Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter TWO

I give Magan a reassuring look. I wasn't sure any of us would be ok if either of us left. What if I got somewhere worse than this. I was already used to the eight years of abuse this pack had to offer.

My heart thumped loudly in my chest and for a second I felt fear, fear of being treated worse. How long could I endure before I gave up.

I felt Megan take my hand in hers, squeezing it reassuringly and I did the same. In our own weird way, we loved each other and I didn't want any harm to come to her. I drew my hand away from hers, the fear of attachment filled me up and I didn't want to explain to her that I was scared of leaving her, or her me.

I saw Logan walk into the room, and stood in front of us. He snapped his fingers and huge lights filled the room. Standing before us were Alphas of different packs, or important rich men. I noticed a few of them glancing my way and I shuddered in disgust at being displayed like a piece of clothing in the store.

"Let the auction begin!" Logan's voice boomed and there was cheering from the men. A few of the girls had already started to cry and I frowned, keeping an emotionless face. The last thing I wanted to do was give them an impression that I was weak and scared.

If there was anything I had learnt from my father it was the saying that 'Never let your enemies perceive your fear, that is the greatest rule of all." I sighed.

Of course, he would say that since he was a warrior. My father had sacrificed everything for the pack only for them to turn their backs on us after he died.

The feeling of a hand on my shoulder snapped me back to reality and I looked up to see one of Logan's bodyguards urge me forward. I cleared my throat awkwardly and stepped forward, ignoring the stare I got from everyone.

I knew no one was going to pick me. I had boring features, from brown wavy hair that fell past my shoulders to brown colored eyes, tan skin I got from staying under the sun too long, to my skinny frame. I was not someone to be looked upon twice and today I was grateful for that.

I noticed a few of the men shaking their heads disapprovingly at me. Many of them wanted someone they could hit or use as sex slaves to satisfy their lustful desires. Or someone who did a lot of manual labor, but I often got underestimated because of my skinny frame.

"Going?!" Logan yelled, pointing at me and looking through the crowd.

I knew I wasn't going to be selected. To them I wasn't beautiful enough to be a sex toy or strong enough to be a manual worker.

"You can step back now." Logan said to me and called upon the next girl. A satisfied smile filled my face and I was glad to still be part of the pack.

The auction continued and this time luck wasn't really on my side as Megan got selected by a man. Of course, she was everything I wasn't. Bright blue eyes, blonde hair, perfect curves and a dashing smile.

After it was over I headed to Megan's bunk, she laid on her bed with her back facing the rest of the room as she rubbed her eyes.

She was obviously crying at being sold off and part of me cursed Logan for allowing this to happen. I thought for sure he was going to leave Megan for himself but I guess he couldn't do anything about this.

"Megan." I whispered, touching her shoulders so she turned to me. Her eyes filled with tears that ran down her cheeks. She looked at me for a moment before engulfing me in a tight hug. A pang of pain hit me at the thought of her leaving me all alone here.

"I'm going to miss you so much Raina, you've never really liked me but I love you." She cried, clinging unto me desperately and my eyes watered a bit before I blinked the tears back.

"I don't hate you, Megan. This.." I pulled her away gently before pointing at the both of us. "This happening right now is the reason I never make friends. I get attached and then heartbroken when we have to separate. I love you Megan and I hope your new pack treats you well."

I placed a kiss on her cheeks and she smiled at me.

"So you loved me all along. Wow." Megan exclaimed and I laughed for the first time in years.

"Yes I do, now we need to get you ready." I pulled her away from her bed and dragged out the only suitcase she owned and started folding what little clothes she had into it.

Megan remained on the bed, watching me while swinging her feet excitedly.

"I guess we should at least know a few things about each other before I go." She said suddenly.

"Hmm." I answered absentmindedly, snatching Megan's shampoo and conditioner.

"I'm Megan Fox, nineteen years old." She started and I sighed, looking up at her. I noticed those blue eyes of hers shone with excitement, waiting for me to speak.

"Raina Belmont, twenty-two." I told her.

"So that makes you my minimum, right?" I laugh.

"If it makes you feel good." I shrugged, looking around her side in case she was forgetting anything before finding none. It wasn't like we slaves owned much. I closed her suitcase, and sat beside her, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I hope you are safe little one." I said, before leaving her side. The last thing I wanted to see was Megan leaving before my very eyes. Besides I needed to rest, there would be an abundance of work for those who weren't selected.

Just as my head hit my pillow and I closed my eyes I heard my name being called from outside the room and I knew who it was. Taryn!

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