Chapter 5 - Explanations
‘How much do you know about your father’s business?’ he asks.
I think for a moment. ‘Not a lot really, I know he invests money for wealth and powerful people and makes a tonne of money,’ I say with a shrug.
‘You don’t work for your father?’ he asks, surprised, I think.
‘No, I only recently graduated and took an entry level position at a consultancy company, I never wanted to work for or with my father,’ I shrug, may as well be honest.
He signs loudly and runs a hand through his hair roughly.
‘Your father stole investor’s money, to the value of thirty-five million to be exact.’
I gape at him, horrified. My father has more money than he could spend, why would he do that? It’s a stupid question I realise, because I know exactly why he would do it… greed. He always wants more, never satisfied; nothing is good enough, ever.
I look up at Bryant, who continues to stare at me warily, gauging my reaction, I think to see if I’ll break down. Not happening.
‘Even if that is true, I really have no idea what this has to do with me?’ I tell him coldly.
‘The investors that your father stole from, formed an alliance and hired us to hold onto you for a while. Until your father hands over the money he stole. They have given him a two-week deadline to return the money,’ he explains seriously.
I have no idea why, but I suddenly find the whole thing hilarious, and a burst of laughter escapes me until I’m in fits of giggles. I slap my hand over my mouth trying to contain myself while Bryant, Chase and Michael look at me like I might have lost my mind.
‘Well, that’s just a complete waste of time’ I tell them, while wiping the tears of laughter from my face.
‘My father doesn’t give a damn about me, he never has,’ I tell them as I hiccup with laughter.
‘Not even if three men steal you and ask for ransom?’ Chase asks incredulously.
‘There is nothing that my father loves more than money and power, nothing. Wow, you guys really should have done your homework better. If you wanted to get to my father, taking me was the last thing you should have done. Also, he wouldn’t need two weeks, he could pull that money together in twenty-four hours, so if he was going to give you it, you’d probably already have it by now,’ I finish with a miserable laugh.
My three captors all glance at each other, before Bryant turns his attention back to me.
‘That may be the case, but our assignment is to hold you for two weeks so that’s what we are going to do,’ he states firmly with a no negotiation tone of voice, crossing his arms across his chest. Hmm, he’s a stubborn one.
‘Can I ask what will happen to me if he doesn’t produce the money within the two weeks? I ask, both dreading and needing to know the answer in equal measure. I rub my hands down my arms in a gesture to calm myself, it doesn’t go unnoticed by the three men in front of me.
‘We don’t kill women and children,’ Michael states bluntly and I blanch, while Bryant and Chase shake their heads in exasperation.
‘Jesus Christ Michael, way to put it out there,’ Chase scolds, glaring at his partner. Michael gives a shrug of one shoulder unperturbed.
‘Oh well Gee, thanks, my problems are over,’ I roll my eyes, but I almost sag with relief at hearing Michael’s confirmation that my life at least is safe.
‘Look, Ivory, trust us…,’ Bryant starts, making me snort.
‘Trust you!’ I interrupt him, indignantly. ‘You have got to be fucking kidding me! You and your two neanderthal buddies kidnapped me for ransom! How could I ever trust you?’ I spit at him.
Turning on my heel, I leave the three of them standing at the kitchen island as I stomp through the lounge to the glass doors towards the front of the house. Pushing them open harshly, I step out onto the decked area and lean on the balustrade, huffing out a breath in frustration. I should really have known, my father can’t help but ruin my life and make me miserable, I think bitterly.
As I stand on the decking, contemplating all the theoretical ways I could murder my father and get away with it, I slowly begin to take in the Vista and my new prison for the next two weeks. Much as I hate to admit it, this place is paradise. The stairs of the decking lead straight down onto a while beach, turquoise waters lap the shore gently and a warm salty breeze blows through my hair. As I look to the right and down the beach, there is nothing but the greenery of the tree canopy as far as the eye can see. There is no sign of civilisation anywhere around, but I decide that I need a better look around tomorrow, so I know what I’m dealing with. There is no way in hell I’m staying here for another two weeks, I’m getting out of here.
Admitting defeat for now, I make my way back inside, closing the glass doors behind me and enjoying the chill of the air conditioning. I note that Michael is missing but Bryant and Chase are cooking. Noticing that I’ve returned, Bryant beckons me over with a wave of his arm.
‘Here, have some food, you must be starving and pretty thirsty by now,’ he says, sliding a plate towards me with a large glass of water.
‘Yeh, that must be a side effect of being drugged and kidnapped,’ I reply tartly, I know I’m being a bitch, but I just can’t find it in me to care.
Bryant sighs and goes back to serving up dinner and Chase turns to the sink to try and keep himself from laughing, Jesus, they are a weird crew.
I take a tentative bite of my meal, surprisingly its delicious, grilled chicken and salad. The two men join me, and we eat in silence. I realise how hungry I’ve been and in less than five minutes I’ve all but licked the plate clean and emptied the glass of water. I have to admit, now that I have some food inside me, I feel more alert and energised.
‘So,’ I start, already knowing what the answer will likely be. ‘Where the hell am I exactly?’ I look at them expectantly, with a raised eyebrow.
‘Somewhere off grid, where you are isn’t really important right now,’ Bryant states, all business like.
‘Oh yeh, because as a free human being, I have no rights whatsoever to know where I am in the world!’ I start ranting again but Bryant cuts me off.
‘You aren’t a free human being though are you,’ he growls at me harshly, making me sit back in my seat.
‘Right now, you are our captive, and you will remain so until we say otherwise. Now you have two choices, this can be a pleasurable stay where you can roam the house, beach and relax as much as possible. But mark my words, if you continue acting like a spoiled, entitled little princess, then I’ll lock you in your room, you’ll get bread and water and I’ll treat you like the captive you are!’ he is yelling by the end of his tirade and breathing heavily, his chest muscles are heaving as he tries to reign in his temper. I take a quick glance at Chase, who is leaning on the kitchen cabinet, watching our conversation with a serious expression but saying nothing.
My eyes burn but I refuse to let tears fall in front of him, I grind my teeth to halt their decent down my face, but one slips free and falls onto my cheek. I dash it away quickly as I throw myself off my kitchen stool and run upstairs to the relative safety of my room, faintly hearing a groan behind me that I refuse to acknowledge. I make it to my room before a sob escapes, slamming the door behind me and falling onto the bed, I sob into the comforter for I don’t know how long, until sleep finally pulls me under.