Read with BonusRead with Bonus


"Are you sure we're ready?" I asked my wolf. I knew we had gained considerable strength but taking down my original pack did not sound easy.

"Yes we are ready. The current alpha cannot have alpha blood. He had to have been appointed. We will win. But first we need to observe, scope out the land and see what kind of alpha we are dealing with."

I couldn't deny it made sense. If the position belonged to me and I was next in line then the current alpha would have been given the title after I left. I also agreed we needed to know what we were up against.

"Okay what do we do?" I asked curiously.

"We go to the outskirts but not close enough for them to capture us for trespassing. We pick up what we can and get close to the border whenever possible."

A few weeks passed and I did as he said, biding my time calculating like a spy. The information I gathered so far was enough to let me know that this alpha was cruel. He was quick to issue punishments and nothing he did was for the good of the pack. There was no order, no structure. They barely trained because he didn't want anyone getting any ideas about challenging him.

"It's time. The alpha is not a threat and our pack needs us. We go to the border of the territory. I'm sure there will be guards to meet us. We ask to speak with the alpha. If they deny us we kill those who stand in our way. When we get to the alpha we tell him who we are and what we want. We will have to challenge him. If he does not agree to relinquish his title and submit he dies making the pack ours automatically."

I had no choice but to trust him. The next day we made our way to what would soon be my land. Just as he said, there were guards waiting at the border.

"State your business," one of them said. He was tall but not as tall as me and had red hair. His voice held some authority so he must have been a beta.

"I want to speak with your alpha," I said calmly wanting to do this the easy way.

"The hell you do. No one speaks to the alpha. Who are you?"

"I am Luca Vega and the rightful alpha of this pack," I said with pride.

"Look I don't give a damn who you think you are but no rogue crosses this border unless they have a death wish. I suggest you leave."

My wolf did not like his disrespect. My fist collided with his face breaking his nose. I grabbed his shirt and slung him. He went flying through a tree making it fall and the ground shake.

"Look I don't have time for this shit. Mind link your alpha now," I said in my alpha tone making the other guards cower in fear. They struggled to keep their balance. The sound was like a small earthquake.

My wolf and I were losing our patience. One of the guards took off running and the other looked around not meeting my gaze.

"He will be here shortly," he said in a shaky voice. My wolf was anxious waiting for their so-called alpha to arrive. He wanted his position and he wanted it now.

About ten minutes later he showed up.

"Who the hell are you to trespass on my land! You think you can just come on my territory and take over?" he screamed in what I assumed was his alpha voice. The beta sounded like his voice held more authority. This bastard was weaker than I thought.

"First off this is my land and I am here to claim it. We can do this the easy way or I can put your ass six feet under, your choice," I told him not bothering to sugar coat it.

"Well I guess its option two because there is no way I am handing over my title," he said, shifting into his wolf.

I knew it would come to this and my wolf had assured me we were ready. I decided to do this in human form unless my wolf chose to surface.

He came at me ready to attack. I had no time for games so I punched him in the snout knocking him out.

I wanted to finish this quickly but I wasn't the type to kick a man when he was down. He recovered and charged at me again.

This time I picked him up and crashed him into my knee breaking a few of his ribs. He whimpered in pain and laid there trying to gather his strength. He got up again. Now I was sick of this shit. He almost bit me so I grabbed him by the throat, cracked his neck, picked him up as high as I could and dropped him.

My wolf decided to surface at this point to make sure he was indeed dead. I shifted and ripped his throat for good measure. I howled at my victory and ran deeper into the territory to claim what was mine.


I just stood there as my mate ran away from me. My wolf and I were in pain watching our mate leave. I saw what that slut Ashley had done to him. I wanted to scratch her eyes out and rip her throat. He was my mate and she caused him pain. He may have been a nerd but I wasn't shallow enough to reject him. Why did he run from me?

He seemed like such a kind soul and my wolf somehow knew he would be everything we could ever want and more.

"What the hell is your problem Ashley?" I yelled walking up to her.

"Stay out of it Maxine, it's none of your business," she said nonchalantly.

"The hell it isn't. You had no right to treat him that way," I said furiously.

"You would think that, you're a nobody just like him," she said walking away.

I would have ran after her but I knew that I would end up doing something I would regret. I decided to go home for the day. Maybe I would see him at school tomorrow and we could talk.

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