Chapter 6 - Irritating Babysitter
I wake with gritty eyes from all the crying the night before, I’m not sure at what point I eventually pass out. The clock on the nightstand tells me it’s just after nine in the morning. I lay in bed for a while, staring at the canopy above me, listening to movement in the kitchen below. I think over all the events of the last thirty-six hours and feel the sting of betrayal in my gut. Bryant’s betrayal hurts more than it should. I mean, he’s a stranger to me but my own father, that’s another story. How does someone do this to their own child? I’ve done everything that has ever been asked of me, I’ve never caused any waves, I’ve stuck by my father for the sake of the ‘family image’ as he likes to put it without complaint. So why?
Feeling frustrated and realising that asking these questions of myself is completely pointless, I sigh loudly as I get out of bed, head to the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face. Taking stock of myself in the mirror, I look pale and tired, the last couple of days taking their toll. After brushing my teeth, I pinch my cheeks to bring some colour into them and run a comb through my long, tangled locks, tying it into a high ponytail and making myself look a little more presentable.
Deciding that I can’t spend the next two week couped up inside wallowing and decide to go for a run along the beach to try and clear my head and explore my new temporary home a little. I find some shorts and a sports bra in one of the drawers in my room and pull on a pair of sneakers.
The guys are all in the kitchen getting breakfast when I reach the top of the stairs but pause what they are doing as I make my way down the stairway. Michael goes back to what he’s doing, turning his back on me almost immediately, well morning to you too, I think with an eye roll.
‘Morning,’ Chase says, waving at me with a piece of toast in his hand. ‘Want some?’
‘No thank you,’ I politely decline, while I grab a quick glass of water. ‘I’m gonna head out for a run first.’
‘You run?’ My back is to them, but I know it’s Bryant that speaks with some surprise in his voice. His rant from last night still stings, so I simply shrug in response without turning round to face him.
‘I’ll come with you.’ It’s a statement, not a question and makes me slam my water glass down and spin to face him. ‘No thank you,’ I spit at him with venom, making him raise his eyebrows and a deafening silence fall in the kitchen.
‘Do you remember the conversation we had last night, or do I need to remind you?’ His voice is low and quiet, while he stares me down. Chase and even Michael have stopped eating to watch what happens next.
Knowing that this isn’t a battle that I’m going to win, I throw my hands up in the air in defeat. ‘Fine, whatever.’
‘Excellent, I’ll go get changed,’ he says smugly, making his way towards the staircase. Silence descends in the kitchen as Chase and Michael go back to eating like nothing has happened. When I can’t take the cold shoulder any longer, I decide to wait for Bryant out on the decking. Taking a seat on one of the patio chairs, the ocean is calm, and it gently laps the white sand. The warm breeze whips through my hair, this place really is a paradise, I say to myself and heave a deep sigh, knowing that its anything but paradise, it’s prison.
‘Your right, it is a paradise,’ a voice from behind me says, wistfully. It catches me off guard and I yelp as I jump out of the seat like a scalded cat, and I see Bryant standing by the door looking amused.
‘Don’t sneak up on me like that!’ I screech at him, while I try to get my breathing under control with a hand on my chest.
‘I didn’t sneak, I came out, but you were a million miles away. Good to know that you like our home though,’ he says looking smug, which just adds to my mortification that I had voiced my thoughts out loud.
‘How could I possibly like it!’ I hiss at him. ‘You kidnapped me, this is a prison!’
‘Trust me Ivory, this is nothing like a prison,’ he says to me seriously, his eyes darkening with memory, then shaking his head turns and heads down the porch stairs and onto the beach. I stand rooted to the ground for a moment, shaken by the look that came over his face until he pulls me from my reverie.
‘Are you coming?’ he yells up at me from the beach. I will my legs to move and run down the stairs to catch up with him. A thought occurring to me on my way down.
‘Erm Bryant,’ he turns his attention to me, I suddenly feel unsure, and I don’t want him to think I’m weak. He says nothing but stands watching me twist my fingers in discomfort.
‘What if I can’t keep up with you?’ I ask quietly, his gaze softens slightly at my question, he doesn’t laugh at me, which I’m grateful for, I feel helpless enough as it is.
‘I’ll stay with you Ivory, you set the pace,’ he says to me gently. His eyes get so warm when he’s gentle with me, it changes his entire face. Realising that he’s looking at me expecting an answer and I’m just standing staring at him like a fool, I give him a small nod and start to walk briskly down the beach to warm up and I hear him follow behind me.
I start out at a steady pace, allowing my muscles to warm up and true to his word, Bryant stays locked to my side. As I run, I feel my muscles find the Rhythm, I’ve always loved running, it gives me a peace and control that I can’t seem to find anywhere else in my life, my only focus is my breathing.
We run in silence, I peek at Bryant out of the corner of my eye, he’s in incredible shape, his muscles ripple as he runs but his breathing hasn’t changed, and he looks completely comfortable, I envy is stamina. We have about a mile left to go, we have followed the beach around the island and I can just see the house coming back into view. As we reach the half mile point, I put on a burst of speed racing for our agreed finish point, a large palm tree at the side of the house. I’m ahead then just as I reach the tree, Bryant’s hand hits the tree right before mine.