CHAPTER 4 Payment Arrangements
Erica's POV
I stare at the phone in my hand. My mother's phone number flashes on the screen but the phone doesn't ring on the other end. I am only met with a dial tone. I cannot believe that they changed their phone numbers without telling me first. It is like they have disappeared into the abyss, leaving no trace to where they have gone. Someone must know where they have gone.
The clock on my wall chimes letting me know that it is six o'clock. Crap. I should have already made my way down for dinner at this point.
I wipe the tears that have stained my cheeks and check my reflection in the mirror. My eyes are puffy and red and my blonde hair is a mess on top of my head. I know that I should care more since I am having dinner with Alpha and the Luna of the North Pack but I don't care.
Opening the door to my bedroom, I see Ace standing on the other side of the door with his hand raised as if he were getting ready to knock on my door.
"What do you need?" I ask grumpily.
"I came to get you for dinner," he says gruffly. "There is no need to be rude."
"I was just on my way down," I mumble as I walk out of the door.
Ace mumbles something under his breath about an "ungrateful rogue."
I want to turn around and punch him in the face but I refrain. I cannot forget that this family is helping me in a time of need. No one else would have taken me in knowing that my parents were banished from the West Pack. I think back to the phone call that I tried to make earlier and I wonder where my parents have gone.
Ace opens the door to the dining room and I see that my plate has been set beside Bryce's. Bryce pats the seat beside him and motions eagerly for me to come and sit next to him. He seems overly excited to see me at dinner and I cannot help but wonder what he is up to.
Before I sit down I inspect my seat carefully, making sure that there aren't any hidden whoopie cushions or that the seat hasn't been tampered with in any way. I can hear Bryce snickering beside me as I finally sit down. "You act like it's a trap," he whispers to me.
My face flushes with embarrassment as I realize how silly I must have looked inspecting the chair. "Sorry," I mumble. "Force of habit."
"It is no problem, Dear," Alpha Devin addresses me kindly. "I know how hard my sons have been on you in the past."
I offer the Alpha a small smile as I place my napkin in my lap and wait patiently to be served. The Omegas bring in the oversized dishes and set them in the middle of the table. After serving the Alpha and the Luna, the Omegas hurriedly fill the plates of the triplets. I sigh when I realize that my plate has been left empty as the Omegas rush out of the dining room.
"The Omegas only serve the ranked members of packs," Luna Alice says as she nods to the trays of food in the middle of the table. "I do hope you understand."
A lump forms in the back of my throat. I am no longer a ranked member of any pack now that my parents are rogues. My status within this pack will be questioned at every turn.
"Of course," I say as I place a small piece of meat on my plate and grab a small bowl of salad.
"Oh, Erica," Bryce says slyly. "Would you mind filling my plate again?"
"Me too," Chris says with a smirk on his face.
"Of course," I say again through gritted teeth. Reaching forward, I place more meat and salad on the triplets plates and sit back down and begin to eat my food.
Suddenly the door to the dining room swings open and a girl with bouncing, curly blonde hair bounds into the room. "Sorry I am late," she says in a sing-song voice.
Luna Alice lets out a frustrated sigh as she looks at the girl. "Ashley," the Luna begins with a stern look on her face. "You know it is always important to show up when dinner begins."
"Yes, yes, Aunt Alice," the girl named Ashley says with a wave of her hand. She flops down in the seat across from me and suddenly her eyes fly up and meet my own. "Oh my Goddess!" She screeches. "Is this her? The rogue?"
Rogue? I think to myself, is that how the people of this pack see me?
"Ashley," Alpha Devin hisses at her.
"What?" Ashley says with a weird look on her face. "Am I not supposed to bring up the fact that she is a rogue?"
I place my fork gently on my plate and look down at my hands. Tears are threatening to stream down my cheeks as I keep my eyes focused on my hands. Once I feel like I am composed enough, I decide to take my leave of the dinner table. "Take you for dinner," I manage to choke out. "But I think I will head back to my room now."
Alpha Devin and Luna Alice share a look and I know they are speaking to one another through the mind link that all werewolves of the same pack share. By the look on Alpha Devin's face he is not pleased with the conversation that is taking place.
"If you will wait," Luna Alice says with a wicked look on her face. "We need to discuss your payment arrangements for staying with us."
"Payment arrangements?" I cock my head to the side in confusion. I don't recall my parents mentioning anything about a payment arrangement.
"Of course your parents explained the situation," Luna Alice says in a sickeningly sweet voice.
I hold my shoulders back and try not to look upset. "No, they did not."
"We cannot seem like we are taking in rogues off the street," Luna Alice's face looks like she just touched something sticky. "So, it will need to appear that you are working here to pay for your... arrangements."
"I see," I try to sound strong. "And exactly what will I be doing to work off my debt?"
"Just some odds and ends here around the pack house," Luna Alice says with a wave of her hand. "You can report to the head Omega first thing in the morning."
I nod my head and leave the dining room with my head held high. So that will be my place in the North Pack; an Omega. No wonder Bryce looked like it was Christmas.