charge now.” I furrowed my brow, “What? I had not heard of this.” Ashton nodded, “You wouldn’t have yet. Garrett went to see the General this morning.

Apparently, he gained consciousness late last night. When Garrett talked to him, I’m told he resigned. The rumor is that he has been asked by Mordred to go on a special envoy for the House of Dark. You’ll probably get the paperwork on his resignation later today. The General appointed Derek as his second since he is now released from having to guard Alexandra.”

I had wondered what sort of special mission Modred asked him to go on. Since Garrett was now a private citizen, I could not keep him from doing anything for the House of Dark and I wasn’t really enabled to interfere with his kingdom’s special envoys. Not that it was very likely but it could start a war. No one wanted a war with the witches, that would be the equivalent of what the humans would call a nuclear bomb.

I read about it once in a book that Alexandra showed me about their wars. The aftermath of that was very devastating and not something to be taken lightly. Humans could sometimes be far more brutal than a feral pyrio and that book on their wars often showed it. Ashton left back to his post.

Not long after Rayla strode into my office, “Your Majesty, I look forward to working with you to get our loved ones back by our side.” I looked up at her, “Rayla, how are you feeling this morning?” She sat down with a sigh, “I didn’t sleep much.

The makeup is very much covering up the tiredness and paleness on my face, I assure you.” I nodded, “I know how you feel about the no sleep. When I did sleep, it was nothing but nightmares. Well, let’s discuss how we can delay things and gather more information.” I proceeded to tell her about the talks I had with the Grand Pretre and Enzo.

We put a plan in place to subtly delay things from our end and what sort of information we need to gather. We decided that it would be best to keep up a front that we were falling in love so the Elder Council wouldn’t suspect that we were intentionally delaying things.

We each would need to write letters to Alexandra and Garrett explaining our plans so they wouldn’t misunderstand. Those would be written over the course of the next few days. Once everything was in place, Rayla left to go to the Elder Hall. She was scheduled to appear there that day to go over her Queen lesson schedule.

She would bring me the schedule so we could figure out where we could delay so they wouldn’t suspect anything. I could delay the negotiations with her father a couple of times as well. Important things were scheduled to come up for the next where I was initially scheduled to meet with Marquis Ligidew.

The next couple of days went smoothly, I was able to delay the negotiations with Rayla’s father twice. I couldn’t delay it again so I would be scheduled to meet with him in the late afternoon and Malinus had informed me that I was requested to meet with Mordred late that morning.

I had wondered if he would tell me about this special envoy because I was also informed that he asked Dorothea to go as well along with Jynx. It felt odd to me that he would tear Alexandra’s attendant away from her to go on some special mission. I understood she was one of his most powerful witches so it made sense if they needed strong magic to send Dorothea and Jynx.

It still baffled me he would send Garrett Chalshin to go on this mission. I had finally received his resignation from the General. He wanted to send this himself when he resumed duties which had been that morning.

Mordred was shown into my office when he showed up as I had asked. We sat down on the couches opposite of each other. He sighed, “I think you might have heard the rumors that I was sending a few people on a special envoy. I’ve kept the nature of this envoy mum because it was best to wait until the party left.

They should be out of Vellum by now. What you don’t know is that I met with my oracle and Grand Pretre two days before the ball. There we discussed this special mission and what must be done to keep all of our realms safe. I don’t take my actions lightly so I do hope you will forgive me…”

He reached into his pocket and I smelled the familiar scent of Alexandra before he produced the teal envelope with a navy blue seal that had a panther on it. He handed it to me, “She sends her apologies for leaving without a word. She is on the special envoy.” I took the envelope with my trembling hands and hoarsely asked, “Where?” He sighed, “She went to Seely to neutralize the Dark Heart.”

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