Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter FIVE


"You missed a spot!" Taryn yelled at me as I mopped the floor. I sigh tiredly, going back to wipe down the spot I missed. She smiled victoriously and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

I finished cleaning and bowed respectfully at her as I started to leave the hallway when a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Rain." Wren called out and I sighed, turning to him.

"How are you?" He asked and I frowned.

"I don't know. I don't think I can go through another heat alone again." I told him. Over the past three months, I couldn't say Wren and I were friends again but at least now we tolerated each other.

I noticed his eyes soften as he reached for me.

"Don't look at me like that." I complained.

"How?" He asks innocently and I sighed, dropping down on one of the stools in the hallway, looking outside the pack wishing I was out there, running in my wolf and feeling the cold wind in my face.

"Like you pity me. Don't pity me, this is my fault." I told him.

The heat period was an experience every female werewolf who had been marked but not mated to undergo. During this time, she emits a beautiful alluring scent to attract unmated wolves like her. And until she mates with someone or the heat is over, she'll be in serious pain. The pain increases every passing month and I dreaded it every time.

"I don't pity you. I am angry at that asshole." Wren said, coming to stand at the railings, his eyes squinted in anger.

"He's your brother's friend." I reminded him.

"I don't care."

"If I didn't run that night he would never have done this so it is my fault and you can't blame him." I said, rising up to stand beside him. I saw a woman carrying her child, letting him stop crying.

"Besides, he told your brother he didn't do it."

"Argh. Why are you so calm after all the pain you've been through because of him?! Why does Logan even believe him when he's obviously lying?" Wren asked, slamming his fist against the railing.

"I doubt he does. They are friends and a slave is not worth the fight. They'll never believe my words over his." I laughed tiredly. It was a fight I would never win. And I wasn't stupid to think Lucian would confess the truth.

"I still won't let this go. I promise." Wren said, reaching for me and pulling me into a hug. I sighed gratefully, loving the feel of his arms around me. I wanted to stay like that forever but I pulled away.

"I need to get ready for tonight. We don't want your sister getting angry now, do we?" I smiled playfully and Wren rolled his eyes.

"I hope you don't get taken by any wolf." He said and I shrugged.

"I doubt that this time. I am getting older and becoming a liability to take care of."

"Doesn't stop me from hoping."

"I gained weight already. I'm sure some Alphas will love to have a virgin as his new sex toy." I joked and Wren frowned, grabbing my shoulders and forcing me to look at him.

"Don't talk like that." He scolded, pain filled his eyes and I looked away from him.

"It's the truth. Bye Wren. I can't believe I've known you since I was still a teenager." I said, pecking him on the cheeks before grabbing my mop and bucket.

"I'll make sure to call if you eventually get chosen." He called out and I turned to him happily.



He smiles, winking at me before leaving. I watched him leave, a satisfied smile played on my lips as I headed back to the kitchen where I belonged.

In a few hours, I finished my work and went to the room, I took out a paper and pen and decided to write to Megan. We've kept in touch over the past months and I got to know she was with Alpha Lucas and while he wasn't stern he used her body as he pleased.

But Megan had always been a strong person and when I suggested she run away, she dismissed the idea saying that her life would turn out for the worse and she was already adjusting to the life she had been given.

I wrote about Wren and told her my fears concerning the heat period. I told her about the plant I found in the backyard and I started taking care of it. When I finished I sealed the letter and went to the pack office to get it sent.

"This time around there is no auction. Some of you have been specially requested for so I will just call you out and the rest of you get to go back to work." Logan announces that evening.

A lot of the girls murmured among each other and I frowned as he started to call out names. I wasn't expecting my name to be called because I haven't heard of anyone who must have taken interest in me.

"And lastly Raina Belmont to Alpha Lucian Randolfr" He announced and I gasped in shock at the sound of my name.

Unbelievable! Alpha Lucian would never request for me! I thought, but the smile Logan sent to me said otherwise.

My heart thumped loudly in my chest as the memories of that night I had tried so hard to forget resurfaced in my mind. A small part of me was happy that I was chosen, someone wanted me but another part of me was crushed that it was Alpha Lucian. After the horror he did to me!

I went to the room along with other girls who had been chosen to pack their belongings when Logan walked past me.

"You shouldn't have lied against him Raina. I don't think Lucian appreciated that." He snarled and walked away, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and went to pack the few belongings I owned. When I finished I sat down to write a letter to Wren. I didn't want to see him as I left.

I left the letter on my desk and left the room heading to the front of the pack house where we waited to be transported by those who had chosen us.

A few girls cried and I felt sorry for them, especially those that were picked by cruel men. But there was nothing either of us could do. We were chosen already and there was no turning back.

I scanned the area for Lucian, I scented him before I saw him and approached him.

"I'm ready." I said and Lucian frowned at my hostility.

"Rain, I'm so-"

"It's Raina, Alpha." I correct him, bowing mockingly. I pretended not to notice how handsome he looked over the past three month. His blonde hair was neatly styled behind his head and his green eyes sparked with interest at the sight of me.

"You can't pretend not to know who I am now, can you Raina?" He asks. I scoffed angrily.

"Wow, so you do know me. If I'm right I am just another slave girl trying to get to the top by lying." I told him exactly what Logan had told me the night he came back and expressed his anger towards me for lying against his friend.

"I didn't mean that." Lucian said, and I laughed bitterly.

"Do you really want to be seen talking to a slave like me in public?" I ask, rhetorically because we both knew the answer to that. I saw Lucian tick his jaw angrily but said nothing else.

"I thought as much. Where is your car?" Lucian led me to his car as he pulled off the driveway. I noticed Wren running towards us, my letter in his hand. My heart clenched at the hurt that filled his face. He knew already that I had lied to him about that night.

But there was nothing anyone could do now. My fate had been chosen already for me. And I accepted.

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