It has never been love

Three weeks had passed and I hardly had time to assimilate what had happened. The day after the graduation party, I woke up late and spent the rest of the day feeling sick because of the hangover. I also thought about Luck for much of the day. It even occurred to me to look him up, go back to the family mansion, clarify the events, who knows. I gave up when I received an e-mail from Madeleine saying that she would give me about a month to organize things and move there, so that I could finally intern at the company.

Vivian, Alice and I hardly spoke to each other that week, they were too busy choosing a college, and since they didn't mention anything else about our graduation night, I also chose not to comment, there was no reason to fuss, much less listen to them saying that they had warned me, as if I were a child. I was a little disappointed and ashamed of the direction of my attitudes. I was known by my friends for being balanced, but all it took was a few drinks for me to go crazy. So I decided not to tell them. This would only be between Luck and me. If we were able to meet and clear things up, then yes, I would tell them everything.

Later that day I received a call from Vivian, arranging a meeting at Starbucks. I had not been very excited to go out since my brain had begun to assimilate that I had been dumped. But you know what, I thought, at least with them I can distract my thoughts.

I left punctually at 5pm, when Matthew texted me. I arrived at Starbucks and sat down at the table where I usually sit. The coffee shop was busy as usual for a weekend. I ordered a cappuccino while they were waiting. I sipped my drink, still looking at the menu, already choosing what we would order when they arrived. My gaze was lost on the couple sitting at the table in front of me. A blond woman, about twenty years old, elegant, her face was flushed as she whispered all sorts of things to him. She was running her hand through her hair and smiling. It was then that I realized that he was blatantly smoothing her under her skirt, and she was smiling. Damn it! You've got to be kidding me. They weren't really "playing" in public. No... it was not possible. When a small bead of sweat dripped from her face and she let out a muffled moan, I knew for sure what was happening. I looked around to see if anyone else was noticing this scene. Nothing. Everything around seemed to be working perfectly, people being served, the old in and out movement. Okay, no one was watching. Which doesn't mean that I had to see it. I stood up indignantly, ready to take issue with the couple. I walked around the table and, as I approached it, I realized that it was none other than Luck Petrelli.

  • What? - I said, looking into his eyes.

Startled by the intrusion, he quickly removed his hand and rested it on the table.

  • What's going on here? - I said firmly. They continued to look at me as if they were doing nothing.

  • I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about," the blonde woman remarked debauchedly.

  • Shiiiiii! - I interrupted her, turning my back to her and turning to Luck.

  • Luck... - I whispered, looking at him, who looked at me as if he didn't understand.

  • What the fuck is this? - he answered in a coarse tone. His face was filled with anger.

  • It's that... I... you... you... - I took a deep breath, trying to concentrate. I hated that he made me so nervous that I was at a loss for words.

  • Love, what's going on here? - She stood up, standing between us. - Do you know her, by any chance? Who is she? What does she want? - She spat out a string of questions without giving us space between them.

  • Love? - I whispered, looking up at him, feeling my eyes filling with water.

He narrowed his eyes, closing his mouth and snapping his jaw. I had never seen that angry face of Luck before, feeling like a gazelle meeting the wolf.

  • She's nobody," he finally replied. - Just an aide to my father's campaign. Why don't you go and pay her while we're gone? - He took the credit card and gave it to her. Then he rose from his chair, leaving me alone.

I started to follow him, I needed an explanation. We got out. He kept walking quickly in front of me until he entered an alley next to Starbucks and grabbed my neck violently, pressing me against the wall. I hit my head hard.

  • What the fuck was that? What is your problem? Do I know you, by any chance?

I wanted to answer, but I was scared. The way he was pressing me and holding my neck was taking my breath away.

  • I... I... the graduation party," I finally managed to say, as I tried to rest my fingers on his hand and pull it away from me. He let go of my neck and I felt the tears streaming frantically down my face.

  • So what? - he let out. Then he ran his hand through his hair, pacing

back and forth. - That's my fiancée over there! - He looked hysterical, he was screaming.

  • But the two of us... on graduation night... - I said, still hoarse from his grip on my neck.

  • But what were you thinking? I eat sluts like you every single weekend. What did you want? To be special? An engagement ring? Please girl, I don't even know you! Get away from me and my fiancée before ....

I looked deep into his eyes, smoothing my neck from side to side. How could he treat me like that, beat me up? This was nothing like the gentle Luck I always saw smiling and joking around.

  • Okay. I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. - I looked down and ran out into the street. I didn't go back to Starbucks, much less call Matthew to take me back to school. I signaled for a cab of some sort and returned.

I got home and cried myself to sleep; I don't remember ever being so humiliated in my entire life. I loved him, I gave him my virginity. How could he do that to me? Betray me like that? I turned off my cell phone, I didn't want any questions about what had happened. My mother would probably land in Tennessee because I hadn't gotten back with Matthew and hadn't returned her phone calls. But you know what, I didn't care, I just wanted to cry, to be alone.

I woke up at 8am, I had slept for about thirteen hours. I had a torturous stomach ache, probably a result of the cappuccino that barely went down yesterday afternoon. I got up slowly to go to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, I looked terrible, pale, eyes puffy, nose still red, and worst of all, my neck was marked. That made my eyes fill with tears again, it was proof of what had really happened. I ran my hand over the slightly purple and sore skin. I cried softly as I washed my face. Remembering what Luck had done to me made me nauseous.

The loud knocks on the door startled me. It was probably Madeleine coming to get me.

  • Just a second," I answered. I put on a turtleneck sweater and answered.

Surprisingly it was Vivian and Alice, who came in giving me big hugs.

  • Girl, you look awful," Vivian commented, looking me up and down. - And this blouse is awful.

  • What's gotten into you, Nicole? You disappeared without any news, we were worried.

  • I'm just not feeling very well. I think I have the flu.

  • Yeah, you look like you have the flu. If you like, we can go to the doctor with you.

  • I appreciate that, Vivian, but it's not necessary. I'm already taking medication.

  • Okay? Are you sure you don't want to tell us anything? - Alice commented, sitting on my bed.

  • Uh-oh, no... Like I said, I'm just sick with the flu. - I tried not to stare at them so that they wouldn't notice my lie.

  • Hey, Nicole, how long are you going to keep this up? We already know. It's impossible not to notice when we look at you.

I looked at Vivian, in a cold sweat.

  • I'm sorry, girls. I thought it would work out, I never imagined it would come to this. I wanted to, just once... - I burst into tears.

  • Shiiii. Hey, but it's not right to run away from Matthew. He'll end up talking to his mother. Having rules isn't bad. - Vivian rolled her eyes.

  • Sooner or later, you'll have to take over your mother's company. Don't be like that, this could be good for you.

What? What do you mean? I thought they were talking about Luck, but they thought I was in a bad way because I had to leave. They thought I was freaking out because I didn't want to accept Madeleine's rules anymore.

  • When we arrived at Starbucks yesterday and couldn't find you, we called your cell phone and you didn't answer. Then we called Matthew and he said that he had dropped you off half an hour earlier. We didn't want to make a fuss, so we told him that you probably needed some time alone to get used to the fact that you will have to leave.

  • Of course, we did this after calling the school to see if

someone had seen you go up.

I know it's not easy," Alice gave me a bear hug. - But

we can see each other during the weekends. You don't have to almost kill us both from the heart. - She loosened the hug and wiped away my tears. - Well, now enough of this morbid talk. How about lunch together today?

I made a very unfriendly face and denied it.

  • Ahh, Nicole, don't even come! Let's enjoy our days together!

  • Really! You won't even go if you're dragged away! - Alice got up from my bed and stared at me.

  • Fine," I agreed, since they were adamant. I pretended to cover my ears when they screamed hysterically.

At lunchtime, I just nibbled at my food, I had lost my appetite. My body was there, but my thoughts were on Luck.- When we arrived at Starbucks yesterday and couldn't find you, we called your cell phone and you didn't answer. Then we called Matthew and he said that he had dropped you off half an hour earlier. We didn't want to make a fuss, so we told him that you probably needed some time alone to get used to the fact that you will have to leave.

  • Of course, we did this after calling the school to see if

someone had seen you go up.

I know it's not easy," Alice gave me a bear hug. - But

we can see each other during the weekends. You don't have to almost kill us both from the heart. - She loosened the hug and wiped away my tears. - Well, now enough of this morbid talk. How about lunch together today?

I made a very unfriendly face and denied it.

  • Ahh, Nicole, don't even come! Let's enjoy our days together!

  • Really! You won't even go if you're dragged away! - Alice got up from my bed and stared at me.

  • Fine," I agreed, since they were adamant. I pretended to cover my ears when they screamed hysterically.

At lunchtime, I just nibbled at my food, I had lost my appetite. My body was there, but my thoughts were on Luck.

We spent the rest of the three and a half weeks buying things for my trip, updating the closet, getting passports. I wasn't one to spend much, but it was a way to forget everything that had gone before and move on.

That morning I was miserable, I don't know exactly if it was because there were only three days left or because I wasn't eating very well. I was packing in boxes the rest of the things that were missing to send there. Vivian and Alice insisted that I hire someone to do it for me, but I didn't want to, I didn't have much. Besides, the more distracted I was, the better.

I was about to stack the last box when a wave of dizziness overcame me. I put my hands on the box, trying to hold on, but I was too dizzy. I fell sitting on the floor. I could see everything spinning, and it was hard for me to see clearly normally. Another wave of dizziness hit me and I ran, still dizzy, towards the bathroom, but I threw up before I could reach the toilet. Man, was I sick. I felt cold waves crawling up my skin as I vomited. When my body calmed down, I lay on the cold bathroom floor as I felt my stomach hurt and waves of dizziness come and go. I could only be dying, no doubt about it, I don't remember ever feeling this bad in my entire life. I needed to call for help. I grabbed my cell phone with trembling hands and dialed the first number on my call list. Vivian was slow to answer, she and her habit of singing the song before answering the call. Voicemail.

  • Damn it! - Clutching the toilet, I vomited again. My phone rang. I answered on the first ring, dirtying the screen with vomit from my dirty fingers.

  • Vivian... - I said. - Please, I need you.

  • Okay? Are you in your room?

  • Yes... - I answered, before throwing up again and once more lying down on the cold floor.

on the cold floor.

  • I'm close, I'll be there soon.

A few minutes passed when I heard footsteps in my apartment. Then Vivian knelt down beside me.

  • Oh my God! Nicole, what's wrong?

  • I don't know... I think I'm dying," she said, curled up on the floor with her hand on her stomach.

  • Don't talk nonsense. Come on, I'll help you up. I've come with Matthew, we're taking you to the doctor.

More steps; then Alice came running in, hysterical, saying something about me not eating right. Matthew was with her and picked me up. I rested my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

The noise of the monitors woke me up. I opened my eyes and looked at my arm, which had access hooked up to the IV. I sat up slowly on the gurney. I pulled out the monitor wires attached to my chest and finger. I looked around, the hospital room was empty. I tried to put my feet up on the floor, I still felt weak, I must have been anemic. The door to the room opened.

  • Nicole O'Connell?

I confirmed with my head.

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