The end of innocence...


You are so perfect; your eyes so blue, your mouth so drawn, your hair so flowing. Not only your beauty, but your friendliness is what makes all the girls fall at your feet. Oh Luck, I wish I had at least one kiss from you, and then maybe I would be satisfied!

Little by little, my world was spinning again on that lovely graduation night.

graduation night.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. The black dress I was wearing was not quite me, Vivian had chosen it. Well, I could tell, a dress like that looked nothing like something I would choose to wear to our graduation party. It was tight to my body, with a heart-shaped neckline and lace around the edges, crisscrossed in the back. I wore, to match, a high shoe with thin straps and small crystals on the heel. My hair was short and black, chanel style, and I wore only one clip in front. My face was normally pale, with a few freckles. I lightly pinched my cheeks to make them blush, I didn't want to put on any make-up, that dress was already too...

  • Wow! Girl, you look hot!

Vivian burst into the room followed by Alice. She was wearing a very elegant red dress, with transparency and a slit that went from her right thigh to her ankle. Her blonde hair was down to her waist, but for the occasion, it was tied up in a bun with a few loose strands.

I blushed involuntarily at the comment. I didn't usually dress like that, I was the simple girl, the one with the tank top, jeans and Converse. Vivian and Alice were the real wow!

  • Wow, look at you! You look beautiful, Nicole! - Alice, who also looked gorgeous, commented, as she sat down on a sofa in the corner of my room.

I was not a snob; but, damn, they were right, the dress clung beautifully to my slim body! I always had a hard time finding something that fit me, because I wear a small size. Even at nineteen, my body was still not very curvy and attractive; few breasts, little ass. Vivian, on the contrary, had a sculptural body, with beautiful siliconized breasts. Alice had big thighs and breasts proportional to her body. Not that I was ugly, but with that big "nothing" that I carried, how would I attract Luck's attention?

I met him one night three years ago, when together with Vivian and Alice, we managed to escape from the girls' school. He was having a party, and only Vivian had been invited, but since we were practically one, we went together. We were crazy to see the world outside the school, excited and curious, and it was passion at first sight. But he never looked at me. I remember to this day when I found out about his attraction to Vivian. Man, that hurt. To realize that he would never notice me because I wasn't good enough for him. But I know that someday he will see me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Vivian's annoying voice singing Oops, I did it again along with Britney Spears. She was rubbing gloss on the mirror while humming the ring tone of her cell phone.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

I think I did it again

I made you believe we're more than just friends

Oh baby

It might seem like a crush

But it doesn't mean that I'm serious

'Cause to lose all my senses

That is just so typically me

Oh baby, baby (...)

  • Aiii! Gee, please, Vivian. Just answer the phone! - Alice snatched the phone from Vivian's hand, unlocked the screen, looked at it for a moment and rested it on her ear, following the monologue. - Oh, yes... We're ready now... OK... We're coming.

  • Girls, Matthew is waiting for us downstairs, shall we go?

Matthew was the only man my mother trusted around me. He was a private driver for Vivian's father's security company, and always drove us back and forth. He was handsome, about forty years old, and also provided services to my father before he passed away.

We got down and got into the big black SUV. The conversation flowed freely, I couldn't remember being this excited in ages. This was all so new to me, it was a new opportunity. Finally high school was over, and so were the preparatory courses. Now, who knows, maybe I could travel the world, learn about new cultures, choose a college? I took a deep breath when I remembered that I would not have this freedom. Who was I fooling? I knew very well that I would have to take over the family business, succeed my mother in the company. It was not what I wanted, it was her choice, but what alternative did I have? Unlike Vivian and Alice's parents. They had a choice, their parents were more liberal. Nevertheless, their mother had not appeared in Forbes as one of the most powerful women in the state of NY.

My mother was powerful, owner of a chain of world-renowned jewelry stores. Her parents, my grandparents, not only started but grew the company with much effort. They also say that my great-grandparents were gold miners, and had the great dream of growing into the jewelry manufacturing empire. And so, from a simple idea, a multi-million dollar company emerged, passed down from generation to generation. When my mother came of age, she took over my grandparents' company, tripling the profits with the help of my father, at the time a businessman in the administration field.

I, in those 19 years, couldn't build a good relationship with my mother, as she traveled frequently on business. Until I was 8 years old, I remember that my parents took me along, but when my father became ill, she ended up settling us in New Braunfels, a small town on the edge of Texas for medical reasons. Six months later, he died. My mother thought I was too big to have a nanny, so she enrolled me in a boarding school for girls north of town.

It was there that I met Vivian and Alice. They made my days better and happier. That time was difficult, I was constantly lonely, I missed my father; he was everything my mother had not been: loving, attentive, caring, a good father, even if he was not always there. I just wanted to come home, I missed even my mother, even though we didn't have much of a connection. I constantly cried myself to sleep. But as I said, my days were better thanks to my friends. Life got a little better when we moved on to high school. Today I hoped it would get a little better.

  • Wow! - Coughing. - What --- cough --- has here? - Coughing.

  • Alice choked after drinking from the small aluminum canteen that Vivian had drank from and passed to her.

  • Whiskey. - She smiled as she took the drink from his hand and sipped. - Oh, what is it, Nicole? Don't give me that look, we're going to college, baby. How about going crazy for once? No one will tell your mommy! - She gave a generous wink to Matthew, who was looking in the rearview mirror. - Oh, come on! Just a sip! Even Alice drank.

  • After nearly choking to death! - she retorted, forcing a frown


  • I don't know...

I stared at Matthew, who seemed distracted by the traffic.

  • Oh, you know what? - Vivian leaned over in the front seat, surprising Matthew, who was watching her calmly. She grabbed the remote control and turned the stereo on to its last volume, spreading the song Complicated, by Avril Lavigne, throughout the car. - And then? - she raised one eyebrow, as if in defiance.

Well, I could have said no, they wouldn't have pressured me. I could have simply said no, but I was tired of the rules that, even from afar, Madeleine imposed on me. Don't go out alone! Don't drink! Don't smoke! Stay away from men, they only want one thing! Preserve your future, you'll be a great CEO when you replace me! I've worked it all out, Nicole.... Nicole...Nicole. I could almost hear her voice.

How can I listen to someone who didn't raise me? Who wasn't a part of my life? Who abandoned me when I needed her most? All those years alone. When she or her assistant sent simple gifts on commemorative dates. How many birthdays, Christmases, thanksgivings, graduations I spent alone. And I never, never did anything except what she sent me. Today I wish it were the other way around. I repeated internally, like a mantra "Today will be different.

Alice let out a soft hiccup, looking at me with watery eyes, as she held the bottle after her second sip.

  • It's okay, honey," she said, gently patting my knee. - You have to feel good, not pressured. - She smiled sweetly.

  • I know. - I said in a whisper, more to myself than to them. - But I think I want to. --- I said uncertainly. --- Yes I do! - I concluded, after all, what could be so bad?

So I took the bottle and drank. The hot liquid went down my throat, burning, and I coughed a few times and stared at the curious eyes above me. It was then that I sang the last chorus of the song. First alone, then, accompanied by them.

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated? (Yeah, yeah) I see the way you're

Acting like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated

And life's like this you,

You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn it into Honesty, you promised me I'm never gonna find you fake it

No, no, no

We sang in sync, gesturing with our hands, feeling our spirits and emotions soaring. Then we laughed, reminisced about old times, made plans for the future, aware that, from then on, everything would be different.

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